Fucked on his Fathers Desk

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Maybe Todoroki's hesitance was more obvious than he thought, as the other's collectively decided to end it there that day.

"Well Todoroki-san, it looks like we can take off your sling. If you start experiencing pain now that you can move your shoulder more - please get back in contact with us!"

Todoroki sighed. The sling has been such a nuisance, every time he tried to take it off at home the others would scold him. At least he'd finally be able to get back to proper hero work now too.
Whilst off the field, his father had given him mountains of paperwork to keep him busy. He couldn't even finish it all in his dedicated work hours - having to work overtime to meet the deadline.

He just wanted to go home.
Especially now his sling was off.

But no. He forgot that his father is a cockblocking piece of shit.


It was late.
Far too late to still be at the agency.

The corridors were dark and empty, completely silent except for the sounds of Todoroki's rhythmic footsteps.
In a way, he preferred it like this - no scrambling interns - no earsplitting phone chimes - no hustle and bustle of people rushing back and forth.
Even though he liked the quiet, it wasn't quite the same.

Todoroki paused at the doorway to his fathers office.
The keypad had smudges on, yet the cleaner should have been and gone through here already.

Quietly, Shouto placed the last of his paperwork on a counter by the door - activating his quirk at his right arm.
He was thankful for the silence as he tapped out the passcode, opening the door in the quietest way possible.
There was someone at the desk.

He shut the door even quieter behind him. It definitely couldn't be his father, the figure didn't have the same body shape.

Endeavour's office was unnecessarily large, ginormous windows taking up the entirety of one wall. The only light came from the neighbouring skyscrapers and moonlight. He kept to the shadows, stepping carefully closer - assessing the other. They hadn't noticed him yet - it looked like they were on their phone - the screen set too dim to see their face.

He froze.
The other shifted in the chair, turning it to face further away from him and slamming their feet up on the wooden surface.

He used their shuffling to get right behind them without being heard, not missing any opportunity to stay invisible.


"What the FUCK?!"
Todoroki let go of Bakugou's throat.

"Sorry. I thought you were an intruder." Todoroki commented, wincing as Bakugou bent over to cough.
"When the hell did you get in here - how did you even know- I didn't-" Bakugou stuttered as he shouted, holding his throat and looking a little more startled than Todoroki was expecting.
"I apologise for scaring you."

"You didn't- fuck you!" Bakugou yelled, standing up to shove him away. Yet before he could, Todoroki caught his wrists - pushing him back down into the desk chair and towering over him.
He wasn't going to make the same mistake.

"What did we do yesterday at 3:14pm?"
Bakugou just looked at him incredulously - struggling against his hold.
"The fuck? They give you even more drugs at your check-up?"
Good enough.

He loosened his grip, surprised the other didn't shove him off immediately.
"Just checking you were you."
Bakugou growled, slightly breathless,
"Fucking psycho..." He paused, "Your arm's better then."

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