He is cute.

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Two days later

It is Friday. Finally. I hate this school. Everyone just keeps on staring at me. To make things more awesome, I haven't sat with Harold and his friends because Harold is still mad at me. At least I will have the weekend to settle down.

I am in the library since I am not really hungry. I havent been hungry these days and I think it's because of the negativity around me. I also haven't had time to talk to father and Kelly doesn't seem to be welcoming me to. The only ones I actually been talking to are the twins. Though, they only talk about their favorite super hero shows and comics. I just listen and nod.

"Stop it," I hear a girl's voice and chuckle just book shelves away.

"What? You started it," a boy's voice appears as well.

I don't hear anything anymore.  I start to walk away when I hear someone moaning.

What the? Are they making out? Ew. Seriously in the library?

I forgot how to walk because suddenly I'm on the floor on my face.

"Whoa, you okay?" I hear Mr. Delaware's voice. Great, he saw me fall. Then he screams at someone, "Stop there!"

I sit on the floor and look to my side. I see Angel and a tall guy standing in front of us.

"What were you guys doing?" Mr. Delaware asks them.

"Nothing," the guy says. "We were looking for a book."

Angel eyes me like I did something wrong. I look away and stand up.

"Sure. If I catch you again Austin, you will be in trouble. Now move with your little girlfriend," Mr. Delaware says.

Austin gets Angel by the arm and they walk away.

"They were totally kissing huh?" Mr. Delaware asks me.

"I don't know," I answer. I don't want to put Angel in trouble.

"So, you like to read?" He asks.

I nod.


"Excuse me," I walk towards the librarian and check out a book by a spanish author.

Mr. Delaware stands next to me and waits till I get my book. He walks me to my next class.

"Hope you have a nice day," he smiles.

Okay, weird,  should I be flattered or worried he is talking to me or even taking interest in me.

Sure, like a guy like him will take any kind of interest in me. Ha.

The day goes as the past days have. I walk to Harold's car. I see Angel leaning agaisnt the trunk.

"So, did you tell Mr. Delaware that I was with Austin?" She asks.

I shake my head no.

"You better not," she threatness me. She gets inside the passenger sit and I go on the back. Harold soon arrives and he drives home.

We all go in to our rooms and pretend like I don't exist. I change into small white running shorts and a loose white tank top. I take off my black bra and let the girls take a break.

A sudden cracking nose fills my quiet room. I quickly turn around but my door is close and there is nothing behind. Yep, I think I am going crazy in this house.

I lay on my bed and read the book I checked out.

"Cassandra," Kelly knocks. Ugh.

"Yes?" I ask.

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