𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ➳ Aphrodite, you damn fraud!

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I already expected that the training would be hard especially when Amarizi's body was not accustomed to exercise or any taxing activities, but...

What kind of fuckery is this?!

How the fuck did those main characters do awesome shit right after reincarnating? They could even kill a person with a flick of their finger without any experience! It wasn't like this at all in the otome games I've played and novels I've read!

I slumped down on the ground as I held a hand over my chest to calm my erratic heartbeat. I only ran a lap around the training grounds, but I'm already having a hard time catching my breath.

I know Amarizi was not much of a person who actively pursues physical activity but...how deprived was this body of exercise that it reached the point where it could barely manage to finish a damn lap?!

Aphrodite, you damn fraud! What's the point of giving me strong powers if this body can't even fucking handle a single lap around the training grounds?! You could have at least given me a healthier body just like those main characters in the novels! Isn't this a damn fantasy setting?!

String of curses left my mouth in a whisper as I continued cursing Aphrodite in my heart. If I knew my body would be this weak, I would have focused on doing an exercise routine before pushing through this damn training!

"Hmm...this won't do." I turned my head around to the source of the voice. Duke Goniuva placed a hand on his chin as his hawk-like eyes scanned me from head to toe. I unconsciously gulped down hard and clenched my hands, trying to stop it from shaking.

"I expected the young miss to be somewhat feeble, but I didn't expect you to be this feeble." His eyes narrowed, still scrutinizing me while nodding his head. "At your current state, you won't even be able to carry the bow without any difficulties. Guess we'll have to go through strength and stamina training before teaching you the ways of archery."

I dropped my gaze to the ground, frustrated at myself and my body. I had been eagerly waiting for this day, but I guess in order to achieve such feat, I need to exert more effort. I shook my head slightly, trying to shake off the negativity that was slowly piling up inside me. Nothing is gained for free after all!

"If I teach you archery now at your current state, I'm afraid you'll break before you could touch a bow. I hope the young miss will understand that I'm doing this for the your sake." I let out a smile and nodded my head at the duke's words.

"Y-yes...huff...huff...I...I...understand...huff..." I replied while trying to catch my breath. Seriously, this damn body! String of curses left my mouth again in between breaths, resisting the urge to yell it out loud.

The duke stared at me for a while before flashing me a small smile. "Let's end our training for today. I'll come back tomorrow morning. Wear clothes that are comfortable and let's you move around freely. See you, Alyn."

I stood up with the help of a servant and curtsied before the duke and Elderon. The duke turned to my father and talked for a moment, leaving me with Elderon.

I turned my gaze to him and gave him a smile. His expression turned rigid before it got replaced by a softer expression. "See you tomorrow, El."

He averted his eyes away from my gaze and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. "Yeah, whatever."

Even though it was only for a short while, I could see a small smile forming on his lips. I let out a quiet chuckle. He's really not honest with himself, is he?

Me and my father saw them off at the gates, waving my hand to them with a smile. After seeing them off, I immediately retired to my room, laying down on the bed as soon as I reached it.

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