Chapter 3.1 (Party)

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Chapter 3.1

Nathan sat quietly on the edge of his bed, staring at the black blazer hanging in his closet. Roy had taken the liberty of having it dry-cleaned so that he could wear it to Lafonda's birthday party. He had dreaded this moment all day and regretted falling asleep so early the night before. He had awoken much earlier than usual, and instead of hanging out at the Devaro Mansion and risking the chance of being volunteered to continue party preparations, he opted to weed the garden instead.  

Nathan was positive that if Roy hadn't been so pleased to have this labor of love marked off his to-do list, he would have been enlisted for Operation Party Hearty straightaway. But Nathan wanted to avoid at all costs the why-aren't-you-excited-we-are-having-a-party glares from Roy and LaDonda. 

Based on past experience, Nathan knew that the entire day would be a mad rush with cooking, baking, decorations and discussions of expectations for the night. All of which would annoy him just as much as the constant delivery of flowers Lafonda would receive from admirers and her boyfriend Jim.

Now, if I could just get out of attending tonight's party, he thought. He noticed the dark tan forming on his arms from being out in the sun. "Maybe I could suddenly have a stomachache or have a heatstroke from working in the sun all day." He huffed. "Or maybe I can just say I'm sleep deprived." 

Nathan suddenly recalled he wasn't able to sleep the night before. Twice he had awaken in the middle of the night, just like all the other nights, with his heart racing and his body covered in sweat. His bed sheets were always wet, and he changed them so frequently he was sure Roy probably thought he was wetting his bed.

"That would be an interesting conversation," he chuckled to himself. 

From his window, Nathan heard the sound of cars driving up the main driveway and the closing of car doors. I guess I'd better get ready, he thought, before —

There was a knock on his bedroom door. "Nathan," called out Roy. "Are you ready in there?"

"Too late," said Nathan quietly.

There was a knock on the door again. "The guests have started to arrive," said Roy. "And I'm sure Lafonda is expecting you at the party."

Quickly, Nathan sprang to his feet and slid into his white dress shirt and black pants. "Nathan!" Roy called out again, this time twisting the knob to the door impatiently. "What are you doing in there?" 

"Okay, okay!" Nathan groaned, barely opening the door. "I was getting ready." 

Roy stood in the doorway with a perplexed look on his face. "I've never known you to take this long to get ready," he said. "You said you would shower and be over to the main house hours ago."

"Uh-oh," stuttered Nathan, while looking around the room. "I thought I had time to pack a little for camp." 

"Nathan," said Roy reassuringly, while staring at the almost empty suitcase, "I know it can be hard sometimes, trying to fit in."

"Ugh," Nathan sighed. "Here we go." 

"And I know some of Lafonda's friends can seem a bit snobbish at times," Roy continued, "but you shouldn't let that stop you from going to Lafonda's birthday party."

The Legend of the Firewalker, Book #1Where stories live. Discover now