𝓕𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ➳ I don't like you too

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Fuck my life.

I glared at the boy who was peacefully sipping a cup of tea in front of me.

This fucking world must really hate me! All I wanted was some peace. So why the heck is that son of a bitch here in our mansion?!

An hour and a half ago...

"My lady, be careful and don't let your guard down."

I still couldn't take my mind off of the first prince's words. Ever since I have reached home yesterday, I have been mulling over it numerous times.

Did the first prince know something? Could I even trust his words in the first place? What if he was just trying to throw me off so I would let my guard down around him?

I let out a smile. Yes, the latter seemed more plausible.

A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts. I let out a smile when I heard her voice, asking permission, on the other side of the door.

"Come in." Upon my permission, Celsia entered the room and greeted me before walking towards me. "What is it, Sia?"

"You have a guest, miss." I tilted my head slightly to the side, cocking an eyebrow at her. "A guest? I don't remember anyone sending any letter though. Who is it, Sia?"

"It's his highness the crown prince, miss."

I sprang up to my feet, face laced with incredulity. "What?! Did he say the reason for his unannounced visit?"

"Well..." She scratched the side of her face, smiling awkwardly. "His highness said that he will tell you personally and to come meet him at the garden in five minutes."

I felt my blood boil, lips quivering. 'That little fucker!'

A smirk soon made its way on my lips as an idea clicked in my head. I glanced at Celsia, giving her my sweetest smile. "Sia, since his highness took the time to visit this humble young lady, shouldn't we put some effort on dressing up?"

Her eyes shot up before nodding in understanding. "Of course, miss. I'm sure his highness will understand if you arrived a little later than the planned time."

"Your highness, you could have just called my presence to be in the royal palace. There is no need for his highness to come visit personally. I don't want to impose such inconvenience to his highness."

He raised his head, placing his cup of tea down on the marble table. He gazed straight into my eyes and smiled. "You're right, it really is an inconvenience so you should be honored that I take my precious time to visit my fiancée."

I really want to shave this bastard bald! "Ah, yes. Thank you, your highness, though this fiancée of yours is nowhere happy."

"I'm very much pleased to hear that," He retorted in a smug tone, smirking. Somebody stop me or I might really skin this bastard alive!

"Anyway, if you really don't want to inconvenience me, how about coming on time next time instead of making me wait for more than an hour?" He sent a glare on my way, his tone colder than the previous.

"Oh my. Pardon me for my impudence, your highness. Since his highness personally visited this young lady's humble abode, I thought it was only right to put extra effort in dressing up before meeting you."

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