𝓢𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 ➳ I guess Aphrodite kept her promise

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It has been 3 days since the crown prince's last visit. During those days of tranquility, I gathered intel as much as I can regarding the unlucky lady that the crown prince fancied without being inconspicious.

From what I have gathered from my somewhat reliable sources—the servants—it seemed like there was another young lady from a high-ranking house that had been appointed as the crown prince's playmate aside from me.

There's a high possibility that it's that girl... A grin filled with malice appeared on my face. Now, I just need to know who she is!

A frown formed on my lips. Haa...if I had use our information guild to look into it, I would probably have all of the information I needed within a few hours. Unfortunately, I could not do that without a few interferences...

I let out a sigh. As much as I am tempted to do it, I could not risk being interrogated by my father. It would be too exhausting to think of a valid excuse that guaranteed no further probing.

If I had done it, Father would probably never let me use the guild unless I tell him what I am planning to do with the information I will obtain, or the guild would probably report all of it to Father without leaving anything.

Either of those two would lead me to spill everything to Father which might cause unnecessary misunderstandings, all the more so since he still believed that I am head over heels for that damn prince. If word gets out that I'm still head over heels for him, that bastard's ego would inflate and would probably mock me and rub it on my face as much as possible. Yep. I must absolutely not let that fucking happen.

"Good morning, miss."

"What the fuck—" I jumped out of my seat as I sent a glare to the perpetrator. "Sia, since when have you been standing there?!" I exclaimed, patting my chest to calm down my erratic heart. She tilted her head a little to the side and glanced upwards before flashing me a small smile. "Probably a little while now."

"What? You should have called me! I almost had a heart attack thanks to a certain someone." I rolled my eyes heavenwards. A light laugh escaped her lips. "I did a couple of times already, miss, but you were too immersed in your thoughts to hear me."

"Ah, sorry, I've been thinking about a lot of things. Anyway, what brings you here?" She brought out a document and handed it over to me. "Everything that you wanted to know is written here, miss."

My eyes shot up as I accepted the document and opened it. A list of the servants' names and their information greeted me as I skimmed through it. "That was fast. Did you do this with extra precaution?"

"Please be at ease, miss. I did it without letting a single soul know." I nodded my head and smiled in gratitude. "Thank you, Sia. But aren't you curious as to the reason why I asked you to do this?"

She closed her eyes and let out a warm smile. "It would be a lie if I said I am not curious, but if you don't want me to know, then I won't probe any further. I trust you, miss, and I know you won't do something without a reason."

Warmth filled my heart as I beamed brightly at her, eyes forming crescent moons. "Thank you, Sia. I'll tell you all of it once I finally make sure of everything."

"Then, I'll wait with patience, miss."

We smiled at each other for a while before clapping my hands to get back to work. "Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Did you find any suspicious individuals among them?"

"There was some individuals who were doing something unusual, but not enough to garner suspicion." I nodded, carefully reading the information entailed in the document. Hmm...am I being too cautious? Perhaps, there really aren't any? Or...are they just really good at their jobs?

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