Movie Nights

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It was rare, but every so often the three of them had movie nights. Todoroki and Bakugou were usually dragged into it by Kirishima. Though Shouto preferred to read, movie nights tended to be very entertaining.

"We're not watching Little fucking Mermaid AGAIN - we watched that last time!" Bakugou shouted, reaching over Kirishima to Todoroki who was currently in control of the remote.
"But I want to watch it. It's my turn to choose." Todoroki replied dryly, leaning further across the armrest and slowly typing in the search bar with the arrow keys.
"No! It was your turn last time!" Bakugou lunged over Kirishima, almost knocking half the snacks off of the low coffee table.
"No, it was Kirishima's." Todoroki hung half way off the edge of the sofa, stretching out to avoid Bakugou's clutches.

Their apartment was mainly open plan and rectangular. The living room took up the left third, one large three seater sofa a couple metres ahead of the front door and a two seater pressed against the wall perpendicular to that. Todoroki used his dad's money to get an expensive 60" TV that hung on the wall opposite the largest sofa. He used to sit on the two seater rather than the main sofa the others sat on. He wasn't entirely sure how or when he started sitting next to them...



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"Ahhh, that's true Bakubro! It was my turn last week!" Kirishima cried, being slowly crushed by Bakugou's thrashing – barely holding him back.
"What the fuck?! Why would YOU choose to watch The Little Mermaid, shitty hair?!"

"Todoroki said he'd buy me curry buns..."

"Oh for FUCK SAKE!"

~ ~ ~



"Bakugou, we're going to get complaints from the neighbours again..."


~ ~ ~

One particular movie night was different from the rest...

"Oi, we're having salty." Bakugou called from the kitchen, the familiar beeps of the microwave ringing loudly.
"Why can't we have toffee popcorn?" Kirishima whined. He was slumped next to Todoroki flicking through movies. The red head sat a little closer than usual, his thigh barely an inch away.
"That shit is like twice the price! Go buy your own, idiot."

It wasn't like they were broke, but living in the middle of Tokyo was painfully pricy - especially with a large apartment like theirs. On top of that, they weren't experienced pro-heroes yet, Kirishima had only just managed to be promoted from a sidekick and Bakugou and Todoroki had only had about 6 months of proper pro-hero work. They certainly weren't doing bad for themselves though. It had been almost year since they left UA, him and Bakugou had both broken into the top 100 hero rankings incredibly fast and were progressing very well for their age.

Todoroki stretched his legs out a bit, stifling a yawn in the back of his hand. He'd been taking on a lot of patrols recently, pairing with more experienced pro-heroes. It was partially his father's doing, dumping him with mountains of work - but he didn't mind it too much though, it had really been helping him improve and move up ranks quicker.

Kirishima turned towards him, knee brushing against his own.
"Tired? I won't force you to stay if you're too out of it." He watched the way the red head's eyes flicked over his face, analysing his reaction.
"More popcorn for me." Bakugou grumbled as he left the kitchen, moving to sit on the other side of Kirishima. The bowl clattered on the coffee table, politely shoved to the middle of the three of them.
"I'm okay." He replied, relaxing further into the sofa. It wasn't uncommon for him to fall asleep to movies, he usually woke up lying on the sofa - blanket thrown over him. He found he enjoyed the background noise.

To Bakugou's dismay, Kirishima chose a cheesy rom-com. The red head had a weakness for clumsy kisses in the rain apparently...
Todoroki didn't mind them, it reminded him what a normal relationship could look like.

Half way through the movie, he felt movement at the back of his neck. Twisting his head slightly, he noticed Bakugou's arm had been slung over the back of the sofa - fingers curled barely an inch behind him. The blonde tended to do that, making Todoroki anxious the first time he did it. However, now the radiating warmth was weirdly soothing, he found himself waiting patiently for the action. Sometimes, the fingers would brush ever so lightly against his nape, the nerves there would tingle uncontrollably at the barest touch.

A push against his thigh immediately stole his attention. Kirishima's leg was pressed against his own. The pressure was grounding, though that didn't stop the childhood Todoroki whispering in his ear to pull away. He was far better at letting people into his personal space in recent times, but he found it hard to concentrate whenever the other two touched him like that.

He flinched.
Bakugou's fingers rested lightly at the back of his neck. He could hear his heart pounding, blood pumping a little quicker. He forced himself to freeze perfectly still, not wanting the fingers to be pushed away. Trying to relax, he took a slow breath, unclenching the fists in his lap. All his senses tuned in to the other's touch, movie completely forgotten. The tingles didn't subside as the blonde's fingers trailed slowly up to the ends of his hair. He gulped, trying to ignore the weird sensation. The other two didn't seem to recognise his inner turmoil, silently staring at the screen, eyes flickering with the moving images. Carefully, the fingers then moved and twirled the red and white hair at his nape - it was almost like Bakugou was doing it unconsciously.
He let out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding.

A few minutes later, Todoroki was lulled into a calmer state with Bakugou's slow ministrations. He also noticed at some point Kirishima had sneakily placed his hand on his own lap but his pinky and ring finger crossed the border onto Todoroki's. Even though the touch was safely close to the knee, he found himself having to purposely keep his breathing steady. It didn't help when the red head would pinch the fabric of his trousers between the two fingers, rolling and playing with it.

~ ~ ~

Over the future movie nights, he grew to looking forward to the touches – leaning his head into Bakugou's fingers and spreading his thighs a little more to press into Kirishima's. He felt he was wandering into unfamiliar territory - the subtle touches distracting and strange. Nevertheless, he found himself falling willingly into the trio's developing relationship.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now