Chapter 13.4

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Chapter 13.4

Nathan looked on and laughed as Alan continued to text feverishly. He also thought about Leah and how great it was that she would be finally going home. I wonder what it will be like to finally meet her, he thought to himself. I wonder if she will even like me. His palms began to sweat. It feels weird that the closing ceremony will be the first time I actually meet her. I feel like I know so much about her already.

Over his thoughts, he could hear Lafonda discussing Amanda's and Steve's disappearances again.

"It's strange that they would go missing," Nathan muttered. "Their disappearances have to be connected to each other."

"Hey, Nathan!" called a voice over the cafeteria chatter. Nathan caught a glimpse of someone waving. He looked up to find Jonas standing behind Angela and Alan. "Hey, Nathan!" Jonas called again. "Can I talk to you for a second?" 

"Sure," Nathan responded, feeling slightly embarrassed. "What's up?"

Jonas fidgeted with his basketball a little before securing it underneath his arm. "It's about last night," he said.  

Nathan sprang from the table and grabbed his tray. "Hold that thought," he said. He could feel Lafonda's gaze and everyone else's at the table. To his surprise, even Alan stopped texting a second to look at him. "How come I can go unnoticed on some days, but not when I want to?" he muttered.

Nathan headed over to a corner of the cafeteria that was seldom used, and Jonas followed. Nathan looked over Jonas's shoulder to make sure they were out of earshot. He was certain Alan would still try to read their lips. Nathan cleared his throat.

"About last night," he said. "Have you said anything to anybody?"

"No," Jonas responded, while continuing to fidget with his basketball. "I'm not even really sure what it is that I would say."

"Good," Nathan whispered. "We should definitely keep this to ourselves for now."

Jonas nodded, but then suddenly looked confused. "Why?"

"It's probably safer that way," Nathan said. "Until we figure out what's going on and what the deal with those creatures is, we probably shouldn't tell anyone."

"Oh, okay." Jonas paused to look back at one of the cafeteria tables. Christina Williams smiled back at him. "Have you told anybody?"

"No, I haven't," Nathan said. He smiled at Jonas reassuringly. "I know this is a lot to handle, and believe me, I totally understand what you're going through." He grinned. "You know, Jonas, now that I am thinking about it, you are the first person that actually knows about my ability."

Jonas smiled and Nathan leaned in. "I'm actually relieved to finally be able to talk about this with somebody," Nathan whispered. "And not just with anybody, but with someone that has an ability too."

Jonas relaxed his shoulders. "Yeah, I can see how that would be a relief. I couldn't imagine going through all this by myself. Those little hairy monsters alone make my head spin."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," said Nathan.

Jonas suddenly had an excited look on his face. "And what kind of ability do I have, anyway? It's definitely not as cool as yours. I can still see you blasting those hairy guys into the air!"

Nathan glanced quickly over Jonas's shoulder to see if anyone had heard him.

"Keep it down," Nathan chuckled.

Jonas cringed slightly. "Right," he said, lowering his voice. "I still think what you can do is amazing."

"Your power isn't too shabby either," said Nathan with a smile. 

"I guess not," Jonas responded with a shrug. "I'm still not quite sure what it is that I did." He looked confused. "Where the heck were we, Nathan?"

Nathan stared again at the table where the others were sitting as he mulled over an answer to Jonas's question. Jonathan appeared to be having an in-depth conversation with Erin.

"I'm not exactly sure," Nathan said, "but I think I know where to find out."

Jonas stared at him curiously, but nodded. "Last night, you mentioned something about this not being the first time that you've used your powers. What did you mean by that?"

Nathan looked down and fidgeted with his hands. "I figured I would have to tell you eventually," he said. "I just didn't think it was going to be today."

"Oh, okay. It's all right if you don't want to."

"No, no, it's cool." Nathan swallowed drily. "See, I sort of can see the future or the past through my dreams."

"Whoa, that's cool!" marveled Jonas. He had a huge smile on his face. "Really?"

"I guess it's cool," said Nathan. "It probably depends on what you are dreaming about or what you see. In one of my dreams I sort of used my powers."

"Well, I think that's cool," said Jonas, with a nod.

"Well," continued Nathan, while scanning the room, "it looks like everyone is getting ready to leave the cafeteria."

Jonas turned around. Campers were lining up in their groups.

"Besides," added Nathan, "I'm tired of holding this tray."

Jonas laughed.

"Aren't you guys scheduled to work in the computer lab today?" asked Nathan.

Jonas's forehead wrinkled beneath his long black curls. "I think so," he said. "I think we start work on our final projects today."

"Sounds good," said Nathan.

"Nathan, wait," Jonas called. He started to fidget with his basketball again. "There's one other thing."

Nathan turned back around. He looked confused, but smiled reassuringly. "Yeah?"

"I didn't say anything at the time," stuttered Jonas, "and this is probably going to sound silly, but last night I had this strange feeling, like my brother was there, or something."

"Your brother?" asked Nathan

"Yeah, my little brother," Jonas said. "At first I thought it was just my nerves, but this morning it didn't go away. Somehow I feel like my little brother was there — in that place."

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked. "I mean, did you see him?"

Jonas shook his head and glanced downward. "No," he said. "I know it sounds crazy. It's just a feeling I keep getting, and I'm starting to worry about him."

"Have you tried calling home? To see if he's all right?"

Jonas shook his head again. "No," he said. "I was afraid of what I would find out."

Nathan smiled reassuringly again. "It's probably nothing," he said. "Just call home and check on your little brother. I'm sure he's all right."

"Okay," said Jonas. "I'll call before we go into the lab."

Nathan winked. "Cool. And I'll cover for you so that Lafonda doesn't yell at you for being late or for ditching out to talk on your cell phone."

Jonas smiled and looked cheery again. "Oh, and Nathan, thanks for staying in my room last night. I felt safer having you there with me, you know, because of the monsters and stuff."

Nathan chuckled. "No problem," he said.


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