Daddy Issues

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Todoroki didn't love his father. Todoroki wasn't even sure if he liked his father. It was a constant rollercoaster - every time Todoroki felt like the relationship was improving his father would go and ruin it.


Oh fuck

Todoroki was late to work that morning - Bakugou was teaching him how to make an omelet - but after scraping off charred egg whites 5 times - they collectively decided to give up.
"Hello, father." He dropped off his bag at his desk, switching the computer on. He mostly just had to do paper work today - he hoped he hadn't missed any important calls with his lateness...
"You're late Shouto, I won't allow this incompetence. Especially from my own son. Did you read through the document I emailed you?" Endeavour towered over Todoroki - a common intimidation tactic he liked to use.
Todoroki hadn't read that document. He was supposed to, but then Kirishima asked if he wanted to watch a new anime that came out. They ended up bing watching it for the whole of their day off.
"No, father. I will read it now." He cringed on the inside, he hated failing his fathers requests - not for the fear of disappointing his father but the confrontation.
"I am not impressed Shouto. You have been slacking. If you continue like this-"

Throughout the day, his father constantly nagged him. He swore he was going to rip out every piece of red hair on his head by the end of the day.
The reason he decided to torture himself and join his own fathers agency was the same reason he did experience with him back in high school. Endeavour was a high ranking hero, he has experience, money and connections. It's the best place to start for the beginning of a hero's career and honestly, it was rare for Todoroki to see his father around, being the agency owner his father was busy most of the time. But some unfortunate days, his father had less work to do and would hound him the entire day.


After a very long and very draining day, Todoroki finally made it home.
"Welcome home Todobro! How was your day?" Kirishima came bounding from the kitchen, almost like some sort of dog when their owner came home.
"Fine." Todoroki kicked off his shoes a little harder than usual. He was always touchy after a full day spent with his father. Somehow just those long hours made everything seem irritating. Kirishima gave a slightly concerned side eye at the messily placed shoes.
"Aha... Well, Bakugou's just about to finish dinner so come eat!" Kirishima dragged Todoroki into the kitchen. He didn't bother to address Bakugou, and slumped in one of the bar stools - Kirishima sliding into the one next to him.


He ate dinner quietly, avoiding Kirishima's constant attempts at getting him to join in on conversation.
"The fuck is up with you, IcyHot. You're grumpy as shit." Bakugou certainly has a way with words. Todoroki wills himself to stay calm.
"I'm fine, Bakugou. Drop it." He stood up, grabbing his empty plate and cutlery, walking to put it in the dishwasher. The dishes rattled loudly.
"You're obviously not fucking fine. Just spit it out already." Bakugou stood from his seat moving round to block Todoroki from leaving the kitchen.

Todoroki really wasn't in the mood.

"I said drop it." He attempted to push past Bakugou but the blond pushed back harder.
"Let me though, Bakugou." Todoroki's veins were on fire, everything felt so hot.
"Fucking make me, Halfy" The two of them would usually bicker like this, but today was different. He was just one string from snapping, and Bakugou was holding the scissors.
"I said. Let. Me. Fucking. Through." His voice dropped an octave - practically sizzling with pent up anger.
"H-hey guys, let's just chill for sec okay?" Kirishima started slowly rising from his own chair, nervously glancing between the two.
"And I said fucking make me."

Todoroki had bad days. Days where he felt angry, cornered, vulnerable. It made him lash out or lock himself away. There were times he'd get panic attack after panic attack. Sometimes there wasn't even a trigger, he'd just break down. It was pathetic.
After so long - he still hasn't gotten over anything. He's still just wasted potential.
He wished he could be the anime protagonist, overcoming all their struggles and becoming overpowered in one dramatic episode.
But no.
His life doesn't work like that.
His trauma is always there.
Always haunting him.

Todoroki threw the punch.
Slamming it straight into Bakugou's left cheek bone. Bakugou obviously wasn't expecting the hit and fell back. Kirishima lunged to grab onto Todoroki but he threw him off - stomping straight into his room slamming his door shut.


He slid down his closed door holding his head in his hands.
He'd punched Bakugou tonnes of times, but this was different, it felt so wrong.

You're unsightly
You're a monster
You can't even control your temper
You're just like your father

You're just like your father
You're just like your father
You're just like your father

He felt it - the sudden swooping, clenching in his chest. His legs tensed and trembled against his will, quickly causing his whole body to tremble as well. His breathing didn't feel right. It was harder - exhausting. He knew it was just a panic attack. He checked his pulse - quicker than normal but fine. Being an incredibly rational person, panic attacks were simply annoying. He knew it wasn't 'real'. He wasn't actually suffocating, he wasn't actually dying - it was all made up in his head.

He let out a pitiful whimper. He was just like his father. Hurting people. Hurting people he was supposed to love. Hurting people who would never hurt him.

There was a soft knock at his door.
"Todoroki? It's Kirishima. Do you want to come out and talk?"
No. Todoroki didn't 'talk'. He sat alone and pretended everything was okay. Because it was. He was fine. Because he's always fine.
"Or maybe just... Come out when you're ready? No ones mad at you, Todoroki. We just want to to help you okay?"

Just like every other time, he sat and waited. Forcefully trembling and heaving for breath until he eventually fell into a weakened sleep.


Todoroki didn't leave his room till the early morning. He skipped breakfast and walked straight out of the door to go to work. He couldn't bare to look at either of them. He's unsightly. He's just like his father.


He closed the front door quietly after getting back from work. He stayed extra late in hopes of the others being asleep by the time he got back. Without turning any lights on he slowly stepped into the kitchen hoping to get some food before retreating to his room.

Suddenly, the light turned on.

It was almost comedic in the way he turned around to see both Bakugou and Kirishima sitting on the kitchen stools. He didn't notice them in the darkness.

Todoroki noticed Bakugou had a greening bruise marking the side of his face. It made his insides curl up in nausea, that mark was created by him.
"It's just a stupid fucking bruise, Half n Half it doesn't even hurt." Bakugou's voice was weirdly softer than usual, like he was trying to convince a baby deer to eat some oats out of his hand.
"It's not just a bruise. It's a bruise I gave you." Todoroki replied, breathless. He stared at the floor, he couldn't look at it.

You're just like your father

He ignored the scraping of the kitchen stool on the tile floor.
"And I fucking deserved it. I told you to work on your left jab though - not your right hook." His voice was louder now.
"But I-"
Suddenly, a hand wrapped round the back of his neck, pulling him into a chest. Bakugou's chest. They were... hugging?
Bakugou's other hand came stroke up and down Todoroki's back.
"Stop trembling like a leaf, dumbass." Bakugou's gruff voice sounded in his ear.
He was shaking?
Todoroki didn't hug Bakugou back, he couldn't willingly touch him, what if he hurt him again.

You're just like your father.

A thumb came to wipe at the tears on his face. Kirishima was in front of him now, smiling softly.

You're not like your father, Shouto.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now