Episode 15: the anniversary

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Happy new year my lovely children <3

Yes I'm back from the dead too bring you another episode of jemima being a baddie

I hope you all have a fantastic 2021 <333333

Heres jems outfit (:

I got out of the car and jogged silently over too the water hose sitting on the floor

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I got out of the car and jogged silently over too the water hose sitting on the floor

Adam was already unlocking the door so I tried too get Jonny instead

"Oh pissface."
I sung as I pretended too splash him in the face

"NO!" He screeched

I cackled and put it back

"Pussy." I laughed

"Bye shitface!" He laughed as he was about too close the door but I ran over and fought my way in

"Knob." I spat

"Bitch." He spat back

"Shut up." Adam said too us

"Shut up." We both mocked him at the same time then grinned at eachother

I hit his arm and laughed as he winced and grabbed it for the tenth time this week

"Again? What's the matter with you?" I asked

Every time I hit his arm this week he's been acting like I just stabbed him

And one time I pushed him off the sofa and he landed on it and he literally went in the bathroom too cry

"Nothing." He shrugged as Adam gave him a weird look

I went too punch him again but he held out his fist ready

"Dont." He warned

I scoffed and Adam shrugged as we kept walking

"Hello?" Adam shouted

"Happy anniversary!" Jonny said

"Where are they?" I asked, poking my head into an empty kitchen

"Double suicide?" Jonny offered

"Fingers crossed."
I grinned

We heard a familiar giggle from
Upstairs and looked up

"Mum?" I asked

We walked up the stairs confused when they're bed room
Door opened

I didn't have much time too look Becuase jonnys hands slapped over my eyes, the anniversary flowers smacking me in the face at the same time

"Huh?" I asked

I heard dads voice and a "oh! What are you three bleeding idiots doing here?"

"Uhh it's Friday night?" Adam said

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