He blackmails me.

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Next day:

I am waiting in class for Mr. Deleware. I want to apologize properly for yesterday.

Suddenly, Roger comes in.

He has a stack of papers. He places them on the teacher's desk. We look at each other. I feel somewhat sad. I want to say something but don't know what.

"Can you tell Deleware that I printed on both sides?" He asks me.

I nod.

"Thanks," he says. He combs his hair back and walks away.

"Wait," I stand. He stops and turns around. "What?"

"Why did you ask Mr. Delaware if I talk to any boys?"

"Because I was an idiot thinking you might cheated. But you aren't unfair, I know that. I promise not to bother you anymore,"Roger answers. Ouch. That hurts me more than him. I am a bad person.

"I'm sorry," I say.

He shrugs, "whatever. Bye."

As he leaves, Mr. Delaware comes in. "Hey Roger, Mr. Delaware says. Roger just nods and walks away. Mr. Delaware smiles at me as he walks in. "Morning Ms. Cassie."


He puts his red coffee mug on the desk and leans against it. "Why are you here so early?"

"Well, Kelly needed to go to a early appointment so I told her to drop me off. I want to apologize to you," I answer.

"For what?" He crosses his arms against his chest. He is wearing a simple white long button down shirt with black khakis and shoes. His hair is combed back.

"For like not paying attention in your class. I had stuff going through my mind. I also want to apologize for Roger. He isn't going to bother you with silly questions."

He sighs, "Thank you. I accept your apology."

I sit again and look at him. "So, are we cool?"

He smiles again. He kooks so cute when he does. I wonder if he did have a lunch date. "Yes."

I lightly smile, "cool. So um, Roger said he double printed on the pages."

Mr. Delaware checks the top paper of the stack. "Good. Saves paper."


"Do you want to help me stable them?" He asks.


I get up and stand next to him. He tells me which pages go together. His scent is so fruity. Heh, he smells like fruit punch. I chuckle to myself for thinking that. "What's so funny?" Mr. Delaware asks.

Oh. I look at him. "Nothing."

He smirks, "you know Ms. Cassie, today you look cute. I like the braid."

I touch the braid on the side. I looked in a blog on how to do hairstyles. I feel so plain compared to Angel.

"Thanks," I shyly smile. "I made it myself."

He hands me the stapler. "Cute." I get it and start to work.

"Okay, well, I am going to start writing the journal topic and the objectives. Once you're finish, can you put a packet on each desk?" He asks.

"Yes Mr. Delaware."

Soon, I am finish. I put the last paper a desk. Mr. Delaware sits in his desk and the bell rings. People rush in and class begins.


Jessie and Ben are walking with me towards Harold's table. It is lunch.

"Hey," I say.

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