Midoriya's Party (1)

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Todoroki didn't go to many parties. Not because he wasn't invited - but because he didn't really enjoy prolonged social interaction with people he didn't know well. He was the type to find a quiet corner - stay for the minimum time needed without being rude - then leave.

Tugging harshly, Todoroki managed to squeeze his thighs into some black jeans - they were slightly to small now with his extra muscle mass but even Todoroki could admit it made his figure look good. He tucked a way too expensive, branded white T-shirt into them then pulled it out slightly for a 'baggy but snatched' effect as instructed by Momo. He combed his hair a little and even decided to throw on a very thin chain necklace that was also probably expensive - he couldn't describe it but it made his neck and collarbones look better somehow. It wasn't his usual look - he preferred soft, oversized clothes certainly not... this. He wouldn't say he's insecure about his body but he's not as keen to show it off like the others. He's tempted to succumb to the urge of throwing on a turtleneck or button up shirt - but he promised Momo he'd try this new style.

He grabbed Izuku's present before leaving his room - not bothering a further check in the mirror.
"Daaaamn Todobro - you're looking good!" Kirishima was sat on one of the kitchen stools. He was wearing heavily ripped blue jeans and a burgundy T-shirt with rolled sleeves. His eyes trained on Todoroki's legs - he bit his bottom lip.
"Ah, thank you Kirishima. You look good too." And that wasn't a lie - Todoroki was jaw almost dropped at the large rip that was almost scandalous at the top of the red heads thigh.

"If you two are done drooling over each other then let's get going." Bakugou quipped, walking out of his own bedroom. He was wearing an all black outfit - cargo pants and tight tank top. Todoroki swore he could make out each of Bakugou's abs through the barely there fabric.

Was he checking them out? Openly?

Todoroki snapped his eyes up only to see 2 pairs of crimson eyes locked on his thighs.
"Y-yeah, let's go."


When arriving at the party, Bakugou immediately went to put the cake they made in Midoriya's kitchen - coincidentally avoiding Izuku who was rushing towards them.
"Todoroki! Kirishima! It's great to see you guys - it's been ages right? How are you?"

Todoroki and Kirishima spoke with Midoryia for a while - giving Todoroki the chance to give him his personal present that he managed to scrape together last minute (an new expensive notebook and pen that he knew Midoriya would easily use up by next year) . He felt bad - Izuku had been back and forth from America for a while - they haven't been as close recently.
He tries not to think about it too much.

After some time, he then parted ways to get a drink and scout for a quiet place to avoid people.
Oh no...
A large man bouldered across the kitchen almost knocking the several stacked cups and plates.
"Hello, Inasa..." Todoroki finished filling his cup with some sort of fruity alcoholic drink that was somewhat bearable.
"It is great to see you! You look like you've built a lot of muscle recently..."

After 15 minutes of 2 finished cups of drink - Todoroki actually started enjoying his conversation with Inasa. Iida and Momo joined for a catch up talk midway but now it was just him and 'Baldie' as Bakugou liked to call him.

"And then he just left me there! Half naked with barbecue sauce on my pecs!" Todoroki couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at the ridiculousness of Inasa's story. Todoroki didn't consider himself a lightweight but did notice the buzzing running through his veins. He also noticed how Inasa was a lot closer to him now - they were both leaning against the counter - Inasa's shoulder just starting to brush against his own.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around Todoroki's wrist, pulling him forward into a rock solid chest. He stumbled for a moment - realising he was a little more tipsy than he thought (what was in that drink?).

"Shows over, Baldie - Me and Todoroki gotta do shit." Bakugou? Todoroki looked up to indeed see Bakugou, he looked slightly more pissed off than usual - glaring menacingly at Inasa, arm wrapped possessively across Todoroki's lower back.
"Ah! Hello Bakugou it's been a whi-"
Todoroki didn't hear what else Inasa said because he was being pulled away.

Todoroki let himself be dragged across the living room - knocking into several people - a few greeted him as he passed.
"A lot of people have turned up..." Todoroki noted, squishing through a group of people.
"If you hadn't have been giggling with Baldie the whole time you would of noticed sooner." Bakugou grumbled, yanking him a little harder to get through the last of the crowd. Todoroki was thankful he left his drink in the kitchen for he definitely would have spilled it on someone by now.

Bakugou then pushed him into what looked like a spare bedroom. Kirishima and Mina were sprawled on the double bed, laughing about something. Sero sat on the edge of the bed - also laughing. Shinsou was on the floor leaning against the wardrobe with Denki next to him in quiet conversation.
"Todobro! I missed you!" Kirishima leaped from the bed - causing Sero to almost fall off. He wrapped his arms around Todoroki, lifting him of the ground in a bone crushing hug.
"Kirishima! You're gonna break him, put him down!" Mina laughed.
"Sorry, Todoroki - I think I gave him too much to drink..." Sero chuckled apologetically, rising from the bed to untangled him from the red head.
"Damn it shitty hair - let go!" Bakugou strained, also attempting to pull Kirishima's arms off Todoroki.
"Ah- Kirishima- I can't... breathe..." Todoroki struggled against the vice grip.
"Oops! Sorry Todoroki!" Kirishima finally snapped back into the present, dropping him clumsily.
"Damn dude - why didn't you hug me like that? We haven't seen each other in like a week - you saw Todoroki literally half an hour ago!" Denki whined from the floor.
"Because he has a big fat cru- OW!" Mina had somehow fallen off the bed - Bakugou and Sero hovering over her - glaring.

"Hey guys! Let's play a game!" An oblivious Kirishima, grabbed an empty bottle from the side. Falling cross legged in the centre of the room.
"Fuck no. I'm not kissing any of you extras..." Bakugou snapped. He glanced over at Todoroki but quickly looked away with the slightest blush.
"We can do spin the bottle with dares!" Mina squealed. Both her and Sero sat either side of Kirishima, Denki and Shinsou shuffling forward to join the circle. Todoroki found himself being tugged down by Denki - also sitting in the circle. Todoroki let himself be manhandled, a bit dazed.
"Oh for fucks sake..." Bakugou walked across the circle and plonked himself next to Todoroki.


They'd been playing for a while: Mina licked Denki's foot, Bakugou had to say "nya~" which Todoroki permanently drilled into his mind and Kirishima and Sero attempted a yoga pose that ended in a cracked floorboard.
"Okay! Next dare... Whoever the bottle lands on has to sit in the person to their lefts lap face to face for the next round!" Mina shouted happily - looking directly at Bakugou.
Bakugou was to the right of him, Shinsou to the left of him.

The bottle was spun.

"Oh shit..."

The bottle landed on Todoroki.

And They Were Roomates. (KiriTodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now