Pins and Needles

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The first thing Todoroki felt was a dull pressure on his leg, his foot tingling with lack of circulation. His head felt fuzzy, drugged up.
Squinting against a warm light, Todoroki woke from slumber.
A white ceiling.
His mind quickly flashed to prior events. The gunshot wound. At least he was found in time. He had a lot of explaining to do to his agency, his father was going to be furious.
He must be hospital.

He lifted his head up slightly to find Kirishima was sat slumped beside his bed, head laying on top of folded arms on his leg. By the look of the consistent rise and fall of his back, the red head was deep in sleep. A content feeling blossomed in his chest at the sight. Orange light fell from the large window that took up most of the wall the other side of him. The sun was setting, or maybe rising. Todoroki wasn't sure how long he'd been here. A small shuffle brought his attention to Bakugou, who was sat in a chair next to his head. The blonde had just shifted his leg, stretching it out slightly more. His arms were crossed, head tipped downwards, eyes closed. The warm light cast a strangely beautiful glow around the edges of his face.

As if Bakugou could feel his gaze, the blonde slowly opened his eyes - blinking and looking to the side, directly at Todoroki. Bakugou's eyes widened briefly in surprise, blinking again before letting his face fall into a barely there scowl.
"Dumbass." The blondes gruff voice was quiet in his ears.
"How long have I been out?" Todoroki's voice was rough and scratchy, borderline painful.
"You were in surgery for a while, you've been out for quite a few hours. They might make you stay overnight." Bakugou's voice was weirdly void of aggression, but tight with tension. Todoroki was expecting a shouting session for his stupidity.

It was silent for a while. As it was winter the sun set around 4:30 in Japan now so it's been maybe 10 hours since the incident. His chest doesn't hurt that much but that's probably a result of all the drugs piled into him. It makes him feel weirdly peaceful.

"You almost fucking died." Bakugou said it so quietly, he almost missed it. He turned to face the blonde but he was already looking the other direction, hiding his face.
"If the shitty paramedics actually did their fucking job this never would ha-" Bakugou's voice was quickly rising. He quickly cut himself off though in response to the stirring of Kirishima. They both waited in silence for a second. Taking a deep breath, he resumed.
"They thought it was a malfunction on your hero device. Fucking idiots - didn't think the famous Shouto would need immediate medical help. God - I almost fucking killed them." Bakugou hissed, trying to keep his voice down to not wake Kirishima. He finally looked over at Todoroki, eyes strangely glassy.
"They still got me in time though. I'm fi-"
"You fucking bled out! Literally 1 more fucking minute and you would have died." Bakugou looked furious, clenching the fabric of his trousers." He looked close to crying. Todoroki wasn't sure how to feel about it.
"Nobody expected it, it was supposed to be an easy mission." Todoroki reasoned, he was an idiot. Normal him would have noticed the gun far sooner and none of this would have happened. The villain got to him. It was his fault.
"There's no point in having that fucking button if they ignore it." Bakugou seethed, glaring straight at him now.
"What happened? The villain was a shitty extra with a gun, you wouldn't have let yourself get shot."

Todoroki immediately tensed at the question. He didn't want to say what happened. That would mean telling Bakugou about how he somehow got distracted by the thought that Bakugou didn't like him.
He'd rather take 100 shots to the chest then do that. Why does he even care if Bakugou doesn't like him?
"Oi, you with me, Halfy? Fuck - I told them they were putting too much shit in you. They should've worn off a bit by now." Bakugou leant from the chair, obnoxiously clicking fingers in his face.
"Stop tha- shit!" Todoroki began to lift his arm to push the hand from his face but was met a sharp pain. His eyes watered slightly from the pain, drugs must definitely be wearing off.
"Don't fucking move that, dumbass!" Bakugou almost leapt off of his seat, moving his hands to push his arm down but not actually doing it. Hovering awkwardly just over, like he didn't want to hurt him. Todoroki's shoulder was fully wrapped with thick bandage, arm in a sling across his chest. How he didn't notice it earlier was beyond him....
"The bullet went through your body at an angle or something - I don't give a shit about trigonometry anymore - but it fucked up your shoulder blade. So don't you fucking dare move it." The blonde ordered him like a strict mom, even pointing a finger at him to emphasise the point. Todoroki probably would have laughed if he wasn't noticing a building throb of pain.

"Bakugou... I told you to not shout at Todoroki when he wakes up." Kirishima spoke through a yawn, finally woken from sleep. It gave Todoroki the beautiful relief of blood flowing though his foot again as the red head sat up and stretched his arms.
"I wasn't shouting." Bakugou grumbled, falling to sit back in chair, arms crossed. Kirishima ignored the blonde, giving Todoroki a sickly sweet grin.
"Hey man! Good to see you alive. You feeling alright?" Kirishima shifted his chair across slightly to get closer to Todoroki's head.
"I'm okay. Have you guys been here long?" He really wasn't okay both mentally or physically but he wasn't prepared to spill the beans anytime soon.
"We got here a couple hours after the medics found you-"
"Didn't bother fucking telling us till you were half dead on a surgery slab." Bakugou interrupted, anger evident on his face.
"Bakugou punched like 3 medics - and made the receptionist cry. The only reason they didn't kick us out was because I saved the head surgeons daughter a week ago..." Kirishima added, sheepishly. Todoroki honestly had no idea what to say. He slowly turned his head to Bakugou, raising an accusatory eyebrow.
"I got a call you were in critical condition over one fucking gunshot wound! With all the quirks now that should have been an easy fix! These fucking people are useless!" Bakugou's voiced raised again, eyes burning crimson.
"Dude, calm down. I really don't want to be kicked out now that he's actually awake." Kirishima pleaded, glancing back at the door nervously.
"He is right, though. This shouldn't have been a critical situation. They have that guy with teleportation quirk. They should have been with you immediately. Oh, I think your- um- Endeavour is suing like the entire hospital." Kirishima added, concern written across his face. Todoroki sighed. Of course his father would make a big deal out of this.
"Where is he?" Todoroki dared ask.
"Not here. Bastard's been constantly calling from the office, though." Bakugou answered, lips pulled in an irritated frown. Todoroki mirrored it, already imagining the calls that he's going to have to answer later.


The rest of Todoroki's time in hospital was largely uneventful. A doctor came in to check in on him and give him some pain killers. Bakugou glared at the poor man like he'd pissed on his mother's grave. Even Kirishima was noticeably less friendly.

Todoroki felt off. He wasn't entirely sure if it was the fact he almost died that morning or if it was the way he couldn't take his eyes off the 2 others in the room. Kirishima was teasing Bakugou about something, grinning happily. He was wearing the same thing from this morning and hair messy from his nap. One of his hands was on Todoroki's knees rubbing comfortingly. The way the red hairs eyes gleamed playfully, made his heart beat faster. Bakugou was shouting death threats, cheeks slightly blushed. Todoroki seriously had some sort of mental issue because the way the blonde would quickly glance towards him - checking on him - calling him a piece of shit if he caught the gaze was making have this happy sort of feeling. It wasn't a sexual sort of feeling but something deeper.

Something Todoroki had no idea how to handle.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now