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Once I got back home, I fell on the couch, ultimately exhausted from the amount of social interaction. 

My mind still couldn't wrap around the fact that Keiji was now my boyfriend, as of yesterday. Everything fit together so quickly and perfectly. This was true love.

I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and opened messages.

From iakash4s:
I did it :)

From y/n:

From iakash4s:
I asked her out

I looked up from my phone and smiled. Yeah, he did. And he wouldn't regret it. 

From y/n:
What did she say?

From iakash4s:
She said yes :)

From y/n:
I told you so ;)

From iakash4s:
Yea, thank you 

From y/n:
Ah no problem, I'm happy for you

From iakash4s:
Do you like anyone?

From y/n:
Yeah, I do actually.

From iakash4s:
You should ask them out 😏

From y/n:
Oh, I will if you would like :)

 From iakash4s:
Yeah, I'm sure they like you too

From y/n:
I hope they do...

From iakash4s:
They do :)

"Y/n! Come eat!" I heard Akira call from the kitchen.

"One second!" I shouted back and put my phone away.

I stood up slowly and walked over to the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and filled it with pasta from the stove. 

As I sat down next to Akira, my mother appeared at the opposite entrance of the room. 

"Did your friends leave?" she asked as she sat down across from us, holding a cup of coffee in her right hand. 

I nodded and scooped a spoonful of macaroni into my mouth. She smiled a small, clearly fake smile, which stuck in my mind. It was quickly wiped off of her face, at the same speed that it appeared.

The three of us sat in silence, which was strangely peaceful. Glares were passed around the table, but no one said a word. 

Akira finished her bowl first and stood up to go wash her plate. I finished quickly afterward and stood up once she left the room.

I felt an arm wrap around my wrist, holding me towards the table. I turned to my mother in astonishment, who had a calm expression on her face.

"Stay," she said as she sipped her coffee. My heart started beating faster and faster as I slowly sat back down in my seat.

She closed her eyes and sighed, releasing her grip from my wrist. 

"Your Keiji friend..." she continued.

"You're more than just friends, yes?" she spoke confidently, making my eyes widen.

"S-Sorry," I looked down at my lap.

"No, it's fine, he's a good kid," she smiled another one of those fake smiles. 

My face turned a light pink as my mother stared into my eyes. I was glad that she approved of Keiji, but why was she so passive-aggressive about his existence?

The two of us sat in silence for a while, and I couldn't really go anywhere else, because I was scared my mother would stop me again. 

"You can leave now, I just wanted to ask you that," she said, just as those thoughts filled my head. 

I stood up slowly and walked towards the sink. She always made situations strangely awkward, as if I couldn't tell her anything even though she would accept anything. I never really understood my mother, but I knew she cared about me and Akira, so I didn't mind.

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now