Chapter 18.4

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Chapter 18.4

Nathan entered the trail back to Lawrence Hall and nearly stumbled. The dark clouds circling above blocked any moonlight from entering the forest. The wind had picked up, causing the leaves and branches of the trees to sway back and forth like currents in a storm-wracked ocean. He stopped to try his cell phone again.

"Still no signal." He squinted, trying to adjust his eyes to the dark forest. "Why didn't I bring a flashlight?"

He continued up the path, hearing the sound of rain drops all around him. A cold trickle of water slowly made its way down his back. "Ugh," he uttered. "I'm going to get wet." The trail in front of him seemed to gradually get wider, so he assumed he was nearing the split in the trail that led eastward to the Cahokia Museum. "Almost halfway there. If I can just make it before the downpour."

Just then, the sound of raindrops increased, making intermittent sputtering sounds. Nathan tried to make a run for it, but soon he couldn't see anything. His eyes blinked profusely under the pouring rain. "If I can just make it under a tree," he mumbled. Through fluttering eyelashes, he tried to make it to a large oak tree, but slipped on a protruding tree root and went headfirst towards the ground. The rain had stopped, and he wiped the water from his eyes. Nathan sat up to inspect the damage. He had used his right hand to shield himself from the ground and it throbbed.

Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he could hear the intermittent sound again. Great, it's about to rain again, he thought. He attempted to stand up, but froze instead; it looked like there was movement along the trail. The intermittent sound drew closer, and he quickly realized it wasn't rain, but something coming towards him.

Nathan crouched down and tried to conceal himself behind the large oak tree. He hoped it wasn't those things — those Shadow Creatures. Malick had said those Necrocritters hate natural light, and there was definitely no light there.

Soon the approaching sound slowed and then stopped altogether. There was the silhouette of someone standing on the trail a few feet in front of him. Who is that? Who would be out on the trail this late at night and in a thunderstorm?

Nathan's eyes strained as he attempted to make out the face of the dark figure. A small green light pierced the darkness, revealing a pair of square-rimmed glasses.  "Jonathan!" he blurted out. He didn't know why Jonathan wasn't at Lawrence Hall with Erin and the others.

Jonathan appeared to be distracted and didn't hear Nathan say his name. The green glow from his cell phone continued to illuminate his face. Nathan stood up as Jonathan took the path to the Northern Cahokia Tribal Museum. "Where is he going?" he said softly.

Nathan attempted to wipe the dirt from his pants and quickly went after Jonathan. His eyes squinted as he tried to catch up to the green light. The trail seemed to get darker and darker the farther they went; he could barely make out the shape of Jonathan anymore. I should have caught up to him by now. Is he running?

He picked up his pace, following the green light as it bounced sporadically around the trees. The light seemed to grow as Nathan got closer and then it seemed to rest in one spot. He must have stopped.

Nathan stopped running; he could make out the shape of Jonathan again. "For a guy that spends all of his time researching, he sure can run fast," he gasped. He was out of breath. "Jonathan!"

Jonathan continued to look into his phone. It appeared that he still didn't hear Nathan. Nathan paced forward. "Jonathan!" he called again, but with a labored voice.

Jonathan frantically closed his phone, almost dropping it, and the green light disappeared. Nathan could still make out his silhouette in the darkness. Jonathan appeared to look quickly around, and then a haze of blue and white lights circled him, illuminating him again. Nathan's eyes grew wide at the display of brilliant light, but the light vanished as quickly as it had appeared, and so did Jonathan. Nathan took a few steps forward, but suddenly froze. He thought his eyes must be deceiving him. He peered into the darkness, trying to make out the new shape that was forming. Where Jonathan once stood was the silhouette of a small animal.


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