Broken Heating

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That winter the heating broke. Todoroki didn't care that much - his body temperature had always been regulated naturally anyways. The other two didn't seem to be have the same experience though...

"Todorokiii~ Warm me up I'm so cold!"
He fumbled with the knife for a second when he felt two arms circle around his waist.

"You should put on some trousers." Shouto huffed, still raising his temperature a few degrees. He tried to focus on the potatoes, cutting them even more irregularly than when he started. The red head had always been rather touchy - repeatedly setting Bakugou off for being too clingy. Generally, Kirishima had been more considerate when entering Todoroki's space.
However recently that idea had been thrown out of the window...

"But I love these shorts! I can't get comfy in trousers - Ah - this feels so much better..."
Kirishima's breath against his neck sent a shiver down his spine. The other seemed completely oblivious, snuggling close.

"Oi, don't slack off."
He hadn't even noticed he'd gone completely still. Kirishima seemed to hesitate behind him - loosening the hold. His muscles relaxed.
"Yes, chef." He drawled, quickly resuming where he left off. Over the past few months, Bakugou had been slowly teaching him to cook. The new chef was currently peeling potatoes. Bakugou hadn't really let him do much else other than cutting yet though...
Honestly, he doesn't blame him.

Subtly, he spared a glance at the blonde, who was perched at the breakfast bar - arms curled tightly against his middle. Over the time they've known each other, Todoroki found Bakugou in particular reacted the worse to colder temperatures. He figured it was due to the other's quirk being less effective, yet eventually found that Bakugou just genuinely hated being cold. Unfortunately, that made him extra cranky.

"How can you be so incapable at peeling potatoes. Your sister would be ashamed."

He rolled his eyes in reply. Fuyumi doesn't expect anything from him in the cooking department.
"I don't think it looks too bad..." Kirishima added, resting his chin on Todoroki's shoulder to look over. Morning stubble scratched against his cheek.


"I've improved." He stated, stiffly - throwing the last of the peeled potatoes in the pot.


Later that day, Todoroki was preparing to go to bed. However, just as he was starting to get comfortable, a light knock sounded on his door (after the... incident, everyone collectively decided to start knocking before entering).

"Hey dude! Wanna sleep with us?"
Todoroki froze.
Or sleep sleep?
He wasn't good at social cues.

"Idiot, shitty hair's cold so he wants you to warm the bed. Don't- Don't get any ideas..." Bakugou appeared, leaning against his door frame. Although a scowl ripped at his cheeks, there was an uncharacteristic flush running down his neck.

"Whaaat? You said you were cold too!" Kirishima whined, knocking their shoulders together.
"Tch. Shut up shitty hair." The blonde grumbled, shoving the other away from him.

"Anywaysss, Bakugou said we could use his bed since it's the biggest so wanna try?" Kirishima looked hopeful, Bakugou also glanced around badly hiding his anticipation. Todoroki couldn't help but notice the goosebumps littering all their exposed skin, jaws clenched so that they didn't chatter. It was honestly a rare sight just to see them both in hoodies.

"Okay... Sure..."
Todoroki hadn't slept with anyone since sleepovers in UA. He couldn't help but notice he was just a little bit excited.


It was awkward when they all slid into bed - Todoroki in the middle. Bakugou dibbed his warm side, letting out the quietest, pleased sigh when he activated his quirk.

"Wow... It already feels so much warmer." Said Kirishima, who stretched a little in content. He tried not to flinch as a leg brushed against his own. Bakugou's bed was big, but there still was limited space between them.
Todoroki hummed in reply, attempting to calm his quickened heart rate.
They were painfully close.

He could hear Bakugou's huffs of breath. It was so close sometimes he'd feel the air flutter a strand of his hair. Kirishima rolled to face him too, fidgeting.
Hopefully the darkness of the room concealed his flustered expression.

Why IS he flustered?
These are just his friends, his roommates.
This was not a big deal.

Kirishima carried a short one-sided conversation before dropping off. Bakugou shifted around a little before dropping off too. Thankfully, the other two kept their distance in bed. He was still getting to grips with the whole touching thing that was starting to go on.


Todoroki woke to heavy pressure on his waist. A body had practically wrapped itself around him. One arm tight around his waist, the other slipped under his neck, legs tangled in his own. He assumed the spider monkey was Bakugou as his own face was tucked under Kirishima's chin whose forehead leant on Bakugou's forearm, Kirishima's own arm lay across both Todoroki's and Bakugou's waists.
The pressure was kind of nice and strangely real for a dream. Not thinking too hard in his dazed state - Todoroki found himself quickly sinking back into deep sleep.


"Aw! He looks so cute Bakubro! Look his little face!"

"Shut up shitty hair you're gonna wake him up."
"Ngh..." Todoroki rolled over. His face pressed into something hard.

"Oh my god Bakugou don't move I'm taking  a picture!"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Bakugou whisper yelled. Todoroki could feel the vibrations of Bakugou's voice on his face. He slowly opened his eyes to meet a well sculpted and completely bare chest. Had Bakugou taken off his hoodie in the night?

"Mmm what's going on?" Todoroki lifted his face from Bakugou's chest, who was laying on his back,  arm currently slid underneath his waist, wrapping round to rest on his hipbone. He looked behind and saw Kirishima with a phone in hand looking slightly too happy with himself.

"Look what you fucking did shitty hair." Bakugou's morning voice sent a slight shiver though Todoroki, Bakugou responding with a light squeeze on his hip. His red eyes slightly glossy with sleep met Todoroki's own.

"In the land of the living Halfy? You're drooling on me."
"I don't drool." He probably looked a right state, though. Red and white hair fluffed up and mixed together in the middle, half-lidded sleepy eyes and frowning. Bakugou didn't move his arm from Todoroki's waist. He paused awkwardly hovering.
Are they seriously going to just... cuddle?
"Stop fucking thinking, idiot - I'm freezing."
After a moments hesitation, he cautiously lay back down on the Bakugou's chest.

Bakugou's warm, bare chest.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now