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The next morning, I woke up to Keiji's phone alarm. I looked over to my left to see him peacefully sleeping, with his arms still wrapped around my waist.

I noticed that I was still wearing his hoodie from last night.

"Keiji," I whispered, trying to escape from his strong grip. 

"Keijiiii," I spoke up a bit louder, patting him on the head slightly. He groaned and opened his eyes slowly. 

"Five more minutes," he said in a raspy deep voice. 

"Fine," I chuckled, resting my head on his shoulder. I could feel him smile from behind me. 

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I heard him mutter under his breath as he tightened his grip around me. 

My heart stopped. What did he ever do to deserve me? What did I ever do to deserve him!? 

Five minutes later, Keiji's alarm rang again, and this time, we actually had to get up. It was graduation day, and I wasn't really planning on being late. 

"Keiji, it's been five minutes," I said as I struggled to free myself from his hands. He let go of me and stood up, scratching the back of his head. 

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked him, watching him slowly walk over to the kitchen. 

"I can make breakfast, you can go get changed," he yawned as he opened the fridge. 

"No, it's okay, I'll help you," I waltzed over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind. He let out a small giggle before grabbing the egg carton. 

I think we both knew that this would be our last time hanging out, but neither of us were brave enough to admit it. 

I really didn't want him to leave, but there was nothing that could stop him now.

"Keiji, that's not how you crack an egg," I giggled, pushing him to the side.

"Oh, are you a professional egg cracker or something?" he laughed.

"Yes, actually, now let the professional show you how it's done."

I grabbed an egg in my left hand and cracked it against the edge of the frying pan. As I cracked open the egg, I watched as it fell perfectly into the pan, with a single piece of eggshell following.

"AHAHAHAH!" Keiji burst out into laughter.

"Oh, shut up! I wasn't focused," I elbowed him in the stomach, but he wouldn't stop laughing. 

"Professional, huh?" he continued laughing, and I quickly joined him. 

We stood next to the kitchen counter, dying of laughter before we both realized that the eggs were probably burnt by now. 

After I placed the eggs on two plates, we both sat down at the kitchen table across from each other. 

I couldn't help but think that this would be our last sleepover of high school, our last breakfast, our last late-night walk, and soon to be our last day of school together. 

Keiji picked up a bite of eggs onto his fork and slid it into his mouth. He looked absolutely breath-taking like always, even though he woke up about twenty minutes ago. I giggled slightly before taking a bite out of my breakfast.

"What's so funny?" he chuckled lightly.

"Oh, nothing. You just look adorable," I giggled once more, making his cheeks turn light pink. 

We sat and ate our eggs, cracking jokes every once in a while. (hah get it, cracking? ok I'll stop) 

I soon looked over to the oven to check the time, realizing that we only had thirty minutes left to walk to school. I sighed and stood up to go wash my plate, and Keiji did the same. 

Every second felt like regret. I knew that every step I took could be better, and I knew I would look back at this day. There was an end to everything, and I still couldn't understand why this one hurt so much more than the rest.

I walked upstairs quickly and pulled my favorite dress out of my closet. I was never a person to dress up, but for graduation, I had to do something. 

God, I didn't want to do this.

I pulled the dress over my head and sighed as I walked over to the bathroom. I stared directly into my reflection in the mirror. 

All I saw was some girl who was too attached to her memories. I wasn't exceptionally pretty, especially in such a revealing red dress. 

I grabbed my hairbrush and slowly started to brush through strands of h/c hair. 

"It's alright, everything's gonna be fine," I mumbled as I paced around the bathroom. I was right, everything was going to be okay. Keiji would text me every day, as promised, and I might even make new friends in college.

My hand reached for the bathroom doorknob, pulling it open slowly. I took a deep breath before walking back downstairs. There, I saw Keiji standing in the kitchen in his dress shirt and pants. He looked even more handsome than ever, which was an insanely high bar.

He turned around and his mouth suddenly dropped. 

"Y/n," he placed his hands on my hips and looked me up and down slowly. My face turned a bright red, and I could feel it. 

"You're beautiful," he smiled. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now