Chapter 19.4

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Chapter 19.4

The torches leading to the entrance to the cave had been blown out, but with it being a full moon, Nathan and Jonathan could still find their way out. Dr. Helmsley was semiconscious and silent almost the entire way to the entrance to the cave, so they both were surprised when she actually said something.

"What's going on?" she stuttered, slightly in a panic. "Where is she?" 

"She's gone," Jonathan responded, raising his free hand to calm her. "Everything is okay."

Her eyes still looked dazed when she glanced over to Nathan. "Who are you?" she asked.

Jonathan and Nathan turned to look at each other, and Nathan removed the broken glasses that now dangled from Dr. Helmsley's face.

"Just a friend of Jonathan's, Dr. Helmsley," Nathan replied. "I'm here to help you."

She opened her eyes wide, and her head gradually fell from side to side until it stopped square in his face.

"What a nice young man," she said groggily. "You may call me Janet."

She lifted her arms from their shoulders and attempted to walk forward, but quickly passed out.

Jonathan reached out to grab her, but he wasn't fast enough. She hit the ground with a thud. "Ouch," he said, while wincing. "That's going to hurt."

Nathan and Jonathan both bent over to prop Dr. Helmsley against the entrance to the cave. A trickle of blood ran from the crest of her head, and Jonathan attempted to stop the bleeding with the bottom of his shirt.

Nathan stood up and wiped his forearm across his brow. "It will take forever to get back to campus at this rate," he said.

"I agree," said Jonathan. "And it appears Dr. Helmsley needs immediate medical attention. I fear she may be suffering from a slight concussion."

"Crap," said Nathan. "Check your cell phone. My phone keeps dropping the signal." 

Jonathan opened his cell phone revealing once again the green light Nathan saw earlier while following him in the forest. "My phone isn't working either," he said.

Nathan noticed the ground was soft beneath his feet. He looked up and a few raindrops landed on his forehead. In the distance, past the meadow, a deep rumbling sound echoed at them somewhere above the trees. He glanced over at Jonathan and saw that the bottom of his shirt was soaked with Dr. Helmsley's blood. He thought about what Jonathan had said about Leah's roommate and Jonas's father and how whatever attacked Leah could be the cause of their deaths. He also thought about what Jonathan didn't know: that Jonas did have an ability and that the same creatures that attacked Leah had attacked Jonas.

"It would be quicker if you stayed here with Dr. Helmsley and I went back for help," he said.

Jonathan stood up and gazed upward at the sky. "Yes," he said. "I agree with your conclusion. It doesn't look like the storm is over, however; you should leave before it starts raining again."

Nathan nodded and started to trot off. "I'll call for help as soon as I can," he said. "I probably will get a signal when I am close to campus."

"Nathan," called Jonathan. "I'm glad you were here tonight."

Nathan smiled and then ran as fast as he could up the meadow. The grass was wet and he almost fell a few times, but soon he entered the forest. He thought about what Jonathan had said about his transformation as he passed the two yellow-ribboned trees. Malick said our powers were hereditary. Did Jonathan really become a black fox just because he touched some symbol? he thought.

He stepped out onto the black asphalt just in time to see the last parking lot lamp flicker out.

"Great," he mumbled. "And I still have no signal."

He was relieved he didn't have to worry about bumping into anything because the lot was empty. He could feel mud stuck beneath his shoes and tried to clean them in the grass before continuing down the trail. The path leading out of the forest and on to Lawrence Road was darker than normal because the streetlights were out. Before crossing the road he could see that most of campus still had electricity, including Lawrence Hall. 

He could tell from the sidewalk that the lobby to Lawrence Hall was empty. While on the trail, he figured it would be best just to tell everyone there had been an accident and that part of the cave had collapsed, injuring Dr. Helmsley. He had intended to tell this story to the front desk attendants so they could call and ask for emergency medical assistance, but their area was vacant as well. Nathan thought it was odd, but proceeded to the elevators and pulled out his cell phone.

The elevator doors opened and he pushed the button for the eighth floor. He was surprised that he finally had a signal, considering he was riding in an elevator. His cell phone vibrated, reporting he had six missed calls and four unheard messages. "My goodness, Lafonda," he mumbled as he dialed 911.

Nathan felt a little strange dialing that number because he had never had a reason to do so before. He waited as the phone rang on the other end while the elevator bell rang between floors. He watched patiently as each elevator number lit up, but the elevator slowed as it approached the seventh floor. 

He was a little surprised because the seventh floor was Lafonda's, and everyone would normally be in their rooms for the night.

Nathan jumped: a high-pitched scream had pierced the elevator. The doors to the elevator opened and in ran Samantha Darding, her nightgown tattered and her hands stained with blood.

"Nathan!" she screamed. "They took her! They took Eva Marie, and I can't find Christina!" Her hands trembled as she clung to Nathan's shirt, her eyes filled with horror. "They were like shadows," she continued frantically. "And Angela! Oh, my God! They took Angela!"


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