Chapter: My Decision

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Next day

I'm getting ready for school. I put on my shoes and walk to the kitchen.
I see father in thought sitting in the table. "Morning father," I say.
"Happy birthday," he says as he looks at me. But his face is showing no happiness. I didnt know he knew my birthday.
"Thank you," I say.
Kelly steps out of the kitchen. "We know what you did."
Father stands, "you will live with Kelly's sister from now on. You will attend school though."
"What do you mean?"
"Your 18, but that doesn't mean I want you on the streets. You will live 6 blocks away and graduate. Once you do, then you are no longer tied to me. You will do whatever you want," father says. "Don't speak to Harold anymore. Don't talk to Austin either," Kelly says.
They know now.
"I will pack your things and drive you after school to Daisy's house," Father says.
I'm so schocked. Where's Harold?
"Let's go," Kelly says to me. She exits the house.
"Father," I say.
"I'm upset and confused," father says. "I-I never thought you and Harold would do such a thing."
Father walks out on me. He is disappointed.
Kelly honks loudly. Somehow I make it to the car and arrive to school.
"You ruined everything," Kelly says. "I'm love Darwin, that's why I'm not slapping you right now. You are sick to seduced my son."
"I didn't do-"
"Get out," Kelly doesn't look at me at all. She is disgusted.
I get out. I feel like crap. They know. I feel embarrassed.
"Slut," Angel says loudly. I stop and look at her with her friends.
I walk towards her, "Angel I didnt-"
"Shut up. You ruined everything," she says.
"No, we didn't do a-" she slaps me hard.
"Just like mom, you are a slut, a whore," Angel walks into the school.
I'm suprised. She slapped me. I look up and see some kids looking at me. They all look at me like if I deserved to be slapped. Does everyone know?
Oh gosh, no, they can't know. I start to back out and walk quick out of the parking lot. I look to my left and suddenly bump into something.
"Ms. Cassie," its mr. Delaware. "Watch out miss."
"Sorry, sorry,"
"Everything okay?" He asks.
He puts his hands on my arms to hold me still.
"I need to go," I say.
"I need to go mr. Delaware!"
"Hey, who hit you?" He asks. He touches my cheek and I look at him.
"No one,"
"Why is your cheek red?"
"Cassandra!" Harold yells. I turn and see him running towards us.
"You okay?"
"I'm sorry. Austin-"
"Ssh," I say, "we talk later."
"Anything I can do Ms. Cassie?" Mr. Delaware asks.
"No. I'm fine,"
"Did Angel hit you?"
"Whoa. Why?" Harold asks.
"It was an accident, " I say.
"So she did hit you," Mr. Delaware says.
I just want to get out of here!
"I can't talk to you!" I yell at Harold.
I begin to run out. I just want to disappear. My only family member hates me now. Every one at school thinks I slept with Austin and broke his relationship with my sister. I can't breathe!
I stop running and look around. I'm in downtown. I check for a restaurant and go in.
I order a lemonade from the waitress.
"Ms. Cassie,"
What the hell?
"I have a water please," mr. Delaware says to the waitress in front of me. He sits in the front chair.
"Why are here?" I ask.
"A student runs away from school with a bruise on her cheek is my responsibility as her teacher to see if she is okay and to bring her back to school," he replies. The waitress gives him a water bottle. He drinks some while I do the same with my lemonade.
"Man, you run fast," he chuckles, "I'm not that young anymore."
"You ran too?" I ask.
"You didn't give me time to get my car,"
"What about Harold?"
"Told him to stay, if not I would have told his mom," Mr. Delaware says, "what's going on?"
"I can't tell you,"
"I'm ashamed. You will dislike me," I say.
I look at him.
"I won't. Tell me," he says.
"You are young," Brian says. Mr. Delaware insisted me to call him that.
We are in his apartment.
"It's weird. I'm not going to lie, but you guys aren't blood related, you didn't do anything wrong," he says.
He puts his hand on my leg.
"That's why Harold said, but my father is so disappointed in me. I thought everything was going to be great," I say.
"Cassie, do you love him? This could just be something fun and a thing for you," he says, "it might have been the danger of getting caught that interested you."
I shrug. I don't know anymore. A guy has never been interesting in me like Harold has. The way he kissed and holded me made me feel special and cared for.
"Cassie?" Brian touches my cheek. It is purple now on the tip of my cheek bone. I look at him. "I'm sorry, I'm just confused."
He stands, "I need to tell your dad this, you know that right?"
"No!" I yell and stand. "Please dont."
"Cassie, your dad needs to know how you feel and needs to know why you are in my apartment. Harold know you are with me, he is probably going to tell your parents."
"No, please, he won't. My father doesn't want me to talk to Harold. I'm going to get into more trouble," I insist.
Suddenly, my phone rings, it is Jessie.
"Hey?" I ask.
"Where are you? Are you avoiding Ben and I ?"
"No, I'm just not feeling well. I'm in my aunts house."
"Okay, well can we talk after school?"
"Okay. Bye."
I sit back on the couch and put my phone inside my backpack.
"Who was it?" Brian asks.
He sighs, "see, people are wondering where you are."
I roll my eyes and stand. "Please, let me stay."
"I can't do that Cassie,"
I pout, "why? Please."
"Oh no, don't give me that look. I get that already from Daryl."
He puts his hand over his mouth. "Who is Daryl?" I ask.
"Umm," he takes off his hand and hums. He then goes into the kitchen. I follow him.
"So," I say. "Is Daryl your friend?"
Brian leans against the white refrigerator. He is looking up the ceiling. "He is."
"Well, if I do give you my puppy eyes like daryl, I can stay?"
"Stop mentioning his name,"
I get a funny idea in my head. "Why?"
"Cassie please,"
I stand in front of him, "does he live here too?"
"He's my boyfriend," he answers.
Oh my god. He's gay?
Brian looks at me, "is that "Oh he is gay, ew" or "Oh that's okay" Oh?"
I shrug, "I'm surprised but not grossed out."
"Well, okay, cool"
"You really are gay?"
"I'm bisexual,"
"So you go both ways?"
He shyly smiles at me, "yeah."
We stay in silence, awkward silence.
"I actually think you are cute," Brian says.
"You told me that before,"
His hands go to my hips, "I know." He kisses me gently on my nose. I give him a weird look but he chuckles.
"Cassie, you need to decide how you feel and want to do."
I hug him. "Are we friends?"
"Are you going to support me in whatever I choose?"

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