Spread in the Shower

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Todoroki felt absolutely wrecked from the stunt in his fathers office. He was going to try his absolute best not to go there until he could remove the images of Bakugou's orgasm face out of his head.

Bakugou had been glancing at his neck constantly since they left the agency. He hadn't been able to see how bad the damage was - but he could assume it was rather colourful.
Opening the door a little quieter than usual, Todoroki stepped in with Bakugou at his heels into their apartment - he didn't want to wake Kirishima if he was sleeping.

"Oh hey guys! How was- Bakugou! I told you to not mutilate him!"
Todoroki was surprised to see Kirishima up so late - even more surprised to see the way the red heads mouth dropped at the sight of his neck.
Was it that bad?
"I didn't fucking- I just- Fuck off!" Bakugou stumbled, a sudden blush taking up his face.
Todoroki abruptly left the two of them to go to the bathroom - he needed to see.

A large bite mark took up one side of his neck - blood wasn't drawn but was literal nano-metres from doing so. Hickeys also scattered across his neck and collar bones.
For now, he only thought about what miracle he would need to hide them at work. He could think about everything else later.

He paused before he left the bathroom.
He looked... different.
Yes - the marks, pupils still blown out, lips swollen, hair roughed up - but there was something else - something he couldn't put his finger on.
He'd changed.

"Are you incapable of controlling yourself? We talked about this! You don't wanna scare him off -"
"Fucking wait till he's underneath you - you have no idea!"

Todoroki's lips twitched up at the others - they knew he could still hear them, right?
He shook his head as he left the bathroom.

Bakugou was overpowering Kirishima with his lips - Todoroki could see their tongues swirling in open mouthed kisses. He'd recognised the to were interested in him - but he'd barely even thought about how they would be together. Other than the quick kiss at the party, this was his first time seeing them like this.
He couldn't stop watching.
Bakugou firmly held the red heads hips in place, using his fingers to grab at muscle while Kirishima had slid his own hands up the blondes top. Todoroki wasn't sure if he was intruding or not - are they a three way thing? Like... triangular? Tri-pointed? A triple?
He really needs to start researching this stuff...

"Gonna keep staring like a weirdo or join in?" Bakugou called, lewdly running his tongue up Kirishima's neck.
"I need to shower."
Obviously he wanted to join in - but he wouldn't be able to be comfortable with all the sweat and fluids has on him (and in him?) right now.
"Shower it is then." Bakugou stated before bending down and throwing Kirishima over his shoulder like it was a casual thing to do.
"Wha?! Hey! Put me down! Todoroki help me!" Kirishima yelped, giggling after.
Todoroki couldn't force down the smile that tugged at his lips.
"If you're not in here in 5 seconds I'm carrying your ass in too!" Bakugou shouted over his shoulder, almost whacking Kirishima's head into the door frame at the movement. He considered being a brat - he kind of wanted Bakugou to carry him.
Suddenly, there was a large thump in the next room with a cry of pain and aggressive shouting.
He promptly decided against that idea.


Todoroki was forever grateful for their large bathroom. It had a large tub as well as a floor to ceiling shower that was perfect for the three of them to fit in.
"Time to strip, boys!" Kirishima cheered, a large grin on his face. He tugged his top up from the hem - well defined abs flexing at the stretch.
"Shut the fuck up - you're ruining the mood." An already shirtless Bakugou grumbled, stepping out of his jeans - there was a small smirk on face though.
Todoroki could barely breathe. Watching the two of them strip was fucking with his brain - what was his name again? Who cares.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now