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Just like usual, the day went by extremely slowly. I lazily waltzed through classes, painfully waiting for the day to be over. 

I was extremely excited about this afternoon, but that didn't make me any happier throughout the day.

I found myself sitting in class, zoning out of the math teacher's monotone words. All I could think about was Bokuto and Akaashi coming to my house this afternoon. I think this might be the beginning of a long and happy friendship. They were my only hope anyway.

I jumped out of my seat as the bell rang. It felt cliche, but I was truly startled by the sound of it. I sprinted out the door and into the hallway, impatiently waiting to study with my friends.

Grabbing my backpack from my locker, I raced out to the front of the building, stepping into the cold air. A single shiver trickled down my spine as I reached to grab my hat and scarf. 

I sat down peacefully on the bench outside of our high school, waiting for the two boys. 

A few minutes had passed by, and I just assumed that they were on their way. 

From iakash4s:
Hey, I need help.

From y/n:
What's wrong and why me?

From iakash4s:
You're the only girl I somewhat trust

From y/n:
Wowww, lonely much?

From iakash4s:
Oh shut up

From y/n:
*input smirking emoji here*

From iakash4s:
So can you help me or should I ask Bokuto?

From y/n:
Oh god no, I'll help

From iakash4s:
I think I like someone

From y/n:
You think?

From iakash4s:
Yea, I'm not sure

From y/n:
What do you mean wtf

From iakash4s:
Idk I've never felt this way before, it's new to me okay?

From y/n:
Pff virgin

From iakash4s:

From y/n:
ik ik just kidding

From iakash4s:

From y/n:
Wait so what do you need help with

From iakash4s:
You're making this far more awkward than in needs to be

From y/n:
Hehe sorry bout that

From iakash4s:
Should I tell her? 

From y/n:
Ya if you want

From iakash4s:

From y/n:
If you like her, then tell her, that's all there is

From iakash4s:
But like, how?

From y/n:
Idk just tell her?

From iakash4s:
You are absolutely no help

From y/n:
Well, I'm better than Bokuto...

From iakash4s:
Mmm at this point I'm not sure

From y/n:

From iakash4s:
Help meeee

From y/n:
You're more desperate than usual

From iakash4s:
Please shut up

From y/n:
Ok fine, when's the next time you see this person?

From iakash4s:
I'm going to her house tonight

From y/n:

From iakash4s:

From y/n:

From iakash4s:
Alright, I gtg now. I don't think I'll be able to do this, sorry...

From y/n:

From iakash4s:
No thank you :)

I looked up from my phone and looked around, to see Akaashi and Bokuto sitting right next to me.

"AH! When did you guys get here?!" I screamed. They both started laughing, Bokuto a little more than Akaashi. 

My mind froze, Akaashi looked even prettier than usual. His nose was pink in the cold wind, and his dark hair perfectly framed his face. 

"D-do you guys want to go now?" I stuttered, forcing myself out of admiring the pretty boy. 

"Yeah! I need serious help with math," Bokuto whined as the three of us stood up.

"Is Akira coming along?" Akaashi said quietly. 

"No, she has some afterschool activity today, I'll come to walk her home later if nothing else," I smiled at him. 

We walked down the sidewalks and roads in a line. I felt safe with the two boys. They were really good friends, and I was forever thankful that I got to know them. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now