Cloud 9, Sea 12

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Todoroki's eyes rolled back after a particularly hard thrust.
"Still with us, Halfy?" Bakugou huffed from behind him, breathless. He couldn't find the energy to respond, floating on cloud 9.
Or maybe drowning in sea 12.
That definitely isn't a thing... He's seriously been fucked senseless. Fuck Katsuki and his perfect dick.

"Just about." The red head chuckled, responding for him. He watched Shouto's face with something close to awe.
"Shit... Ngh." Bakugou was getting close, his thrusts becoming sloppy and rushed. His low voice cracked with higher pitched moans. Todoroki couldn't even tell if he was close or not - the sheer intensity barely letting him think. The blonde was rocking him so hard the joints of the table legs creaked weakly, the whole fixture would be sliding forward if Kirishima wasn't holding it from the other side.

Out of nowhere, a crashing tsunami of pleasure  blasted through his body. For a moment, everything flashed white. The addictive sounds of Katsuki's finishing moans were washed away, submerged and muffled by the earth splitting feeling. He could feel his mouth stretch but he had no idea if he was silently screaming or genuinely shouting out.
He's never cum like that before...
"Woah, fucking hell..."
"Did- haaah - did he pass out?"
"Nope, I think it's still going."
His whole abdomen spasmed and clenched, zaps making their way down his inner thighs. He could start to hear himself whimpering, uselessly jerking his hips which now felt lighter. Slowly coming down off his high, Todoroki noticed Bakugou had slid out of him at some point - leaving an uncomfortable empty feeling.
"Let's fuck every night from now on."
"Seriously, dude? We'd kill him."

Heaving air into his lungs, Todoroki lay spent on the coffee table. His face pressed uncomfortably on the wood, dazed - not paying attention to who was speaking. He could feel his legs trembling from the aftershock.

A pair of rough hands came to his ass, squeezing at the muscle, they weren't hot like Bakugou's. A thumb ran between his cheeks, making him jolt when it passed over his rim.
"Kirishi... Wha- Ngh!"
Suddenly, a length was shoved inside, he cried out at the oversensitivity. His eyes practically bulged from the spontaneous intrusion. Everything felt ten times more sensitive, borderline painful.
"Shhh... You can take it." The other leaned forward to cage his head between forearms. Kirishima's bare front pressed against his back, warm lips kissing tenderly below his ear. Todoroki fought to slow his breathing, distracted by the touch.

The moment didn't last long.
Hands forced their way under his chest, heaving him upright from the table and onto Kirishima's lap. The new kneeling position hit a sensitive part, shocking his whole body. His thighs lay on the outside of Kirishima's, who purposely spread his own a little wider so Todoroki's would too. One hand stayed at the top of his chest, keeping his back locked against Kirishima's front. The other splayed over his abdomen, moving to feel the ridges there.

Shouto blinked rapidly, trying to find his bearings. He slapped his own hands over each of Kirishima's wrists, not stopping him but grappling for some kind of stability.

"At least give him a couple fucking seconds, idiot." Bakugou was now slumped on the sofa, obviously tired but watching them eagerly. His cock lay limp but Shouto swore it twitched slightly when Katsuki noticed his wandering gaze.
"Oops, sorry Shouto." Kirishima didn't sound sorry at all, a cheerful tone to his voice. He began to quietly pepper his shoulder in kisses, thankfully giving him some time to get over his last mind blowing orgasm. Todoroki felt a little warm when he noticed Kirishima used his given name.

It was silent for a couple tense seconds.

"Hey Shouto... You know I like you a lot, right?" Kirishima mumbled conversationally in his ear, rubbing a finger against his collarbone.
"Ye-yes, why?"

"Cause I'm about to fuck you like I hate you."

Todoroki could barely respond before he was bounced upwards only to be immediately slammed back down.
"Kiri-!" He almost screamed out, winded. Kirishima responded with an overpowering thrust, using one hand at his waist to forcefully pull his hips whilst pressing knees into the floor to meet the force that yanked him down. A crippling shock of bittersweet electricity zapped through him as his already sensitive prostate was relentlessly beaten.
The hand that was at his chest suddenly snatched his chin, snapping his head so Kirishima could growl directly into his ear.
"Eijiro." Shouto barely registered it, focusing on trying to breathe between moans. The hand left his chin to wrap dangerously around his neck, feeling the vibrations.
"Ei- haah- Eiji- fu- ngh!" He was practically crying, aching and shaking as overwhelming pleasure drove through his body.
"Say my fucking name." Kirishima hissed between groans.
"Eij- fu- slo- haah!" Todoroki babbled, unable to form a coherent thought. He was punished with a harsh thrust to his prostate that made him a couple decibels away from screaming.
"Make me ask one more time, I fucking dare you." Todoroki scrambled to untwist his tongue, unwilling to find out.
"Eijiro...!" The last syllable trailed off into a strained moan but it seemed to satisfy the red head, who rubbed his thumb soothingly along the column of Shouto's throat.

The sound of skin slapping against skin was lewd and deafening. Bakugou could barely contain himself. The sofa was soon to be cursed with permanent creases under his tight grip. It was only slightly embarrassing he'd already gotten hard again but thankfully he was too distracted by the sight in front of him to think about it too much. He could tell they were almost taking it too far with Shouto for his first rough experience. How that man had gone his first 20 years an untouched virgin was absolutely jaw dropping to him. Fuck - the thought that him and Kirishima were the only ones to see him like that made him almost feral.

Todoroki's lips were swollen, shiny, and parted suggestively. His pupils blown in glassy eyes and his face a pleasant red. The moans tumbling out of his mouth were sinful and permanently drilled to the back of Bakugou's mind.
"Shit-cumming!" Kirishima choked out. Katsuki could tell the other was holding back from shoving Shouto's head to floor and lashing out. Honestly, it felt like they were hungry beasts - trying not to scare the poor doe that was their meal. He wanted to go over there and grab Halfy's cock - force him to orgasm right then and there so Kirishima could fuck him through it. But they were already pushing it enough. He sat and watched the finale.
Note it for later...

Todoroki panted, now still in Kirishima's lap. He didn't quite feel in reality yet, stuck in a floaty mindset. Distantly, he noticed he'd squirted halfway across the coffee table.
"Hey, you good?" Kirishima was watching him closely resting a head on his shoulder to analyse his reaction. Two strong arms wrapped carefully around his waist.

He was good.
More than good actually.
It was intense. He enjoyed it far more than he was expecting actually...

"Well done. You fucking broke him." Bakugou called from the sofa, rising to pad closer to the two of them.
"Shouto?" Kirishima whispered to him worriedly, attempting to lift him off, he hissed at the feeling.
"Fuck - do it slowly, dumbass." The blonde came to pull him up gently, sending a warning glance to the other who chuckled guiltily.
Shitty hair tended to be even more dumb after an orgasm...

"Good." Shouto mumbled vaguely, trying to ignore the slick that ran down his thighs. He needed to shower.
"Hey, dude wait a sec you're gonna-"
His knees instantly buckled as he attempted to walk to the bathroom. Thankfully, Bakugou caught his body, gripping a bicep with one hand while wrapping an arm around his waist.
"Idiot." Bakugou chided with a subtle softness.
Todoroki yelped as he was suddenly picked up bridal style. The blonde's chest burned against his cold shoulder.
"You're not hurt or anything, right?" Kirishima had risen from the floor, nervously hovering next to them.
"No." Shouto answered breathily, still not quite in the headspace.
"You gonna give us more than one word?"
The hands keeping his body levitated were warm, the blonde's whole body was nicely warm...
He definitely didn't snuggle into Bakugou's bare chest like a cat because he's pro hero Shouto who would never do that...
"Can we get you anything? Food? Water? Literally any-"
"Shower. Nap. Soba." Todoroki interrupted, eyes already closed.
"Tch. Alright, princess." Bakugou rolled his eyes but couldn't force down the pleased smirk that took up his face.

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