Morning Trio

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Bakugou enjoys mornings; the crisp night air as it mingles with the warm touch of the sun, dew shining on grass, the soft thud as die hard runners begin to pound the pavement in mild privacy. He could hear the birds awaken and begin conversation amongst themselves, the way they chitter and discuss topics like shitty television housewives his old hag would watch. Little rays of sun knocked on the uncovered windows, sprinkling across the pale colored bedroom.

He rolled his shoulders, feeling the bones pop and shift from laying still so long. A sigh passed his lips, and he felt nothing more than relaxed contentment.

Snuggled against him, he felt Shouto's body pressed tight to his. One long, toned leg is tangled between his own, and a soft hand laid across his chest. He murmured softly in his sleep, then resumed his quiet breath at normal pace.

Eijiro's a little louder, his breathing heavier - fluttering strands of white hair tucked underneath his chin. He looked completely passed out, almost dead to the world as he splayed himself across the bed.

Todoroki shifted a little, drawing Bakugou's attention.
He watched the rise and fall of Shouto's chest until it deviated from its usual pattern.

"Mornin', princess." Katsuki's voice was quiet, as though if he spoke any louder, the calmness of the moment would vanish, proving to be nothing more than a fantasy. Sometimes, he honestly believed that's where he lived: in a world of impossibility. So much of his life appeared to be far beyond what such an ugly world could produce.

"Im not a princess," Shouto mumbled back, yawning and unknowingly snuggling closer into the blonde.

Deciding to be bold, Bakugou wrapped his arms around the other body and yanked Shouto on top of himself. He couldn't help a lazy smirk of satisfaction as Todoroki yelped a bit, not expecting the move.
"You sure get spoilt like one."
He was pleasantly surprised when Shouto simply let his head fall into the blonde's collar bone, dropping the argument without a singular snarky comment.

"Don't ignore me."
He ran a hand down Shouto's exposed back, feeling him shudder underneath the touch. He loved the cool, pale skin. For a moment, he let his nails skim across the surface, tainting it with faint marks.
A quiet whine brushed against his neck.

"Shouto," Katsuki pressed lightly at the others spine, smirking wider at the way the body on top of him jerked.
"Stop," Shouto grumbled, fidgeting.
"Hm, I don't know..." he taunted, raising an eyebrow when Shouto picked his head up.

The dual-haired man glared, trying to appear menacing, but it was quite difficult for him to appear anything close to cold or frightening when his bed head was borderline pink.

Shouto then looked like he was trying to decide if he wanted to do something, but clearly opted against. He sighed, still obviously tired.
Todoroki really wasn't much of a morning person, huh?

Katsuki scowled, almost being pushed off of the bed as Eijiro stretched himself out beside them.
"Oi, don't hog the whole bed - idiot," he complained, shoving the limbs away.
Kirishima only blearily blinked back, brain slowly catching up.
"Oh... sorry, man."

A dopey grin suddenly grew across the other's face.
"Aww - aren't you two cute - snuggling in the morning." Eijiro teased.
Bakugou tried to control the urge to throw the other off him - Todoroki must have had a sixth sense - two hands quickly gripping both of his biceps as security.
That feels ni-
Shut up.
Don't fucking tell me to shut up-

Several buzzes erupting from his phone tore his attention back to the present. Huffing, he snatched it off of the bedside table, frowning at the notifications for a couple seconds before switching it off, letting it clatter back on the nightstand.

Ofcourse, even in tired delirium - Shouto still had the audacity to be annoyingly observant.
"What was that?"
Katsuki knows Shouto isn't one to pry unless he deems it necessary.
"PR shit." He grumbled back vaguely, briefly glaring over at Kirishima who thankfully kept his mouth shut.
Obviously, Todoroki noticed that interaction, too. He pushed up onto his elbows, abruptly more awake.
"Are you in trouble?"
Katsuki tried his best to keep his expression straight - Shouto looked painfully cute in the way his eyebrows scrunched.
Maybe he should get him to pout and then that'd really make him-
"It's fine." Bakugou coughed out, starting to regret pulling the other so close.

Todoroki switched his gaze to Kirishima, who was purposely looking in the opposite direction.
"You're not telling me something. Not quite fair considering the hassle you've caused for my lack of it," Shouto said, unfortunately truthful.
He sighed.
So much for keeping it quiet...
"Some extra found my gauntlet on that rooftop - just got a bunch of dating rumours, that's all."

"That's all?" Shouto repeated, again looking at Kirishima for confirmation.
The red head shifted uncomfortably under attention.
"Not like you told us much about all the shit you were going through because of Deku." Bakugou snapped back, attempting to divert the conversation. It's not like he really minded, it was easy to keep up with the gist through social media - thankfully it seemed shitty Deku was getting the brunt of it.

Todoroki hesitated in his reply.
His manager told him to stay low and carry on as normal but distance himself from anything incriminating- including Izuku - at least in public.
It was fortunate Midoriya based his investigation at Endeavours agency or they probably wouldn't be able to see each other for a while.
It's not like he used social media particularly either, so the incident didn't really affect him.

"Ugh, whatever - stop thinking so hard. We need to get up."
Todoroki gasped as his body went against gravity - forcing him out of bed.
"Dibs on the bathroom first!" Kirishima cheered, already running out of the bedroom door.
"Fuck that! Bottom privileges!" Bakugou yelled back, sprinting after him.
Todoroki only stood dazed in the middle of the room. He honestly couldn't comprehend how they had so much energy in the morning. Blinking slowly, he eyed the soft sheets, tempted to just fall back into bed and block out the sounds of the others fighting.
There was a familiar crash - Todoroki could tell the sofa had just tipped over.

With a tired sigh, he slipped back under the covers.


"Tish ish sho kcoot."
"That's fucking disgusting - finishing brushing your teeth."
Todoroki smiled around his toothbrush, leaning a little more into Bakugou as Kirishima leant down to spit out his toothpaste.
"I said, this is so cute. We're like... couple goals."
"Everyone used the bathroom at the same time in UA, dumbass."
Todoroki realised he was still leaning into Katsuki, he straightened up a little.
"That's not the same!"
Once he'd finished brushing his teeth, a shoulder nudged against Shouto's own, Katsuki had closed the space between them again. Their eyes briefly met through the mirror before a crimson pair flicked down to his lips.
Ah, he probably still had toothpaste on his mouth.

He used his thumb to wipe at his bottom lip.

Once he'd glanced back up at the mirror, he found both of the others were looking at everything except him - ears flushed pink.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now