Chapter: He isn't the only candidate

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It is Saturday. Father and everyone else got invited for a barbecue with his new sponsor.

I am putting on a red loose dress. I pair it with brown wedges and a red hair band. I walk towards Harold's room and knock. "Hey are you ready?" I ask.

The door opens and Harold smiles. "Yeah. You look good."

"Oh wow, you are complimenting her now?" Angel's voice appears out of nowhere. I turn to my left and see her. She has white skinny jeans with a pink crop top and white heels. Her hair is in curls.

Harold gets out of the room and smirks at her. "You jelly because I called her pretty and not you?"

Angel rolls her eyes, "shut up. Let's go already." We walk downstairs and everyone else is waiting for us. Kelly has a simple pink dress with black high heels. Father has a nice light blue button shirt and slacks and the twins have a similar outfit of father's. Harold has dark blue jeans with a fancy black button down shirt and black shoes. We all look handsome.

We arrive to the party. It is only four blocks away from our house.

Kelly rings the doorbell and a short woman answers. "Hello," father says.

"Oh Mr. Mayor!" The woman exclaims. "Come in."

We go in the house. The woman compliments on how dashing we all look.

Kelly blushes, "you must be the boss of the house huh?"

The woman chuckles, "Of course."

Father shakes her hand, "Nice to meet you Mrs. Underwood."

Oh, she is Jessie's mother.  I wonder where they got their blonde hair from. Mrs. Underwood is short, has medium length curly hair, light skin, and brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Darwin Moore," Mrs. Underwood says. "I'm Patricia."

"This is my wife Kelly and my kids: Harold, Angel, Cassandra,  jarold and Garret."

We all say hello. Mrs. Underwood takes us outside. Another couple is siting near the pool.

"Sweetie, the Moore family is here," Mrs. Underwood walks towards a tall blonde man near the grill. The man turns around and he smiles. So there's where the twins got their handsome-ness from. He is quiet good looking.

"There is Darwin!" He exclaims. Father shares a bear hug with him. Father chuckles, "how are you Anderson?"

"Good. Glad you and your family made it."

Father introduces everyone to him and everyone else who is here. The couple is Anderson's neighbors: Bianca and Ray.

We sit in the table located near the glass door.

"Where are your kids?" Kelly asks Mrs. Underwood.

"They will be here any second," she answers.  And soon they appear. Ben and Jessie say hello and sit next to me. Ben is siting in front of me while jessie beside me.

"Hi Cassandra,  how are you?" Jessie asks me.

"Good and you?"

"Happy you made it," she smiles.

Harold touches my leg under the table. He is siting on my other side. I lightly jump from his warm touch. I look at him and he grins. Why did he do that?

"You have classes with her?" Father asks Jessie.

"Yes," Jessie smiles, "also my brother."

"Oh that's great," father says. He turns to Ben, "what do you think of my daughter?"

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