𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓿𝓮 ➳ I don't want it! Please take it back!

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As soon as I returned to the ballroom, my parents bombarded me with questions in regards to my sudden disappearance. I flashed them a sheepish smile as I tell them the truth, minus the little event with Ageon.

They accepted it without further inquiries and proceeded to introduce me to the newly arrived noblemen. The party soon ended on a happy note, an hour before midnight. We saw the guests off one by one—the royal family being the first one to leave.

The crown prince, Derrin, gave me one of his charming smiles as he greeted me once again and bade farewell. I would've believed it to be genuine if not for the slight annoyed glint that flashed through his eyes for a moment.

I barely managed to resist the urge to roll my eyes. I reflected his smile, bidding him my thanks and farewell as well. We curtseyed before the royal family as the servants assisted them in getting inside the carriage.

Soon after, the other nobles followed suit and left the estate. We retired to our respective rooms after seeing off all of the guests. I quickly entered my room, to be greeted by Celsia who was patiently waiting for my return. I plopped down on the fluffy queen-sized bed, exhaustion taking up all over my body.

"Miss, you have to wash up and change into your nightgown before sleeping. Please stand up and follow me to the bathroom." She teared me away from the comfort of my bed as I let out an audible groan, which earned a chuckle from her. "Don't worry, miss. I'll be quick."

She dragged me towards the bathtub, stripping me out of my clothes before washing me up. My eyes were still half-closed, too exhausted to fully open it. She hastily dried me up with a towel and helped me change into my nightgown. She would occasionally catch me as I dozed off.

She heaved out a sigh, wiping the sweat forming on her forehead. "All done, miss. You can-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I raced towards the bed and crashed down face first, feeling my consciousness starting to slip out. A chuckle could be heard in the room. "Goodnight, miss. Sleep well."

I moved my face away from the pillow and mumbled a low goodnight before finally succumbing to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to a warm feeling hitting the side of my face. I groaned and fluttered my eyes open before quickly covering them with my hand when a bright light filled my sight.

Ugh. Who opened the damn curtains again?

"Good morning, miss." I sat up from my bed and turned my head to the source of the voice. I let out a warm smile. "Good morning, Sia. What time is it?"

She handed me a glass of water, which I gulped down in one go before returning it back to her. "It's a little over 12 in the afternoon. Do you want me to deliver your lunch here, miss?" I jolted up from my bed as my eyes widened in horror. "I'm late for my lessons! Why didn't you wake me up sooner, Sia?"

She grabbed both of my shoulders with a smile and gently pushed me to sit back down on the bed. "I received orders from His Grace on not to disturb you in your rest. His Grace had also freed up your schedule for the week."

I let out a relieved sigh. "I see. Then, please have someone to bring my lunch over, Sia." She bowed her head and pulled on a rope beside my bed. I'll have to visit my father and give him my thanks later. Ah, right! I need to talk to father about 'that' too.

Not long after, a servant came in with a tray filled with mouth-watering dishes. I heard my stomach grumble as he slowly placed the dishes one by one in front of me. But before that, I'll have to dig in and energize myself first!

I happily munched on the grilled lamb skewer, letting out a satisfied hum from time to time. Our chefs really outdid theirselves again! This is heavenly! I ate my meal with gusto, wiping the plates clean.

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