𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂-𝓸𝓷𝓮 ➳ He knew!

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Today's my first day in learning magic.

I had been informed beforehand that Celsia won't be able to escort me so another person would escort me to my class. But I never thought it would be him.

"Sir Mades?"

"Good morning, my lady. I'll be escorting you to your class today." He let out a smile, bowing slightly before me.

A warm feeling wrapped around my chest. I never thought I would be so happy to see this dangerous fellow again to the point I want to give him a hug. I guessed his presence really grew on me. My gaze remained on him as I got lost in my thoughts once more.

"I didn't know you missed me that much, my lady, enough to put on such a happy smile for me." I snapped out of my thoughts, my expression stiff. I immediately replaced my smile with a blank look, trying to brush it off as nothing. Damn it! I hope I didn't smile like an idiot!

A playful glint flashed through his eyes as his lips slight curved into a grin. One thing's for sure. I surely didn't miss this side of him. A smirk made its way on my lips, eyes locking onto his.

"Yeah, I kind of do. Why? Does it make you uncomfortable?" I placed a finger on my chin and tilted my head. "Doesn't Sir Mades miss me too?"

I saw his eyes widen, making me smile in triumph. Not long after, the playful grin from before found its way back to his lips. Before I could process what's happening, his face was suddenly a few inches from mine.

"I'm glad to see my lady again, too." A gentle smile rested on his lips, catching me off guard. I could feel my ears heat up. Thank goodness, my hair is down today.

"What do you think you're doing? It's rude to shove your face in front of someone, especially to a lady." At my words, he leaned back and gave me an apologetic smile. "I thought my lady would want to see my face up close since it's been a long time since my lady saw the face that my lady is really fond of."

I let out the breath that I unconsciously held as a look of bewilderment crossed my face, feeling my ears getting warmer. I felt like my thoughts were exposed. This damn guy is really shameless...! But...he is not totally wrong... I glanced up at him and gave him another thorough look.

Come to think of it...did he grow taller? And he became much more...pleasing to look at. We stared at each other for a while, neither of us uttering a word to each other.

A sudden look of realization dawned upon his face. A look of confusion was on my face, staring at him with suspicion. He let out a smile and opened his arms wide, making me stare at him more suspiciously.

"Sir Mades, why are you opening your arms wide? Do you want me to give you a hug or something?" I asked, raising an eye brow. He's really not asking me to hug him, right?

I glanced up at him slowly. His brows were drawn together and his lips formed a thin line. Nah. There's no way that's true. Not Sir Mades. Hahaha...

"I guess my assumption was wrong," He mumbled in a whisper, letting his arms down and placing it back to his sides. "Wrong?"

"Ah, I thought my lady wants a hug since you look like you want to." Wha...Oh, shit. Did I perhaps let my thoughts slip and show on my face?! "Where did you get that idea from?!"

"Ah. I heard from the servants that my lady has been greeting a duke's son with a hug lately and also started doing it to the other servants too, so I thought my lady would like to welcome me with a hug."


I averted my gaze as I felt the heat slowly rising up to my cheeks. Well...I really do want to hug him before...but... I turned my gaze back at him, only to see him looking at me with a solemn expression. Gazing at his face, I suddenly felt a prickly sensation in my heart.

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