𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 ➳ Too much pink!

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Dinner came and I quickened my pace towards the dining hall. Ageon and Celsia soon caught up to me and matched my pace without much difficulty. Arriving in front of the door to the dining hall, I pushed open the door before the two of them could do so.

My eyes scanned through the room until it landed onto two breathtaking figures sitting at the table elegantly as if it were a painting. I beamed and curtseyed before them. "Greetings, Dad, Mom." My parents let out a warm smile as my father gestured for me to sit on the seat beside mother.

As soon as I sat down on my seat, the servants immediately placed pumpkin sage soup in front of us. I heartily ate the soup in front of me until there is none left. I watched my parents as they also finished their plates with no leftovers. I smiled softly.

This is one of the things that I love about my family. Even though we're very rich and the highest ranking noble second to the royal family, we do not condone the practice of leaving leftovers in the plate. In this world, even if nobles did not finish their food, no one would reprimand them. But our family strongly believed that food should not be wasted for they're a blessing from the gods and the cooks put amounts of effort in making the food.

I really hate it when people waste food like it was the normal thing to do. So, I'm really thankful to the Goddess Aphrodite for reincarnating me to a family who had the same beliefs as me.

We placed down our utensil on the plate and wiped our mouths clean with a table napkin. The servants immediately put away the plates and placed another dish in front of us. We ate with gusto, finishing all of our food. After serving the salad, the main course is finally served.

My eyes gleamed brightly as I barely managed to stop myself from drooling at the dish in front of me. The main course for today was rosemary-braised lamb shanks. I can finally eat lamb meat! Since I came to this world, the main course were always beef, chicken, seafood, or pork. So, today was my first time eating lamb meat.

Back in my previous life, I couldn't enjoy such delicacies for our family couldn't afford such things...or they can't afford it for me. Anyway, I've always craved to eat the exquisite lamb meat. So when I reincarnated into this world, I always looked forward to the meals and it seemed that the gods have finally answered my secret pleas.

I took a deep breath and almost drooled again when the scent of the dish wafted to my nose. Ah, money is indeed the best. Even in this world, lamb meat was considered as one of the luxury goods even among the nobility. Lamb meat was hard to produce due to its rarity so just buying a small piece of it could cost hundreds of gold.

Serving such generous amount of lamb meat in a normal dinner showed how rich our family was. I resisted the urge to just chomp down a large chunk of meat, trying my best to cut the meat into small pieces. I mourned inwardly. Damn you, etiquette!

Feeling two pairs of eyes on me, I rose my gaze and met my parents' warm gaze. "Do you like the lamb meat that much?" My mother asked, smiling. I nodded firmly, a wide smile plastered on my lips. My mother let out a chuckle and glanced at the servant near her. "Kindly tell the cook to serve more lamb meat often. Seems like our little princess is fond of it."

"Yes, your grace." The servant bowed his head before disappearing into the door. My father gave me a smile before glancing at my mother, placing his hand on top of hers. "Isa, Alyn and I talked about her upcoming birthday banquet a while ago and we decided to talk about it with you tonight."

My mother's face lit up and clapped her hands excitedly. "Great timing. I actually had quite a few ideas already and was about to inform you two about it." My father smiled and gazed at me before glancing back at mother. "Oh, is that so?"

"Yep!" Mother turned to me and asked a question. "So, Alyn, what do you want to do for your birthday?" My father's eyes also fell on me as my parents stared at me intently. My eyes darted around, pondering about it. This is my first birthday banquet so I really don't have any idea...

I turned to my mother and gave her a smile. "Mom, you prepared a lot of ideas, right? Let's hear you out first and we'll decide." My mother's eyes gleamed as a large grin formed on her lips.

"I thought about holding your birthday banquet at our ballroom at the south. It's quite spacious so it could accommodate a large number of guests. And for the decorations, how about flower bouquets hanging off a ceiling with pink diamonds embedded on it and pink silk curtains with peony embroidery using gold thread? Oh, we should put human-sized statues made of pink mana quartz near-"

"Um, mom?" I blurted out, cutting off my mother's rambling as she stared at me with furrowed brows. "Oh, do you not like it? Should we put more diamonds? Or do you prefer rubies?" What?

"No, mom, that's not it." If we put in more diamonds, it will look like a hidden treasure cove! AND TOO MUCH PINK!

A sigh escaped my lips as I gazed at my parents. "How about this then? We could just decorate the ballroom with waterfall chandeliers made of glowing mana quartz and blue ombre curtains embroidered with stars using gold thread, same with the table cloth. And instead of flowers, lamps, with blue mana quartz inside, on top of a gold lamp stand with navy blue and white cloth cascading down on it."

My parents went silent for a while before letting out huge grins. "Perfect! I can already imagine it! Sierra! Carson! You heard it, right?" The head maid, Sierra, and the butler, Carson, bowed in unison with a smile. "Yes, your grace. We will prepare the ballroom according to young miss' words."

My father turned towards me and asked, "What about the invitations? Do you want to handpick your guests?" I shook my head and smiled. "No, I'll let Mom and Dad handle the invitations." My father nodded in understanding and gave orders to the servant beside him.

After giving out orders on the butler and the head maid, my mother shifted her gaze back on me. "Alyn, a designer and seamstress will take measurements and discuss with you about your dress for your birthday banquet tomorrow. Do you want me to accompany you?" I shook my head. "No, it's fine, Mom. I'm fine by myself." My mother shot me a proud look, causing the corner of my lips to lift upwards.

The remaining of the dinner went by smoothly as we further discussed my birthday banquet. The dining hall was filled with chatter and laughter, warming up the atmosphere. A smile remained on my lips as excitement filled my heart. It will be my first birthday banquet with my family after all!

After finishing all the dishes served on the table, we all returned to our respective rooms as I kissed both my parents on their cheeks and said my goodnights. Hmm...I wonder what should I wear for my birthday.

Arriving at my room, I immediately washed up and changed my clothes with the help of Celsia. After washing up and changing into my nightwear, I urged Celsia and Ageon to return to their quarters. The two of them stubbornly refused, shaking their heads repeatedly. After minutes of persuading, the two finally gave in and reluctantly left to their quarters.

I fell flat on the warmth of my bed, staring at the top of my canopy bed. It's a birthday banquet for a powerful duke's daughter, so there's a huge possibility I might meet some of the capture targets.

A sigh escaped my lips, lips tugging downwards. I've been living in peace here for these past few days so I don't really want to deal with them. I hope father won't invite them...though that's really wishful thinking.

I let out a yawn as I felt sleep slowly taking over me. I guess I'll have no choice but to meet them... Another yawn left my mouth before finally succumbing to slumber.

A/N: I felt hungry while I was writing this lmao 🤣 Btw, this story just reached 1k reads 🎉 Thank you so much yall for reading and supporting this story 🥺❤️ I'm really happy and grateful, ily fam 💕

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