Just One More

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Shouto woke with a startle and a choked moan.

"Shh, you're okay."

He wasn't sure how long he'd passed out but he could still feel the dying tingles of his last orgasm.

Solid hands at his naked hips were pulling him further back, slowly slipping him out of Katsuki. He let out a soft hiss, sensitive.

"Just a little more..."

"Ngh-" Shouto groaned into Katsuki's neck as his head finally squeezed past the others rim - getting a painful shock of oversensitivity. The jostling caused his own prostate to be grazed.
It's still inside?
"Love it when you swear." Kirishima chuckled under his breath, carefully rearranging them so that they both lay on their sides - Shouto being the little spoon.

"Eiji- Ah!"
Shouto was interrupted by a shallow thrust. He squirmed slightly in Eijiro's hold - overstimulated.

"Shh - just one more." Kirishima whispered, kissing his cheek, his temple, the corner of his mouth.
"I'll be gentle."

Shouto shivered as Kirishima smoothed warm palms up and down his inner thighs - sinking one under his knee to then lift his leg higher. Eijiro shifted a little - accidentally jolting his dick deeper. The action made Shouto gasp - clenching harder in response.

"Relax, Shouto," Kirishima murmured, slipping an arm under him to wrap possessively around his waist.
"Let me take my time with you, yeah?"
Shouto felt the other scoot up a bit, leaning down until his lips were brushing against his cheek until he moved again, slowly dipping inside just to drag back out even slower.

Shouto shivered again, his legs jerking as if they wanted to close, but Kirishima's hand would only gently force them back apart. His eyelids fluttered slightly, cheeks a ruddy, splotchy red because his pale skin could never truly hide anything on him.

Eijiro brushed against his prostate again, with the same slow rhythm as before, and one of Shouto's hands shot down to grip at Eijiro's forearm. His fingers clenched into the toughened skin, and Eijiro took the moment to bury his face back in the juncture of Shouto's neck where he knows it's sensitive.

"Ah... Eijiro-," Shouto gasped.

"Shh, let Kats get some sleep." Kirishima murmured into the skin of Shouto's throat, licking a hot trail up to his ear.
Oh, Katsuki.
The blonde looked lost in sleep, a dead weight on the opposite side of the bed - only the rhythmic rises and fall of his bare chest to be seen. Shouto blushed at the pools of cum resting in the crevices of Bakugou's torso, a couple drops still falling from his softened dick.

Normally Shouto would notice such things sooner but he was hardly paying much attention at that moment. His back was bowing, arching back only to drop back down when Kirishima sank a bit deeper. He brought a hand to his mouth, attempting to smother the noises there.
"Good, keep quiet."
Shouto only whimpered into his palm to reply.

It didn't take long for Shouto to feel the coiling sensation.
"I need...." He managed, dropping his hand from his mouth down to his cock.
"What d'ya need, hm?" Kirishima whispered, the hand on his waist intercepting Todoroki's - keeping him from touching himself.

"Please..." Shouto mumbled, his eyes squeezed shut.
" Eijirou - "

"No," The other said quietly, and Shouto's eyes flew open, a traitorous whine slipping from his throat. Slowly, Eijiro interlocked their fingers, pulling their hands into the mattress.
Soon after, he leant forward to press their lips together, swallowing up all of the little pleading noises Todoroki let out.
"Please..." Shouto gasped again against Eijiro's lips.

After a lack of response, Shouto attempted yet another plead, but he was cut off with a strangled whine, his eyes squeezing shut again and his back arching up into a curve when Kirishima rocked more firmly inside of him, over and over and over and over and -

Shouto's cock leaked against the mattress, twitching with every press and graze of Kirishima's dick.
Slack-jawed, head tossed back and eyes completely closed, nearly rolling back in their sockets as he panted breathlessly. The tendons in his neck strained, sweat beading at his temples, and he looked so blissful that Kirishima almost came early at the sight. His dual coloured hair was in even more disarray, and Kirishima's just about to kiss him again when he heard something he swore he'd imagined:

A whispered, mumbled, almost too-quick-to-understand,

"I want to cum."

The words sounded so foreign coming from Shouto's mouth.
"And that you will," Kirishima smiled, sucking on the other's bottom lip gently before releasing it with a string of saliva.

The thrusts turned hard and fast, finally at a pace to get Shouto closer to the edge. The younger groaned and curled his toes into the sheets.
He was close, so close, body shaking like a leaf, and a mumbled string of curses escaped his lips as he finally orgasmed, patches of lace-like spirals of frost spreading across his skin. His dick twitched, come hitting the sheets lewdly, and his hips jerked as he released, clenching so tight around Eijiro's dick it must have hurt.

A part of Eijiro wanted to stay inside - make Shouto sleep with them still connected - maybe even wake him up with a graze against his prostate - or force himself not to move as Shouto fidgeted in his sleep - see how long he could last before giving in -

Fuck, his post-orgasm brain needs to chill.

Hesitantly, he pulled out of Shouto - eternally grateful that the condom hadn't broke from an extra load of cum. Then he brushed back the sweat-damp hair from Shouto's forehead, taking a moment to watch the last trembles of orgasm leave the man's expression.

Shouto's eyes blinked back open, he looked radiant. It's interesting, seeing him so relaxed and pliant, Kirishima stored the look in his brain for later.

Damn, he can't wait to boast to Katsuki...


Distantly, in the realms of sleep, Shouto felt a wet sensation slide across his skin, maybe a couple kisses on his forehead and quiet mumblings.
The noises briefly roused him from sleep, groggily shifting and squinting his eyes open.
Through the darkness of the room, he noticed Eijiro standing on the other side of the bed, hovering over Katsuki. At a closer look, he realised the other was cleaning the blonde with a towel.

Katsuki grumbled a little at the attention, Eijiro quietly chuckling in response,
"You're gonna kill me if I let you wake up with dried cum all over your chest."
"Get... Get on with it then idiot - and stop forgetting to warm up the water... fucking cold."
Bakugou sounded barely awake, voice so low and gravelly Shouto could barely understand each syllable.
"Oops, sorry." Kirishima smiled warmly, albeit a little sheepish and dipped down to kiss at Katsuki's cheek.

There was more shuffling as Kirishima finished up and Shouto reflexively shut his eyes, not wanting to intrude in their moment.

"Oi, don't forget-"
"Already done him, he didn't complain."
"Probably 'cause he's passed out - idiot."

Shouto almost flinched in surprise as a hand threaded through his hair, gently tipping his head back to expose his face.

"Stop worrying he's alright - just tired."
"I'm not fuckin- Tch - whatever, just get in bed."

The hand moved from hair down to his waist, another pulling him from his back. Shouto let himself be manhandled into a warm chest.

"You're still an after sex cuddler, huh?" Kirishima teased, moving to lie the other side of Shouto.
"Fuck off... Come closer."
"That's two contradicti-"
He jostled forward a little as Eijiro was yanked closer, squishing them close together.

Shouto didn't care if Katsuki felt a small smile against his chest.

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