𝓢𝓲𝔁 ➳ Winning him over pt. 2

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"Do you like my face that much, my lady?"

Fuck. Did I do it again?

"Yes," I blurted out before I could hold myself back, never breaking the eye contact. His eyes widened in surprise as so did mine. This damn honest mouth of mine...! However, his surprise slowly turned into amusement. He took another step closer, closing the distance between us. He leaned down until our faces were only a few inches away from each other.

"Should I come closer so that my lady can see more clearly?"

My brain went haywire as I felt my ears heating up. I'm really thankful to Celsia right now for letting my hair down today. I really want to strangle myself sometimes. For fuck's sake, Amarizi! Stop embarrassing yourself! I gave him a blank look as I tried my best to look as unbothered as possible. "No need, Sir Mades. I have good eyesight."

After saying those words, I turned on my heel and went back to sit down on the couch. I busied myself by straightening out my dress and dusting it off, his gaze boring holes on me. Sia, where are you? Please come back quick! A chuckle rang out through the room as I snapped my gaze back at him. Damn it! Even his chuckle is beautiful!

I tried my best to pry my eyes away from his face, but it kept getting drawn onto it like a moth drawn to a fire. He stopped chuckling and glanced back at me, catching me staring at him. I resisted the urge to avert my eyes, unconsciously clenching my fists.

His eyes glinted mischievously as a smirk made its way onto his lips. I inwardly cried. Give me back the old Ageon! This current Ageon is really bad for my heart...! Our gazes remained locked with each other, neither of us willing to back down.

A knock on the door interrupted our staring contest, making me divert my gaze to the door. "Miss, I brought the tea and the snacks." I inwardly breathed out a sigh of relief as I told Celsia to come in. Sia, my savior, I love you!

She opened the door as she pushed the cart towards the table, placing down the snacks on top of it. She prepared the tea before pouring it in a cup and placing it on the table. The whiff of lavender jasmine tea immediately eased out my nerves as I took a small sip from the cup.

I placed the tea back down on the saucer, grabbing a piece of madeleine as I did so. I glanced at Celsia and smiled. "Please have a seat and join me, Sia. I feel lonely eating alone." She bowed her head. "It would be my pleasure, my lady." She flashed me a smile, sitting down on the couch. I placed two new sets of teacup on the table. She poured herself a cup of tea before pouring it into another cup.

I looked up at him, who was silently watching us, with a smile plastered on my face. "Please have a tea, Sir Mades." He shook his head, not moving an inch in his spot. "No, my lady, I dare not to." I let out a sigh before grabbing the cup and handing it over to him. "Please drink this tea. It helps relieve fatigue."

He stared at me and the cup back and forth before accepting the cup of tea reluctantly. I let out a satisfied smile as I head back to the couch and sat down. "Please don't hesitate to eat some of the snacks. It's really delicious and goes well with the tea."

I happily munched on the madeleine, praising the cook's skills. I glanced at Ageon as a small smile bloomed on my lips when I saw him taking a sip of his tea. It might not be much progress, but at least he doesn't ignore me now.

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