𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂-𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻 ➳ Are you siding with the first prince?!

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I felt my blood drain from my face as I clenched my fists tightly, cursing the king in earnest.

That damn scheming king! If I knew this would happen, I would have willingly go to the royal palace everyday!

I shut my eyes close and took a few deep breaths, trying to will myself to not let my emotions get the best of me. I still need to somehow swat these pests away after all. I unclenched my fist and opened my eyes, locking my gaze with the first prince's.

"It is such an honor to receive such consideration from His Majesty. Please send my deepest gratitude to His Majesty, I very much appreciate the kind gesture..."

The first prince smiled amicably, his eyes forming a slight arch. "His Majesty will surely be overjoyed—"

"However," I cut off the first prince's words as I drew my lips into a polite smile and gave him a hard stare. "this humble subject does not want to impose on the princes. I apologize for causing such a disturbance on both your highness, the first prince, and his highness, the crown prince."

I lowered my head and bowed respectfully, my hair softly cascading down to the front. "For both his highnesses to come here in our humble abode despite such busy schedules, I'm afraid I am feeling quite a deep sense of guilt. If His Majesty wishes, I would have come to the Royal Palace by myself instead."

Silence ensued between us. Now that my head became clearer, I noticed that the surroundings had become quiet. A deep sigh rang out as I still kept my head lowered, waiting for the first prince to speak up. However, instead of the first prince, the crown prince's voice boomed. "Raise your head, Lady Amarizi."

I raised my head and glanced to the crown prince. "I know our visit is very sudden and unannounced, but it is not something that the lady should be guilty about. Even if this was ordered by His Majesty, it is still out of our own volition that we came here today."

My eyebrows slightly rose up as I met the crown prince's strangely calm eyes. I didn't know he is also able to act like a proper prince. Even so, how ironic for that crown prince to say he volunteered to see the person he despises.

I opened my mouth to retort, but before I could voice it out, the crown prince spoke again. "Before you get any funny ideas, let me just inform you that I didn't do it because I want to be with you. Rather, being with you is one thing that I abhor the most."

Of course. This damn bastard would never pass up an opportunity to aggravate me as if his life was on the fucking line if he didn't. How foolish of me to think he could be a proper prince.

"Then, his highness can just stop paying this humble subject a visit. I would very much appreciate it also if you would."

"Are you a fool? How many times do I have to tell you that as much as I want to, I can never afford to do that!" He retorted through gritted teeth, his eyes trembling. "...I can't."

I felt an oncoming headache as I tried to take in and make some sense out of this bastard's words.

Who the heck is really the fool here right now? It is common sense and the most natural thing to do to avoid the person you despise! So, why is he so damn persistent on seeing me?! What does he get from being like this?

Argh. This bastard is really hurting my damn brain! It seems like I will end up not going anywhere if I keep this conversation up with this bastard. I averted my gaze away from the crown prince with furrowed brows, only to stop midway.


My eyes darted back to the crown prince before returning to the first prince. To say I was confused is an understatement, I am completely clueless about the scene in front of me right now.

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