Chapter 4.3

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Chapter 4.3

Nathan slid off his desk and trotted over to open the door.

"Nathan," said Roy, "have you seen Lafonda?" He had a perplexed look on his face. "I can't find her anywhere, and Jim's car isn't in the driveway."

"How did you notice?" Nathan snickered.

Roy paused and then gave him a disapproving look.

Nathan huffed and then quickly rolled his eyes. "She's here," he moaned, stepping aside so that Roy could see in.

"Oh," he responded, appearing shocked. "You're here." His face softened and then he directed his attention to Lafonda. "We couldn't find you," he said. "Did you know that Jim left the party? When we couldn't find you, your grandmother and I thought that maybe you had gone with him."

"Well, here she is, safe and sound," joked Nathan.

Lafonda cast her head down and then diverted her eyes for a second before speaking. "Yeah," she uttered, softly, "I spoke to Jim before he left." She hesitated. "We both decided that it was a good time to call it an evening."

"Oh," responded Roy. His eyebrows were raised and Nathan could tell that he was trying to be reassuring. "It was that bad, huh?"

"No, everything is fine," she said. "Like I was just explaining to your grandson a few seconds ago, everything is fine, and I plan to talk to Jim in the morning."

"Sounds good," said Roy. "But not too long after you and Jim disappeared, so did everyone else at the party." He laughed. "It was as if someone sent out an emergency news bulletin. This just in: Jim and Lafonda have left the building."

"Probably more like a text message," commented Nathan.

The sound of car doors opening and closing and engines roaring before speeding down the driveway could still be heard from Nathan's window. Lafonda sighed. "I don't want to be rude," she said. "I'd better get back to my guests."

A buzzing sound emanated from Roy's pants pocket. "No, don't get up," he said eagerly to Lafonda. He reached into his pocket for his cell phone. "It's LaDonda. And she's probably wondering where I went too." He paused while looking at the two of them and then smiled. "LaDonda and I will take care of the guests. You kids keep talking."

Roy shoved his cell phone back into his pocket and turned to leave the doorway. Nathan started to close the door behind him, but the door was quickly reopened, startling Nathan.

"Why are your hands so red?" Roy asked, with a perplexed look on his face. "Have you been using the ointment I gave you?"

"Yep," said Nathan, holding up the ointment from his desk. "I have it right here."

Roy frowned and then stared at him incredulously. "That doesn't answer my question," he said. "I have long caught on to your plays on words since trying to treat you for the chicken pox, when you were seven."

Lafonda let out a stifled chuckle.

"Okay, Grandpa," said Nathan, sounding annoyed. "I thought you were leaving." The frown lines on Roy's forehead deepened and he continued to stare at Nathan.

Nathan sighed heavily. "It's the fruit punch!" he groaned. "My hands are stained from the fruit punch."

"Next time I come to this room," said Roy, "that ointment bottle had better have been opened."

Reluctantly, Nathan nodded while attempting to close the door again.

"And used!" Roy said.

Lafonda laughed uncontrollably. "What was that all about?" she asked.

"I don't know," Nathan said, shaking his head. "I swear it has to be from the fruit punch."

"No, not that!" she laughed. "Roy and his you-kids-just-keep-talking bit."

Nathan shrugged. "I don't know," he sighed, sounding tired. "Move over." Sluggishly, he walked towards the bed and gave a forced smile. He placed his hand behind his head as he rested on a pillow. "He probably was just shocked that we were talking without being made to."

"Nathan," Lafonda said in a soft voice, taking the spot next to him.

Nathan noticed that she smelled good; almost like caramel candy. Instantly, he became embarrassed when Lafonda noticed him taking a whiff of her hair.

She smiled. "Do you remember getting the chicken pox?"

"How could I forget!" he exclaimed. "For almost a year you constantly reminded me that I gave it to you and that I caused you so much pain and misery."

Lafonda laughed heartily. "Well, you did!" she said. "And mine was the worst. I just couldn't stop scratching!"

"Yeah, I remember," said Nathan, laughing now. "And LaDonda and your mom kept chasing you around the house. They couldn't get you to put ointment on or to stop scratching!"

"I still have some of the scars," she laughed, tears forming in her eyes.

She sat up in bed, and there was silence in the room now. "You know, Nathan," she said softly, "we may be older and in college now and have new friends and different interests, but you and Roy will always be a part of my family, and we will always have our memories about the chicken pox."


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