Confessions and Concrete

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"What are we?"

A chunk of debris flew past him, smashing through the glass of a flower shop.

"Is now really the fucking time, Halfy?!" Bakugou shouted over the explosions he was firing.

Todoroki had been brewing over the question since the steamy night in the shower. He wasn't exactly nervous about bringing it up with the others but was concerned about the answer he'd get.
He liked Bakugou.
He liked Kirishima.
He wanted to touch them - kiss them. But he also wanted to sit on the sofa and watch Disney films and... cuddle? Pat his hair? Maybe hold his hand sometimes?
Fuck, he's so touch-starved...

"Watch out!" Kirishima's arm invaded his vision, blocking off stray glass shards coming towards him. They bounced off his hardened skin. Todoroki noted he was kind of excited. He hadn't fought along aside Kirishima in long time. He wished the weather was less dark, rainy and miserable- at least he'd be able to enjoy the rare occasion more.

"You sure you want to talk about this right now?!" Kirishima yelled, almost deafened by the ground cracking beneath him. The skin that was visible on his face was wet and splattered brown from dirt. He was shivering slightly from the weather.
Currently, the city was being ripped apart. A powerful villain with some sort of "Earth-bending" type quirk was having a field day. Todoroki noted he should watch Avatar again after this...

Kirishima and Fatgum had been on patrol at the time, obviously they couldn't  handle the quirk user by themselves and due to a shortage of useful heroes  that were available at their own agency as well as the high threat level - others had to be called in. Hence the short term partnership. Fatgum was shouting behind them - using his added thickness to cushion any impact towards civilians. The whole attack was out of nowhere so it was proving difficult to get everyone out of  danger. Some higher up heroes were taking care of the villain whilst Todoroki and Bakugou were left to intercept any stray debris and keep damage to a minimum.
They were doing pretty well so far...

Another block of concrete whizzed overhead, taking out a billboard sign.

"Me and that dumbass are dating and-" Bakugou yelled over all the commotion, diverting his gaze briefly to analyse Todoroki's expression but was quickly cut off when another round of rock sped in his direction. Explosions filled the air, rendering it all harmless. He was only a couple of meters away, sparks glowing in his hands. The rain thundered around him, bouncing off his wide shoulders. If you looked closely, you'd see steam rising from his bare skin.

Todoroki let out a blast of fire, directing a stray lamppost into a rising heap of rubble. His fire quirk used to be pretty badly affected by heavy rain - however he'd improved a lot recently. He compressed the flames into a tighter ray - instantly evaporating the rain that came near it.

Honestly, he'd already considered that there was a relationship between the other two. He still felt somewhat excluded though.
"We started properly dating around the end of third year!" Kirishima added, jogging next to him while attempting to wipe some dirt off his shoulder.

"I didn't know..." Todoroki muttered. The three of them got pretty close in third year - how did he not notice?
Kirishima was the only one who heard him over all the destruction around them.
"We didn't properly tell anyone till graduation - and that was just the squad."
Bakugou landed ungracefully next to him - the villain was able to cause tremors too, unhelpfully.
"Did Midoriya know?" Todoroki questioned, starting to feel a swirling at the bottom of his stomach.
"Fuck no!" The blonde yelled, momentarily distracted.
Thank God.
"So if you two are dating then why-" He cut himself off - blasting another round of fire, melting some shards of plastic thrown their way.
"Because-" Bakugou hesitated, throwing a glance at Kirishima. Was this all for fun? Do they even like him? Has he just ruined everything?

"Someone stop that building!"
The large tremors and excessive damage caused by the powerful villain had unbalanced a partially constructed skyscraper. It tilted sickeningly. The last of the civilians were still being evacuated below it. Todoroki ignored the sinking feeling, calling ice to his fingertips.
The building started to fall.
But he was quicker.

A rush of ice towered ominously, completely encasing the building. He let out a puff of icy air that quickly got lost in the downpour.

"Damn, you're so cool..." Kirishima spoke in awe, mouth slightly agape. Now the civilians were out of harms way - the heroes could properly corner the villain now.
The tremors stopped.
The debris hadn't.
Todoroki could barely call out a warning before he was being shoved to the ground. He was pretty sure half a fucking building just flew over their heads.
"Fucking hell..." Bakugou groaned, close to his ear. Todoroki lay partially over Kirishima, who had placed his hand protectively in red and white hair - bringing Todoroki's head into his chest and taking the brunt of the fall. Bakugou, who'd tackled them down, caged his arms around them - using his back to shield them from any stray material.

"Do you guys... like me?" Todoroki muttered, shifting nervously under the close contact of the other two.
"Do you like us?" Bakugou shot back a little defensively. A stinging feeling shot through his chest. Were they avoiding his question? He quickly rolled out from the hero sandwich, trying to make some distance. He shakily rose to his feet - spinning round to face the other two who'd also risen to their feet. Although the rain impacted his vision, he saw that Kirishima looked beyond nervous, arm raised as if to grab him and pull him back. On the other hand, Bakugou held a firm gaze with a defensive scowl.
Their crimson eyes glowed in the rain.

Todoroki breathed deeply before replying,
"I like both of you - but I get you don't feel the same way-"
"God you're such a fucking idiot."
Bakugou shouldered past Kirishima and marched towards him. Todoroki panicked a little - was Bakugou going to hit him? He looked furious...
"Look, I get-mph!"
Todoroki was quickly cut off by Bakugou slamming their lips together.

Looking back, it was unnecessarily dramatic.
Rubble flew across the grey sky - rain pelting down around them. There were shouts in the distance.
But all Todoroki felt was Bakugou.
He could barely breathe before he was pulled into a second pair of lips.

"We like you. Like - seriously like you." The words were murmured over his lips. Todoroki finally understood what people meant when they said they had butterflies.

"Let's just fucking date already."

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now