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It was a long walk to school, containing lots of conversation and laughing from mostly Akira and Bokuto. Akaashi walked slightly behind the three of us, and I sometimes slowed down my pace to join him in the back. He was always thinking and observing, and I caught myself admiring his calm expression frequently.

"Hey, Akaashi!" Bokuto turned around, almost yelling Akaashi's name in his signature voice. The dark-haired boy looked up at him, his dark eyes glowing at Bokuto. 

"Why aren't you talking?" Bokuto asked. Akaashi shrugged his shoulders and continued walking as Bokuto frowned. 

"Don't let him bother you, y/n. He's just quiet," Bokuto chuckled. I smiled slightly. It was quite the opposite actually. I was mesmerized by his quietness. His teal eyes held millions of thoughts, and I really wanted to get to know him now. 

I dropped Akira off at the neighboring elementary school before continuing her way to the high school with Bokuto and Akaashi. As they reached the large school building, Bokuto went on his way to the third-year classes, while Akaashi and I walked in the other direction.

"Have a good day, Bokuto-san," Akaashi said. I froze. His voice was so soothing and calm. It reminded me of the large oceans that my family used to visit. 

We continued walking towards the second-year classes. We walked in silence, but it wasn't particularly awkward. It was actually quite pleasant, walking through the large crowds alongside Akaashi. 

"Y/n-san," his voice spoke up again, making my heart race. I looked up into his mesmerizing eyes, waiting for him to speak once more.

"How did you meet Bokuto?" he asked. I let out a little giggle as I tilted my head towards the ground. 

"We've been friends since fourth grade, probably our parents or something," I smiled. He nodded ever so slightly.

"What about you?" I asked, breaking the silence. 

"I've been setting for him since my first year," he said, pulling his scarf off of his neck. 

"Oh, that's right! You both are on the volleyball team," I said.

A few minutes passed before we parted ways. He had a very interesting personality that my brain begged to learn more about. He also heavily reminded me of someone, but I couldn't remember who. 

I sat down at the back of the classroom, resting my chin on the desk-top. I watched as students flowed into the room, filling each seat one by one.

Soon enough, the sound of the bell echoed throughout the room as our teacher walked into the classroom. I was quite sick of going to school, even though we were only halfway through the year. 

The day went by quicker than usual, speeding through lunch and three more boring classes. By the end of the day, I was completely exhausted, remembering that it was only Monday.

I groaned as I walked into the large hallway. It was finally time to go home! I opened my locker and grabbed my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder. I suddenly remembered that Bokuto had volleyball today, so he wouldn't walk home with me.

My steps paced through the hallway, avoiding as many people as possible. I stepped through the school doors into the cold air, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Ah geez," I mumbled to myself as I searched through my backpack for a hat. 

I continued walking as I pulled the hat over my hair. I really wanted to stop by at Bokuto's volleyball practice but I always told myself that it was rude. I'm sure that nobody would mind, but I still could never force myself to do it. 

I had never attended any of their games or practices, and I barely knew anything about the sport other than Bokuto's exciting explanations. I did know that Fukurodani had a good team, though, and come to think of it, Akaashi and Bokuto made a good duo somehow. They were almost complete opposites, but still somehow best friends.

Akaashi seemed to appreciate Bokuto's expressing actions and emotions, and I wasn't completely sure why. He always seemed to get along with Bokuto, and he never reacted negatively to his emotions. 

I guess the calming side of Akaashi perfectly backed up his friendship with the outgoing Bokuto. No wonder their volleyball team was one of the best in the country, their players got along so well. 

𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 - k. akaashiWhere stories live. Discover now