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The trio's relationship progressed with ups and downs, but they easily fell into a comfortable routine. Todoroki started notice how the others touches started become a little less innocent...

"Todoroki, get me the salt - it's on the shelf above your head." Bakugou muttered, busily chopping vegetables and switching his attention to the sizzling frying pan every few minutes. Metallic sounds buzzed from his phone, background noise whilst he was cooking. Kirishima was going to be back from patrol soon so they were cooking dinner.
'They' as in Bakugou.

"Let me finish this first." Todoroki replied, fiddling with his phone whilst leant against the kitchen counter. Kaminari had introduced him to the world of mobile games. His life now revolved around cutting fruits, jumping on trains and killing astronauts.

"Hah? Get off your fucking phone - you're supposed to helping."
He ignored the complaints. After living with Bakugou for awhile he found that he kind of enjoyed getting on the other's nerves – it was weirdly rewarding.

"Oi - I said get off your phone!"
Distantly, he heard the clatter of a knife.
"Mhm." He hummed, eyes glued to the screen. He'd almost beaten his high score, fingers swiping with increasing purpose.

"Tch. Fine I'll get it myself."
Hearing the footsteps, he flicked his gaze up to see Bakugou suddenly towering over him. They were roughly the same height now but with the way he was leant against the counter the other had the opportunity to look down on him.

Without breaking eye contact, Bakugou slowly reached up and behind Todoroki's head, caging him against the counter. In the corner of his eye, the screen of his phone flashed a different colour - high score unbeaten. The background song came to a close, quickly bringing a tense silence before the next.

They were staring at each other, challenging. An icy blue against burning red. Bakugou's other  hand slid around his hip bone, subtly pushing their hips together. He fumbled to keep his phone from falling to the floor, jaw almost dropping at the suggestive touch. The grip clenched tighter as the blonde leant closer to his face.

"Don't fucking test me." Bakugou practically growled into his ear before swiftly turning back to his station, salt in hand.

What was that?

~ ~ ~

Kirishima was the type of person to WANT to work out in the morning. Todoroki was not one of those people. It was well known he was a night owl - routinely clashing with his roommates who were both early birds.

"Ahhh Todoroki, you're squatting all wrong. Who the hell was your personal trainer?" Kirishima quickly dropped the weight in his hands to rush over. Eyes raising, Shouto watched the other approach through the mirror. His red hair was just long enough to be pulled into a messy pony tail - Todoroki was almost tempted to grow out his own.

"This is good enough." He squatted again in-front of the mirror. He'd toned up a lot since high school. Still slim – not bulking out as heavily like the other two (which may have been partially due to his morning ramen diet) but he was loaded in muscle, they formed deep lines with every squat.

"Dude! You gotta straighten your back more or it'll hurt later..."
He continued his work out - not bothered with Kirishima circling. Eventually, the red head positioned himself behind him, pushing lightly at his lower back. His torso shifted a little, more pressure being put on his abs. A quiet groan escaped his mouth at the relief - the sharp stings of strain faded from his back.

"And... you gotta move this part back a little more." Kirishima's voice dropped uncharacteristically quiet, taking on an unfamiliar low tone. The other's remaining hand slipped around onto his abdomen, positioning his body into better form.

He gulped, watching through the mirror as the red head observed his body with a drilling gaze. Almost wanting to fidget, he contained his emotions and breathed deeply. As his chest rose with his inhale, his white T-shirt slipped upwards.

Suddenly, fingers brushed against the sensitive skin of his lower abdomen.

Todoroki dropped the weight onto his foot.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now