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*Akaashi's pov*

I reached for my phone and checked the time. It was only 9 pm, and the movie was about halfway over. 

I looked down to find y/n asleep in my arms. Her mouth was slightly open and a tiny bubble appeared on her nose. She was absolutely adorable. I couldn't believe it, I was her boyfriend!

Ever since our first year, I had admired everything about her. She was so kind to everyone and hilarious at the same time. I don't really know what about her appealed so much to me, but she was perfect all around. 

I never really expected her to accept my feelings. I would think every night about how she probably just saw me as another friend. She seemed to like Bokuto better, anyway.

I still questioned why she said yes. This relationship seemed one-sided to me, and it probably was. However, as long as she was asleep in my arms, I had no worries in my life. 

I slid my fingers through her soft hair, massaging the top of her head. She moved slightly and tightened her grip around my body. She was beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. 

Once the movie finished, I reached for the remote on the other side of the couch. I really didn't want to wake y/n up, she needed rest. 

I wrapped my arm under her knees and slowly creeped out from under her. I lifted her and carried her bridal style to her bedroom. Her head was peacefully rested against my shoulder, her beautiful facial features calmer than ever. 

Opening the bedroom door, I walked into her room and laid her peacefully in the center of her bed. I lifted a blanket and covered her body with it. She was so calm and content when she slept. 

After admiring her some more, I walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch. Just then, I heard the front door open, and I quickly started to panic.

I jumped upwards and peeked into the kitchen to see who it was. 

"Is someone awake?" a female voice asked. 

I walked over to the kitchen and slowly walked into the woman's sight. She had long h/c hair, almost exactly like y/n's. I automatically assumed it was her mother since y/n always said she came home late. 

"Good evening, Mrs. l/n," I calmly said, making her jump a bit. 

"Wh-who must you be?" she asked, turning around with a state of panic brushed across her face. 

"I-I'm Akaashi Keiji, y/n's classmate. My mother couldn't make it home tonight and I left a key at home, I'm so sorry for the last-minute notice but I hope it's alright with you, Mrs. l/n," I said. I was scared of her for some reason, I guess I just wanted to make a good impression, but she gave me a really strange feeling. 

"Of course, it's fine, just watch over her, alright? I'm glad she made some friends," she sighed. I could automatically tell that she had a bad day and didn't want to bother her more. 

"Keiji, right?" she asked while walking to the kitchen. I nodded as I walked back to the living room. She seemed like a very nice woman, and she reminded me of y/n a lot. 

Something about her was still off though, and I couldn't figure out what. It was most likely just my overexaggerated admiration of y/n. I wanted to keep her safe, and something about her mother definitely wasn't right. 

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