Punctured Lung and a Broken Heart

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Todoroki hadn't really thought too much on his actual relationship with Bakugou and Kirishima. They weren't exactly dating. But he didn't mind. He didn't consider himself as someone who'd be in a relationship, it just wasn't him. And the others probably didn't want any commitments. Maybe they just wanted to have some fun.
He didn't like them...

He'd just gotten a call about some suspicious sounds heard down south of the city. Unfortunately, his usual partner got injured on their last patrol so it looked like he was going to be going solo for this one. He was the closest hero to the scene, so the agency just HAD to force him to do it. Probably his fathers idea, keeping him busy. He wasn't even on call this morning either.

It was 7am. Too early for Todoroki. He still yanked on his spare suit from home and made his way out of his room - zipper stubbornly stuck halfway. There was no point going to the agency if the incident was close by. Kirishima was drinking a protein shake in the kitchen, leaning against the counter looking at his phone. He was probably about to go work out or maybe he'd just gotten back? Todoroki had no idea how he functions so well so early.
Additionally, protein shakes are disgusting in his opinion. He even turns his nose up at the chocolate flavoured ones, much to Kirishima's disappointment.

"Woahhh! Todobro this is early for..." The red head trailed off, eyes glued to his bare chest. Todoroki was still fighting against the zipper not noticing the gaze on him, stumbling slightly on his way to the front door.
"Dude, you gotta pull it gently or it'll break." Kirishima chuckled, placing his drink down to come and help. Todoroki looked a bit of mess, a raging red and white bedhead with squinting, glossy eyes. He's just not a morning person. Kirishima's fingers delicately grasped the zip, somehow able to pull it up as if it wasn't stuck at all.
The fingers then ran through his hair, brushing it out of his eyes and into a more presentable state.
"Thanks..." Todoroki muttered, too focused on the face that was close to his. Should he kiss him? They hadn't kissed each other any other time than when they did sexual things. Kissing outside of that... Is that taking it too far? Does he want to take it that far?

"You're so out of it when you're tired." Kirishima laughed at his state, not able to see Todoroki's dilemma through his poker face. Before he even knew it, Kirishima was walking back to the kitchen. They didn't kiss.
Todoroki clenched his fist at the fabric covering his chest. There was a weird tightness there.
He should get that checked out. Where was that pressure point again..?

Snapping out of it, he shoved his boots on and did a once over check to make sure he had everything with him.
"Be safe! Oh- and take this!"
An apple was flying at his face.
Even in his sleepy state he managed to catch the apple, immediately bringing it to his mouth to bite into. He didn't realise he was hungry.
"Thanks, see you later..." Todoroki mumbled with his mouth full. Thankfully, Bakugou was on his morning patrol - the blonde would experience extreme irritation when someone talked with their mouth full. Kirishima usually got the brunt of it, though.


Todoroki was walking through a set of alleyways. Nothing suspicious yet. He was on high alert, earlier tiredness vanished. The report detailed a woman's screams from around this area.
Suddenly, a clang of dropping metal sounded just behind him. Immediately, he twisted round, ready for anything. An empty can rolled to his feet.
Heinz beans.
He's been hit in the head with a Heinz beans can by Bakugou before. The memory brought a small smile to his face. It was actually really painful so he's not entirely sure why he's smiling. Todoroki shifts his jaw side to side, relaxing the muscles, forcing himself back into poker face.

He didn't notice it before, but he felt like he was being watched. There was a cold feeling on his spine that always seemed to rise as a result. Todoroki was a rational person, he wasn't influenced too easily by his emotions in his later years. But this was something that happened too often.
"Come out." Todoroki spoke into the emptiness of the alleyway. He straightened his posture, looking down both ends.

"Thought I was pretty sneaky."
Todoroki snapped his head to the left, shocked at what he saw.
"Bakugou?" Bakugou was standing in the middle of the alleyway. It was strange though, it was practically bare of anything to hide behind and Todoroki had just looked that way, how did he not see him? He couldn't have come down from a roof because he would have heard him.
"The fuck are you doing here?" Bakugou grumbled. The blonde began to step causally towards him.
Why was Bakugou here?

"There's been reports of weird noises down here so I'm checking it out - what about you?"
Todoroki dropped his guard slightly, he felt safer with two sets of eyes.
"Same thing."
"Why would the agency sent two of us, I thought it would just be me..."
Bakugou just shrugged, walking closer to him now.
"Beats me."

"Hopefully we can- oof-"
Suddenly he was pushed against the wall, Bakugou caging him in.
"Bakugou - we're on the job." Todoroki hissed, shoving the other away.
"It's you - or the next bitch I find so make your mind up." Bakugou snapped, coming closer again to suck at his neck.
Wait... what?
"What do you..."
His mind scrambled - an ugly, cold feeling making his stomach drop and flip.
Suddenly there's a cackling laughter - Bakugou backed away from him, spreading his arms wide.
"I'm ProHero Dynamight- of course I have a bunch of flings - don't think you're special."
So he's just... a fling. It's all just... a joke.

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Run along home now - I don't want to see you anymore if you're so emotionally involved." Bakugou chuckled.
Hold on...

Todoroki immediately began stepping away, creating distance.
"You're not Bakugou. Who are you?" Todoroki readied his fighting stance. His chest felt weird again. Why was he stuttering?
"Hahaha! I reject you and now you're coming up with this?" Bakugou sported a evil smirk, a strange knowing glint in his eyes.
"Who are you? Tell me before I cuff you." Todoroki hissed. The words hurt more than he expected but he was trying to ignore it for now.
"Gyahahahah! Did that hurt? You should have seen your face! I thought that blank facade was unbreakable! You know Bakugou doesn't like you, don't you? It makes your heart break doesn't it? It ma-"
Todoroki sent a gush of ice at the rambling villain. He felt so weird all of a sudden. His heart felt like it was sinking.
The villain stumbled back, managing to miss most of the ice. However, his ankle got trapped in a chunk, causing him to trip and lad painfully on his back.
"Oops! Looks like you caught me! Did I strike a nerve? Is Bakugou your crush or something? Pathetic." A psychotic laughter split the air.

The villain was obviously inexperienced in combat. Probably some sort of shape shifting type with a thing for messing with people. Maybe a psychopath on the side.
Todoroki began walking towards him, cuffs in hand. He still felt off. His mind not completely focused. Which is probably why he foolishly missed the villain slip his hand into his pocket.
It all happened too fast.
Todoroki saw the glint of metal, reflexively shooting out ice to immobilise the villain. But he was a second too late.

The villain was half covered in ice, the impact knocked the gun out of reach.
A red spot blossomed underneath his right peck. He was already finding it hard to breathe. Punctured lung.
On autopilot, he pressed the emergency button on his hero device. Every hero in his agency had one, it was a way of communicating quickly. His location was sent so there was going to be an ambulance soon. Immediately, he began coughing, blood spraying over the floor. He stumbled to the side, sliding down the brick wall of the alleyway. He clenched the fabric around the wound, applying pressure like he was taught. He'd been closer to death before, but this time it felt worse. Maybe it was the loneliness of dying in an almost empty alleyway, or maybe it was something else. He wanted to call Bakugou and Kirishima.

"You know Bakugou doesn't like you, don't you?"

His heart was beating so fast. He was bleeding a lot. The way it pumped out of his chest was slightly worrying. He coughed again, blood dripping down his chin.
What was happening to him?


It had been 6 minutes - the anxiety was slowly eating at him.

He was loosing too much blood. Sometimes, the fact he had a quirk blinded him to the fact he was still human.
Newsflash, he didn't have magical healing abilities.
He could die from this.

Everything was getting darker.
He could feel himself passing out.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now