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My mind was racing hundreds of miles per hour. How did he know my name? Who was he? Was I really this stupid?

From y/n:
Huh? Who are you?

From iakash4s:
I'm sorry, this is really awkward

From y/n:
You're being creepy! Who is this?

From iakash4s:
I'm sorry y/n, this failed miserably

From y/n:
How do you know my name?!

"Akaashi, my number neighbor knows my name!" I shouted, in a full state of panic. 

"Did you tell him?" He asked calmly.

"No! Of course not!" 

"Well, maybe he's trying to tell you something."

What? I was confused. Both Akaashi and my number neighbor were being awfully sketchy. 

From y/n:
Answer me plsss

From iakash4s:
I like you, y/n, I always have

From y/n:
Who are you!?

From iakash4s:
Look forward

I did what he said out of instinct, shivers trailing down my spine. 

My eyes sunk deep into the dark one's in front of me, my heart racing miles an hour. 

"Hi, y/n," Akaashi's quiet voice said as his cheeks turned pink. 

My jaw dropped slightly as I tried to let words out of my mouth. What? This was a dream. There was no way.

"Y-You knew the whole time?" I stuttered. Akaashi nodded as his eyes darkened. I smiled, my shoulders dropping. It was calming to know that. I don't know why I never realized it, and thinking back now, he made it quite obvious that he knew. 

I leaned forward, meeting his gaze once more. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him toward myself. I had been longing to do this for so long, and now, it was even better than I imagined.

I felt him tense up when I touched him, but as soon as I hugged him, he relaxed into my arms. 

"Guys, get a room!" Bokuto shouted as he walked back into the living room. My face turned bright red and so did Akaashi's. 

"You never told me that you were dating," Bokuto frowned as he sat down. He was pretty calm about it, more than usual. 

"I-" I looked over to Akaashi, whose cheeks were burning just as much as mine. 

"I mean, would you like to-" Akaashi hesitated.

"Of course," I giggled as we both looked at Bokuto.

"AHHHHH!" Bokuto shouted.

"YES! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" He stood up and started running laps around my kitchen. I planted my face into my hand. 

Once we got Bokuto to calm down, the three of us sat down at the kitchen table and continued studying. At this point, I wasn't focused at all. Everything had gone by so fast, but I was extremely excited about the outcome.

Akaashi liked me! Either this was a dream, or I somehow became Akaashi's girlfriend in about 2 hours. 

It was still quite awkward though, mostly because of Bokuto. I didn't want to rush things, but I knew minimal information about Akaashi, and I somehow fell for him as soon as I saw him.

While he helped Bokuto with math, I couldn't help but continue to admire him. And now, he was technically mine, even though he really didn't feel like it. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now