Like it Rough

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This really wasn't how Todoroki planned his day to go....

"So you're all dating... The three of you?"

Bakugou, Kirishima and Todoroki all sat shoulder to shoulder on their sofa, Midoriya stood facing them.
"Fucking hell - how many times do we have to say it..." Bakugou hissed, mumbling profanities under his breath. He sat with his arms crossed, the slightest hint of an embarrassed blush still on his frowned face.
"Well! Um- congrats? I never saw this coming..." Izuku chuckled, nervously. Todoroki was thankful the other had finally stopped pacing - it had made him uncomfortable.
"We only started properly dating a couple days ago, but we've been-"
"-Don't say another word. You've already said enough, shitty hair." Bakugou cut off the red head, who guiltily flicked red eyes away from his glare. Kirishima's lay his arm across the sofa, his hand lightly squeezing Todoroki's shoulder in silent apology.

"Does anyone else know?" Midoriya added, directing a curious gaze to Todoroki, who fidgeted in response. It wasn't like he was embarrassed of his relationship with the other two, but he found it difficult opening up his life to others. All of this was new to him...
"Not yet! I mean, the squad knew we had a crush on Todo-"
"It wasn't a crush! We're not fucking 12!" Bakugou interrupted Kirishima yet again, flustered.
"A crush..." Todoroki parroted quietly, turning to face the others. If they were crushing - does that mean he was crushing as well? If they talked to their friends about it - should he have talked to his own friends? He just sort of cut everyone off to deal with it by himself... Is he a bad friend-
"Oi, stop thinking so hard, your tiny ass brain's gonna burst." Bakugou snapped from the other side of the sofa. He quickly noticed all the others had stopped talking and were now looking at him.

"What are you going to tell your Dad?" Izuku spoke up, shifting his feet uncomfortably.
Todoroki froze at the question. He's never really talked to his father about things like sexuality - he's not even sure if he's accepting of that kind of stuff...
"I haven't thought about it." Todoroki replied honestly.
"It's no ones fucking business anyways - we'll tell whoever we wanna tell, whenever we fucking want." Bakugou growled, obviously wanting to finish this conversation.
"Okay- well, I'm happy for you guys! I don't think anything different of you all-"
"Shut the fuck up - I don't need your acceptance speech, Deku." The blonde spat, starting to get up and leave.
"Thanks man! That means a lot... I'm sure Bakubro's happy on the inside-" Kirishima added, quickly springing up to clamp Bakugou in a headlock - keeping him from leaving.
"The fuck-!"
The others wrestled to the floor, a mix of giggles and furious expletives coming from the moving mess of limbs. Todoroki watched Midoriya awkwardly chuckle and moved to leave his seat. Izuku must want to go home soon.
The other noticed his movement, shoulders relaxing and following him to the front door. They had a weird mental connection like that sometimes...

"Sorry, I didn't talk-"
"Don't worry about it Shouto! I know you prefer not to - but I'm always here to talk, okay? I'm sure Momo's missing you too, you guys are close too, right? You can talk to her as well." Izuku gave him a caring smile.
"Thanks..." Todoroki sighed. Midoriya really is a good friend. He should take his advice and start putting more effort into his other friendships. He hasn't talked to Momo properly in weeks...
"Well, today's been... fun. Let's talk soon, okay?" Midoriya called before turning to leave.
"See you soon." Todoroki replied, smiling just slightly before closing the front door.

He could barely turn the lock before his body was shoved against the wood, a warm body heating his back. He quickly placed his hands in front of him, saving himself from face planting. There was familiar jangle of keys dropping onto the door mat.
"Should've made him leave sooner." The low voice of Bakugou penetrated his right ear, a pair of hands gripping his hip bones.
"Bakugou wha-" Todoroki tried to turn around to face the other, pushing against the door.
Fingers tangled in red and white hair, shoving the side of his face into the wood. The impact created a painfully loud bang. Todoroki looked back through his unscarred eye, shocked at the sudden roughness.
"The nerd was all over you when I came in." The blonde growled, dipping down to bite dominantly at the back of his neck. He flinched at the zap of pain, surprised at the way his abdomen clenched back in arousal.
"Shouto this, Shouto that - he needs to learn to back off."
The blonde further crowded him at the door, the other hand at his hip heated to a point he swore he could smell burning cloth. Todoroki couldn't help but be pinned pliantly against the door, unsure of what was going on.

"Bakugou, isn't it a bit soon?"
Kirishima joined them at the door, Todoroki watched him cautiously through the corner of his eye.
"Soon for what?" He asked carefully, trying to ignore the way his crotch rubbed against wood.
"Me and Kat-Bakugou... We didn't want to scare you or - we wanted you to be more comfortable - it's just - we kind of like things..." The red head trailed off, a blush blooming at his cheeks.
Bakugou's body retreated from his slightly, the hand at his hip leaving while the other still locked Todoroki's head against the door. He couldn't help but miss the contact. He watched the other two intensely stare at him - too distracted by crimson eyes that he failed to notice the movement of Bakugou's retracting arm.

Suddenly, a gasp was ripped from his throat as a hot hand slapped his clothed ass cheek. His eyes widened in shock, slightly glossed from the pain. Heart racing, he willed the increasing tightness in his boxers to go away.

"We like it rough."

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now