𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷 ➳ Dancing with the devil

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My face remained void of emotions, staring silently at him. I thought I was only going to meet some of the capture targets so I didn't give it any thought. If I knew the engagement was today, I wouldn't have been too lax these past few days.

I sighed in my heart. Well, there's no use in crying over spilt milk now. He's still a kid anyway so he might be not 'that' crown prince yet. Nodding inwardly, my lips curved upwards, revealing a polite smile. I curtseyed before him. "Greetings to the star of Echeveria Kingdom."

I raised my head and stared straight at the boy in front of me, only to see him staring silently at me while furrowing his brows. Silence ensued us for a moment before he finally decided to open his mouth. "Happy birthday, Young Miss Amarizi." He flashed me a beautiful smile.

I bowed slightly, a smile still plastered on my lips. "Thank you, your highness." I glanced to the two adults beside us and saw their faces lightened up brightly. I don't really like what's happening right now.

My father urged me closer to the crown prince, my face holding a look of protest which he returned with a grin, completely oblivious of my current predicament. His gaze landed on the crown prince, smiling amicably. "Then, we'll leave you two on your own." He shifted his gaze towards me, eyes glinting knowingly. "Alyn, I'll leave his highness to your care."

I pursed my lips, tugging my father's sleeves discreetly before whispering loud enough for him to hear. "Dad, I don't want to." He stared at me silently before patting my hand on his sleeve encouragingly. The King and my father excused themselves and left towards where the other nobles were gathered.

I silently spewed out curses under my breath. Dad, you traitor! I don't want to deal with him right now! I glanced at the crown prince, only to see him stretching a hand towards me while bowing slightly. "May I have this dance, Lady Amarizi?"

I felt numerous pairs of eyes looking curiously at us. I grumbled inwardly. I really want to reject it, but doing so in front of this crowd would be risky. I let out a dejected sigh. I don't want to tarnish my family's honor, and the crown prince is surprisingly a bit pleasant right now.

I gave him a smile as I placed my hand on his outstretched one. "It would be my honor, your highness." He clasped my hands gently as he led me through the crowd of dancing pairs to the center of the ballroom.

He placed a hand on my waist as I placed mine on his shoulder. He let out another beautiful smile as he lead the two of us to the rhythm of the music. His smile remained on his face, making me smile unconsciously. I silently praised the crown prince in my head.

I felt the pairs of eyes slowly leaving us as I momentarily closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. The moment I opened my eyes, the crown prince's smile was nowhere in sight and was instead replaced with a sneer. "You're really despicable."

My brows drew together as a frown formed on my lips. "I know you can't help but fall in love with me helplessly, but I didn't expect you to offer me your hand in marriage yourself. How pathetic." He gazed at me mockingly, a sneer still present on his lips.

I take back every nice word that I said about him! I can't believe I just wasted my saliva on this son of a bitch! I almost mistook a trash for gold. I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to resist the urge to curse him out in front of the nobles. "I didn't know his highness was delusional."

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