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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping the crap out of this world.

I stood up, remembering that Akashi stayed the night. I didn't quite remember what happened last night, but I was somehow in my room and god knows where he was.

I got changed into my school uniform and walked downstairs. Akaashi was peacefully sleeping on the couch, his mouth making a little "o."

I smiled at the sight of sleeping Keiji but remembered that I needed to wake him up anyway.

"Keiji, wake up we have school," I whispered while slightly shaking him. He wouldn't budge.

I smirked. That meant it was time for stage two. I waltzed over to the bathroom with a bowl from the kitchen.

Turning on the faucet, I started filling the bowl with water. Once I finished, I walked back over to the living room and stood next to the sleeping boy.

"One, two, three!"

I splashed the water all over his pretty face, waking him up in a second.

"Y/n!" he yelled while standing up. I didn't even know he could shout, so this was a win-win situation for me.

"Ehehehe good morning," I mumbled as I slowly backed out of the room.

"Oh no you don't," he ran after me to the kitchen and back into the living room. Eventually, he caught up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

I was dying of laughter, and to make it worse, he started tickling me!

"That's what you get!" he giggled as I continued to laugh hysterically.

"Keiji!" I shouted as I tried to squirm out of his grip. He smirked, both of us knowing that I couldn't escape.

I eventually gave up and just slumped into his arms.

"Why'd you wake me up so early anyway?" he asked turning me around in his arms.

"We have school," I looked into his dark teal eyes, the closest I've ever been to them.

"Y/n," he giggled while leaning down. He planted his lips on my forehead, obviously noticing our height difference.

"It's a Saturday," he continued laughing as he squeezed me tighter. I stood in his arms in the middle of the living room, mesmerized by his eyes.

"Wait really?" I joined in on his laugh-session.

He nodded calmly and loosened his grip around my waist slightly.

"OH MY GOD YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!" I heard Akira shout from the staircase.

"Oh no you don't," I mumbled as I started sprinting towards her. Keiji broke out into laughter once more as I chased Akira around the house.

A few minutes had past, and I found myself sitting at the kitchen table with Keiji and Akira. We were all eating cereal, like usual.

"Sooo, you guys are dating, huh?" Akira cooed.

"Akira shut up or I'll smack you," I threatened as I leaned my hand across the table.

"Okay, okay," she laughed, leaning away from my hand.

Just then, I heard footsteps from the staircase, followed by my mother's figure appearing in the kitchen.

"Aw, y/n, you should have friends over more often!" she smiled.

"Oh, let me introduce you!" I stood up and looked over to Keiji.

"That's ok, we already met," she smiled, leaving me in an extremely confused state. Where was I then?

"I'm surprised y/n doesn't talk about you, Akaashi, you seem to be very good friends," my mother walked over to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.

My face flushed red. At least I didn't have to worry about my mother approving of him.

Overall, I was really excited about today. Things had past by so quickly, and now Keiji was sitting at my kitchen table on a Fri- Saturday morning.

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now