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The next morning, I woke up disappointed. Monday's were the worst and nobody could tell me otherwise. 

School was just a load of stress that nobody asked for, nothing more. 

I got out of bed exactly 5 minutes after my alarm went off and went straight to my closet. I picked out a pair of sweatpants and a comfortable t-shirt. I didn't really care how other people saw me, and on Mondays, comfort was definitely a priority. 

After getting changed, I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I had no motivation to do anything today, but society was constantly yelling at me that education was a priority. I never understood why I couldn't just become a stripper, but here we are. 

I slowly walked downstairs, noticing my mother sitting at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, mom," I yawned before getting myself a plate from the cabinet. I opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of eggs. I placed it on the table and grabbed one egg. I cracked it into an oiled frying pan while watching my sister slowly make her way down the stairs. 

Akira was an adorable child that I kinda hated at the same time. Everybody constantly adored her cuteness and happiness without even noticing the devil side of her.

Overall, she was a pretty good sister. We got along well since it was always my priority to watch over her when my mother left. It was just us three girls in the house, my father left years ago. Nobody was ever told his reasoning, so I kinda just ignored his existence.

She skipped into the kitchen, happier than usual. 

"Good morning, y/n! Good morning, mama!" She beamed, a smile glowing from cheek to cheek. I rolled my eyes at her exaggerated amount of happiness. 

"Good morning. Y/n, would you take Akira to school, please? I have to head to work now," my mother said. She was a busy woman, working a full-time job while trying to raise two girls. I felt bad for her, but I was happy she didn't take her stress out on us. 

I nodded in return, adding another two eggs for Akira. She sat down happily at the kitchen, swinging her legs beneath the chair. My mother put on her boots and walked out of the house, leaving me with my sister once again. 

I finished cooking the eggs and placed two on each plate. I grabbed two forks and two cups of water and placed them on the table. 

"Thank you, y/n," Akira smiled. 

"No problem, Akira," I replied as I started eating my eggs. She made little 'nom' sounds as she ate, which made a smile grow on my face. She was truly adorable, but a bit annoying at times. 

As we finished our breakfast, I washed my plate, and Akira did the same. We both grabbed our backpacks and laced up our shoes, getting ready to leave.

"Will Bokuto be walking with us?" she asked. 

I let out a little laugh, "Maybe, I'm not sure." He was a good friend of mine and Akira was very fond of him. He was the only friend I had who would come over frequently, anyway.

I wrapped my jacket around my shoulders and pulled a little beanie over my head. I zipped up Akira's jacket as well, wrapping a scarf around her tiny neck. She was covered in light pink clothing, looking like a little flamingo. 

We walked out onto the sidewalk and started heading toward the school. 

"Y/n! Wait up!" I heard a voice say, making both Akira and I turn around. There he was, Bokuto, sprinting behind us. We both stopped as he caught up to us.

"Do you mind if Akaashi walks with us? He stayed the night yesterday," Bokuto explained, pointing at the dark-haired boy walking calmly behind him.

"Of course," I smiled, looking back at Akaashi. I had known him since our first year of high school and I would say we were pretty close friends. I didn't know much about him other than general information, but I was pretty comfortable with talking to him.

He had gorgeous features. His ears were pointed ever so slightly, and his jawline was perfect. I couldn't help to notice his dark teal eyes, the same color as the dark ocean. He was pretty, for lack of a better word, absolutely gorgeous. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now