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As we slowly finished up studying for exams, I heard Akaashi's phone vibrate again, and this time, it wasn't his number neighbor.

"Agaashi, what was that?" Bokuto asked. 

"Oh, it's probably just my mom," the boy replied.

"You should probably check that, Akaashi-san, it might be important," I joined into their conversation, raising my gaze from my phone.

"Keiji," he smiled as he pulled out his phone. My face turned bright red. Was I allowed to call him by his first name? I mean, we were d-dating after all.

"K-Keiji..." I muttered under my breath. I noticed his cheeks turn pink and I quickly smiled. 

"Ah, my mom won't make it home tonight and I left the keys at home as well. Dammit," Akaashi quietly groaned. 

"I would invite you over but my aunt is coming over tonight," Bokuto laughed innocently.

"Oh, that might be a problem, yeah. I'll find somewhere, don't worry guys," Akaashi calmly said.

"Wait, Aka-Keiji... you can stay here," I blurted out.

He hesitated. "Y-Your mother won't mind?"

"No, I don't think so, and I can ask her if it bothers you," I calmed down a bit. 

"It's fine, as long as you're sure she's okay with it." 

"Mm, I'm gonna leave you two in peace now, use protection!" Bokuto smiled as he stood up and ran out of the house, leaving both of us flustered.

"BOKUTO GET BACK HERE!" I ran after him. 

He left the house quick enough for my short legs. I sighed deeply and walked back towards the living room. I flopped onto the couch next to Akaashi, slightly out of breath. 

Keiji let out a little laugh, and I frowned at him sarcastically. 

Just then, the front door opened, and I automatically knew it was Akira. 

"Y/n! I'm home!" she shouted. Akira appeared in the living room and froze at the sight of Keiji.

"Akaashi-san!" She shouted and ran up to him. She wrapped her short arms around his leg and clung to him like a  chimpanzee. 

He looked up in shock but then smiled at her, patting the top of her head. He was so soft towards her, and I never questioned why she adored him so much. She even seemed to like him more than Bokuto, which is a high bar. 

"Is he staying the night?" Akira looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yea, we'll try not to bother you too mu-"

"YAAAAYYYY, AKAAASHIIIII!" She screeched, running laps around the house. She reminded me too much of Bokuto-san. 

Akira grabbed Keiji by the arm and lifted him to his feet. I broke out into laughter as she danced with him across the room. 

"A-Akira, Keiji's tired, go do your homework," I said, wiping a tear from my face. 

"Thank you, y/n," Keiji sat back down on the couch as Akira walked to the kitchen. She turned back and stuck her tongue out before running upstairs. 

"I saw that, Akira!" I shouted across the house, hearing the pace of her footsteps fasten.

"Hmm, it's getting late, would you like to take a shower?" I asked. 

"Sure, thank you," he said as he stood up. I grabbed him a towel and a bar of soap, kinda confused about what men used as a conditioner. 

He joked about it afterward, making me feel like an idiot. It wasn't my fault that I lived with two girls and two girls only. Nobody ever taught us things like this!

As he stepped into the bathroom, I fell onto the couch and grabbed my phone, for some reason expecting a text message from my number neighbor. 

I was excited about this whole thing, and that was the only word to describe it. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now