Chapter: He wants to try

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"Show me," Harold says. He is on top of me inside the back of the car. I told him I like him too.

But reality strikes, I push him off. "I want to go home!"


"I don't feel good please take me home," I whisper. I am feeling so many things. I don't know what to do.

Soon I see buildings moving by and we arrive home. I quickly run inside the house and into my room. I lock the door and lay in bed.

Harold doesn't follow me. He never knocks on my door. What is wrong with him? What is wrong with me?

"Cassandra," Father knocks on my door. He opens it and comes in.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Umm, well, I was expecting you to come later, but if you can come with me downstairs," he lightly smiles.

I nod and follow him to the dinning room.

It is set in a beautiful and elegant way. I see a small turkey and chicken set in the middle with green peas, gravy, mash potatoes, corn bread, and a pie.

"I wanted some time to talk," father says. "I did my best to cook everything."

I turn to see him. "You did all of this?"

He shyly nods, "Yeah."

I can't believe this man is my father. I wish he did raise me. I hug him. "Thank you."

"Let's eat."

We talked about my mom and myself. He asks what I like to do, what I want to be in the future and how was my step father like. I tell him pretty much everything.

"So, why did you cheat?" I ask him. "You were with Angel's mother."

He bites into the piece of pie and chews on it. "I really don't know. It was like a boy's night out and well I felt attracted to your mother. I thought of it as a casual night encounter."

"I wonder why my mom never told me," I say.

"I am wondering the same thing,"

"And well why does Angel live with you?"

"Her mother got depression after she was born. She has been struggling with it especially when we divorced. She is in a rehab home complex since Angel was 12."

"Oh okay," I say. "So how did Kelly and you meet?"

"At a party," he chuckles, "a friend introduced us."


"Yeah," he chuckles.


I shower and get into black bottom pajamas and a white tank top. I am blowdrying my hair in front of the mirror.


Shit! I jump and see Harold's reflection on the mirror behind me. I turn my chair around and ask what he wants.

"We need to talk you know," he says.

I look down at my feet. I can't look at him now. My stomach feels like it's going to drop to the floor and my breathing is uneven. "I don't know what happened."

"You said you like me too," he says.

"I can't like you," I reply.

"So what are we going to do?" He asks.



"I just want to get through high school and get out of here," I say.

"So that's it?"

I nod.

"We started something," Harold says, "I don't know if I want it to stop."

What? Don't say that! I look at him, "But why? I barely know you and for some reason I said I like you."

Harold kneels in front of me. "Things like that happened."

"But we are step siblings,"

"We aren't blood related,"

"You hate me,"

"I hate that you took dad's attention from Angel and me and that people stare at us different,"

"This is super weird and crazy,"

"So?" He takes my hands into his gently. His touch makes me shiver and feel warm at the same time. I look into his eyes. He is so cute. He is such a cutie and hottie. He begins to lean and I panic. I push him and he lands on his butt. "Cassandra!" he yells.

"Sorry! I-I just don't know if this is right," I say.

He stands, "I want to settle this too. But I know you feel something towards me, if I am wrong just tell me and I'll stop."

I stand too. I hug myself. Do I want him to stop?

"Tell me," he says. "Do you want me to stop kissing you?" He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. He stays in the same position for seconds. "Do you really like me?"

Oh gosh, his voice, his breathe is sending my hormones crazy. Then I remember my so called grandmother. She would be so angry and telling me I will go to hell. But then again, he isn't anything to me. So would I? But her voice is in my brain.

I feel Harold's lips to my mine and he presses them very lightly on mine. My thoughts go away and I am focus on him. "Let's try," he whispers.


He kisses me. He puts his hands around me and my body is pressed against his. I stand there mesmerized. He is such a better kisser than Roger. I reply back and taste his lips with my tongue.

He moans as I do this and opens his mouth for me to enter. He follows my lead and our tongues tango.

My knees feel like spaghetti noodles. He is so good. "Hhmm," I moan out loud. I put my arms around his neck and bring him even closer to my body.

He pulls away, "I take that as a yes."

"But father can't know. Anyone can't know," I say trying to take air in. My focus is on his pink lips.

"Yeah, so let's not tell anyone," he says. He cups my face with his hands. "Just don't be with Roger."


He has a serious face on. "I don't want tk share you with that idiot."

"I'm not property."

"No, but I want to be your main guy."

"You will be," I just said that?! I did. I want him to be my main guy, my only guy.

He kisses my nose. "Goodnight. We talk tomorrow. Sweet dreams."

"Bye," I whisper.

He leaves with a smirk closing the door behind him.

OH GOSH!! OH GOD!!! We-we are going out? We kissed! Again!

I run to my bed and hug a pillow. "Oh my, he likes me. He kissed me."

Then my grandmother's voice pops in my ears. "A woman shouldn't be touch until her wedding day, in her honeymoon. You don't want end up like your mom right?"

But, I won't. Right? I have my limits and Harold is sweet. I am not or will be like my mom. Besides, she did it out of desperation for money. It wasn't because she loved having sex with every man.

But I am dating two guys at the same time and one is my step brother. Is that were the wrong is?

Ugh!!! I lay on the bed and cover my face with the pillow. I am messed up.

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