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The next morning, I jumped out of bed and got changed a lot quicker than usual. I was excited once again, so some motivation for the next hour wasn't a problem. 

After putting on my uniform and brushing my teeth, I walked downstairs to find Akira sitting at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, Akira," I yawned as I walked over to the counter. I started making breakfast and then sat down next to her. 

"Is Bokuto walking with us today?" She asked, her eyes widening. I smiled and shrugged as I slid a fork full of eggs into my mouth. 

"What about Akaashi?" she continued while a smirk grew upon her face. I rolled my eyes and shrugged once again, making her frown. 

Once we finished breakfast, we washed our plates and walked towards the front door. I put on my shoes, then my coat, then my hat, then my scarf. I was sick of this repetition in my life, but I knew that repetition made special moments even more special. 

I walked outside dragging Akira behind me. I noticed Bokuto and Akaashi walking about a block back as well. Akira jumped up and waved to them as made our way to the sidewalk. 

Bokuto waved back and started running toward us. Akaashi slowly walked behind him, as calmly mesmerizing as usual.

"Hey, y/n! Akira!" Bokuto shouted, Akira running up to him in return. As everyone said hello, extremely exaggerated as usual, Akaashi met up with the rest of the group.

"Akaashi's gonna walk with us now every day!" Bokuto smiled. 

"Huh? Akaashi, did you move into this neighborhood?" I looked over to him.

"No, I've lived here for years, I just walked a different path," he closed his eyes. My eyes stuck on his long eyelashes. He was absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn't think any different. 

Now that I thought about it, I never knew where Akaashi lived. We've only been friends for about a year, but I've never really become close friends with him other than through Bokuto. I wanted to get to know him better, but I had no idea how to do that.

"Ah, that's neat," I said, trying to show that I didn't mind him walking with us. In reality, I was screaming inside. I couldn't believe it! This was my chance to get to know him! 

"Hey, Akaashi!" Bokuto shouted, a bit louder than necessary. 

"Yes, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi sighed, his darkened eyes looking up into Bokuto's. 

"Oh, nothing! You just looked sad," Bokuto laughed. He was right, though. Akaashi did look a bit sad, and he was quieter than usual, if that was even possible. 

"No, Bokuto-san, I'm fine," he smiled as he looked down toward the ground. Something was definitely off, but Bokuto and Akira ignored it, so I chose to ignore it for now as well. 

We reached Akira's school, and she ran off to class. The three of us walked towards the high school, and Bokuto suddenly spoke up, catching my attention.

"Y/n, can you help me study after school?" he asked. I looked up at him in shock.

"Why? Because you can't study yourself?" I laughed, making him frown. 

"No, it's just more fun with friends, and Akaashi already said no."

"I didn't say no, Bokuto-san. You asked me if you could steal my cat," Akaashi said.

I broke out into laughter, starting an argument between the two boys. 

"You did say no, Akaashi!" 

"To the cat!"

"Akaashiiiii," Bokuto whined. I was dying of laughter at that point and I noticed that we had already reached the high school.

Bokuto frowned at us and depressively walked over to the third-year classes. I wiped a tear out of my eye as I stopped laughing. 

"That wasn't funny," Akaashi chuckled. 

"Yes it was," I continued laughing. 

"You're adorable when you laugh, do you know that?" Akaashi mumbled. 

"Hmm?" I slowly stopped laughing, hearing him mutter something under his breath.

"Mm, nothing," he smiled as we continued walking.

"Okay then," I slowly spoke. He was acting very suspicious. 

"Oh, one more thing. Would you like to come study with Bokuto and I this afternoon? I don't think I can survive alone," I giggled. 

"O-Of course, if that's alright with you, that is," he stuttered. 

"Yeah of course it is! Meet me and Bokuto by the front doors after school!" I smiled at him and waved goodbye.

This was extremely exciting! I had barely ever hung out with Bokuto alone, let alone Akaashi! Akira would be very happy to hear the news as well, but she was my last concern at the time.

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