𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ➳ First prince?

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After successfully negotiating with the king, the two men started talking about the affairs of the kingdom. I sat still on my seat, munching on the treats in front of me while listening intently. Who knows, I might be able to gather some important information.

My ears perked up when they suddenly spoke in hushed voices. I leaned in closer, careful not to be caught. "Have you found it?"

"Not yet. I found nothing at the last place you told me to." The King's expression turned ugly, tapping his fingers on the table in a fast rhythm. "We have to find it fast," He mumbled in an urgent voice.

Father's lips tugged downwards as he drew his brows together, forming creases in between. "Why are you so hasty in finding it? Is it really that important? When will you tell me about it?"

The King's aura turned chilly as he glared at my father. Goosebumps travelled through my skin as I felt the tension in the air grew thicker. Judging by the king's reaction, it must've been very important to the point that he won't even tell father what it is. It's really making me curious...

Father sent him a glare of his own, refusing to back down. I watched the both of them engaging in a glaring contest, the atmosphere getting heavier and colder. Should I intervene? I want to eat in peace.

I hope my head won't fly for this. I took a deep breath before putting on my sweetest smile. "Pops, Dad, these donuts are so delicious. You should have some!"

I grabbed two donuts and shoved it to their lips. The two of them snapped out of their own world as they shifted their gazes on me. They glanced at each other before accepting and munching on the donut. A wave of relief washed over me as the tension slowly dissipated between them.

Silence washed over us, silently munching on the donut in our hands. Father was the first one to break it, letting out a defeated sigh. "If you weren't my close friend, I would have punched you in the face right now."

"So you would punch me, even if I'm your king, if I wasn't your friend?" The king asked, a look of incredulity painting his face. Father nodded with no hesitation, making the king burst into laughter. "You could lose your head if you do that, you know."

A smirk made its way on father's lips. "I'd love to see you try." I let out a small sigh. I don't know if I should be proud or nervous. The king laughed louder, the earlier tense atmosphere completely dissipating.

"I don't know what you're planning, but I'll trust you since you're my friend. I hope you'll tell me soon. I won't be able to help you to the best of my abilities if I don't even know what it is for."

The king let out a grateful smile. The two of them started talking about the affairs again, completely forgetting their earlier exchange. I was lost in my own world as I kept on thinking about their earlier exchange. My instincts told me to dig deeper, but a part of me warned me not to pry further.

A tinge of uneasiness bloomed in my heart, mind thrown in chaos. A lot of questions ran through my mind. I couldn't ignore the possibility that it might be one of the causes. A sigh escaped my lips. I guess I'll just ask father about it later.

"Greetings to the Sun of Echeveria Kingdom." A voice sounded behind me, catching the attention of both men. A broad smile made its way on the king's lips. "Deltix! What brings you here?"

My body went stiff as colorful words flew through my mind. Shit. Please don't let be the Deltix I know. Damn it! I don't want to meet him!

"I heard that your majesty was in the garden and I happened to be nearby so I decided to pay my respects, but I didn't know you had guests today. I apologize for the sudden interruption."

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