𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂-𝓼𝓲𝔁 ➳ Why did you stop coming to the palace?

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Bloody hell.

I let out a loud groan as I turned my head sideways, only to see the sun peeking through the tiny gap between the curtains. Another groan came out as I turned my gaze towards the ceiling.

Damn it. I couldn't sleep a wink. It's all because of that damn first prince and his ambiguous words...

I propped myself up and leaned onto the headboard. I let out a deep breath, glancing at the visible balcony past the slightly drawn curtains. The air is getting warmer. I guess summer is just around the corner. Soon, it will be Autumn—or the Harvest Festival.

Well, instead of worrying about the far future, I should worry first about dealing with the two princes again today. "Ugh. Just thinking about it is giving me a headache... It would be nice if I could get some peace today."

As if my earnest pleas have been heard, Celsia came to my room with good news in tow. "Miss, a handful of letters have arrived for you. Would you like to read it right now or should I put it aside on the table?"

"Letters?" I raised a brow at the said letters on top of the silver tray, "If it does not require an immediate response, then place them on the table. I will read them later."

"Well... Two of the letters are from the royal palace, one from the Goniuva duchy, and the rest are just invites to tea parties and the like, Miss."

What? The royal palace and Goniuva duchy? "Leave the letters from the royal palace and Goniuva duchy, and place the rest on the table. I'll read them later."

Celsia placed the three letters on my lap, and opened the letter from the Goniuva duchy first. A smile bloomed from my face when I saw my favorite character's name signed at the bottom of the letter.

The letter started with the usual greetings and formalities. However, my smile was soon wiped off when I read the last two sentences. What? He can't come...?

I momentarily paused, my mind going haywire. Hold on... Am I going to deal with two shitty princes alone? My face visibly distorted as I felt an oncoming headache. Wait... Maybe, the two letters from the royal palace are from the princes.

With that in mind, I hurriedly opened the two letters from the royal palace. Upon reading both of it, I let out a small squeal as the corners of my lips curled up. "Sia, I don't have to see those annoying bastards!"

Celsia's face turned ghastly pale. She scrambled towards the door, peeking her head out. After confirming that the hallways are deserted and void of prying ears, she closed the door behind her, letting out a rather loud sigh. She whipped her head towards my direction, eyes stern.

"Miss!" She stomped towards me, "You should be careful, someone might hear you!" Celsia whisper-shouted, chastising me. My lips formed into a pout. "It's just the two of us here anyway."


Celsia let out a small laugh. "Are you seriously making fun of me right now?" I accused, eyes squinted. She hurriedly waved her hands in front of her. "Not this time, Miss. Anyway, I'm glad that you're finally free of their presence, even if it's just for a day."

I nodded, humming with my eyes closed. Hold on—. I blinked my eyes open and looked at her, brows furrowed. "Did you just–"

Before I could finish my sentence, she spoke up again, continuing her speech. "I'm also proud of you for having the patience to put up with them for a long time, knowing how short of a fuse you have."

I frowned. "Are you going to reprimand me or praise me? Just choose one... And I am not that short-tempered...I think," I grumbled, trailing off at the last two words, feeling wronged. Celsia heaved out a sigh, shaking her head. "Miss, you ought to do some reflecting on yourself."

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