𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 ➳ I will be the richest master archer!

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6 months. I went through a rigorous training for 6 months and now I could finally start my real training. It was finally the day where all of my hard work would be paid off.

I hopped off the bed and started changing to my training clothes. I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection. I could clearly saw the result of my training.

My skin which was pale before turned to a healthier color. I could now sleep a lot better during the night time and became more active during the day. My body also felt lighter than before. I could now run 5 laps around the training grounds without breathing difficulties.

A proud grin made its way on my lips. You did great, Amarizi! You finally managed to turn this hell into paradise! A knock sounded out on the door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." Upon my permission, Celsia entered the room with a silver tray on her hand. She walked towards the table near the couches and placed the silver tray on top of it. "I see. You're up early again, miss. I brought your breakfast."

"Thank you, Sia. What's the breakfast for today?"

"Why don't you see it for yourself, miss? It's your favorite."

My ears perked up at her words as I hastily made my way towards the table and slowly lifted the lid. My eyes gleamed brightly when I saw the food inside the silver tray.

Marinated lamb chops placed on top of white rice. I discreetly ran a hand through my mouth to check any drool leaking out. Two of my loves in one plate. I feel like I could cry a river right now.

It had been a long time since I got a taste of rice. Since my previous life, I had always been a fan of rice. I could never go on a day without eating rice in at least one meal. So when my parents asked me what I want as a reward after my training, I didn't hesitate to tell them about my desire to eat rice.

At first, my parents were skeptical about my request. They would repeatedly ask me if I was really sure about my request and I would answer them with the same reply consistently. I understood their skepticism as rice in this world was considered as commoners' food.

Rice was really abundant in this world, so it was really cheap that even the poor commoners could afford it. That's why the nobles, who had a huge love for extravagancies and luxuries, labeled it as commoners' food and mocked the other nobles who dared to eat such "poor" food.

Those ignorant fools don't know the joy and supremacy of eating rice! Rice is the ultimate food that you can pair with almost anything!

After continuous persuasion and pleading, my parents finally agreed to my request and asked the servants to buy a sack of rice. Hell yeah! And that victory led to now.

After almost a year of not being able to eat rice, I could finally get a taste of it again. All my hardships and struggles were all worth it! I scooped a spoonful of rice with slightly quivering hands and placed it inside my mouth.

A stray tear fell on my cheeks as I ate my meal with gusto. Celsia rushed to my side and spoke in a hurried tone. "Miss, what's wrong? Is the meal not to your liking?"

I shook my head and smiled, my eyes curving slightly. "It's delicious, really delicious! Please send my thanks and praises to the chef. He made another masterpiece."

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