Chapter 5.4

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Chapter 5.4

Lafonda sat motionless as the car idled on the single-lane dirt road. "I hope you're not planning on mentioning this to Roy or my grandmother," she said.

"Oh, and ruin your reputation as Ms. Perfect Attendance and Ms. Honor Roll?" mocked Nathan in a high-pitched voice.

"You wouldn't!" she gasped.

He smiled at her and gloated. He was happy that he finally had something on her. Lafonda stared at him and glowered. "Whatever!" she responded, rolling her eyes in protest. "Where did that dog go, anyway?"

Nathan scanned the road. "I don't know. You probably killed it, and it's lodged underneath the car, somewhere."

"Don't be ridiculous, Nathan," demanded Lafonda. "You can be so immature sometimes."

She shook her head and began to back the car out onto the main road. Nathan continued to scan the road. "Well, so far it looks like you're clear," he chuckled, "Unless it's still stuck underneath your car."

Lafonda sat in silence and occasionally scowled at him on their way to campus. Nathan thought it was weird how his mind kept tossing over thoughts about the blue-eyed dog and not about his recent game of Russian roulette with Lafonda. He was definitely more focused on what he had seen amongst the trees: a black dog that appeared out of nowhere and seemed to move as fast as a cheetah.

Things just keep getting weirder and weirder, he thought. This sounds strange, but it was like the dog magically appeared. His mind continued to ponder as he focused his attention outside the car. He appeared right on time. And stopped right on the road that we needed to see.

Nathan turned to look at Lafonda and took her silence to mean that she was still upset about his new trump card over her oh-so-perfect existence. He tried to stifle his chuckle, but Lafonda noticed, anyway. "I'd really like to know who that jerk was," she said. "I would love to give them a piece of my mind." She smacked the steering wheel. "Ugh! Why didn't I think of getting their license plate number?

Probably because you were too busy trying to kill us! Nathan thought, as Lafonda rambled on.

As they pulled into the street that led to IUCF, Nathan could see the buildings and monuments that were easy markers for the campus. Although he had only been away from school for less than two months, he was still surprised that nothing had changed. The only thing that was odd or different was the absence of students, and that was due to summer.

As the red Ferrari pulled into the parking lot of Lawrence Hall, the dorm in which they would be staying, Nathan instantly recognized the sleek silver car with tinted windows sitting in the parking lot. "Well, it looks like we've found our jerk," he said, pointing to the tall, slender guy who had just appeared by the trunk of the silver car.

Lafonda gripped the steering wheel tightly as she screeched into the adjacent open parking spot. Surprisingly, the guy didn't even flinch or respond to the loud sound. "That's what that car is!" said Nathan aloud. "He's driving a Chevy Camaro."

"I don't care what he is driving," moaned Lafonda, quickly springing out of the car. "Excuse me," she demanded, walking right up to the guy. "Do you realize that you almost killed us back there?" The guy didn't respond, so Lafonda became more infuriated. "Hey!" she demanded, her hands on her hips now. "I'm talking to you!"

Nathan had seen that stance from Lafonda before and knew all too well that the guy didn't know what he was in for. Slowly, the dark-haired guy placed one of his suitcases on the ground and glanced once at her from above the rim of his dark sunglasses. His solemn and chiseled face gave way to a smirk before it became a full-blown smile. He casually closed the trunk to his car and adjusted his black leather jacket. "Sweetheart," he said, removing his sunglasses, "if you're going to insist on getting behind such a powerful machine, maybe your boyfriend here should teach you how to drive it first."

"What?" she exclaimed, completely taken aback by his comment.

"Don't get your pretty face in a knot," he continued. "I know cars can be confusing for the ladies, but I think I can find some time out of my busy schedule this summer to teach you." He grinned. "I mean, all you have to do is ask, and I'll see what I can do."  

"What?" she cried again.

"Here, I tell you what," he continued, pulling back his leather jacket and revealing the orange leadership camp shirt Nathan detested. "I'll be working here this summer as a camp counselor, and you can ask for me at the front desk. The name is Malick."

"Ugh!" she groaned. "Look, I won't be asking for you!"

"But your shirt says Stephen Malick," interrupted Nathan.

"Just Malick," the tall, slender guy responded sharply. He paused and whispered to Nathan, "By the way, you have my condolences."

"What — why?" asked Nathan, obviously confused.

Malick gave one last look at Lafonda. "I'm sure you've got your hands full with this one," he said to Nathan, walking away.

"Ugh!" she screamed.

"What?" asked Nathan, startled.

"He's a counselor at camp with us?" she yelled. Nathan stepped back as Lafonda's hands curled into fists at her sides. He thought her eyes were going to bulge out of their eye sockets. "Ugh! I need to speak with my grandmother!"


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