Episode 4: The fox

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Before we get started I just want to thank everyone for the love on this story! This was my first story so I'm kinda maybe freaking out. I also somehow got #992 something on the #siblings very high but THAT SHITS CRAZYYY. So yeah I love you all and I'm kinda getting writing block so please comment some ideas! (:

Jonny and Adam shut the car door and was about to lock it when they both looked back to me snoring my head of in the back seat. "She fell asleep again?" Jonny said, fed up. "I thought she had insomnia?" Adam asked (TW Sorry all ) "yeah well she went to three party's in a row and she said that she didn't sleep through all of them so she apparently hallucinated and her best friend who was making out with someone turned into jim and wilson." Jonny said. Adam made a face as they opened the door. "Three two one." Adam said. "SHITFACE." They both screamed. It did nothing except make me rub my nose. They looked at eachother. "No, I carried her into the car." Adam said. "Alright fine!" Jonny said, dragging my limp body out of the car and dropping me on the floor. I stayed still. "Are you sure she's not dead?" Adam asked. I groaned and rolled. "Nope sadly not." Jonny said, taking my wrist and dragging me across the floor. Adam rung the doorbell and a shocked mom looked at me. "Is she alright?" She asked. "Teenager party's. Three in a row. Oh and don't look at her nose. You won't like it." Adam said. Mom came over to me and gasped as she saw the silver nose ring, still blood stains around it. "She did that herself?" Mom asked. "No her friends mum was a professional" Adam said. "Oh thank god." Mum replied, picking me up. "A very drunk professional." Jonny added as we went inside. "What abour you Jonny? You look deppressed." Mum said, dropping me on the couch as I started snoring. "Oh you know...having to look after her." Jonny said. "Uhh she's been at three party's in a row and asleep the whole time." Adam said. "Hello bambino's, bambina- oh is she dead? Oh praise the lord." Dad said, laughing his head off then suddenly stopping and squinting his eyes at me. "Is that a shitting nose ring?!" He boomed, causing me to wake up suddenly. The boys got on their knees and started praying to dad. "Behold. He has done the impossible." Adam said. They laughed and got up. "Alright shitface?" Adam asked, leaning infront of me. "Boop." I said, laughing as I touched his nose. "Umm are you still drunk?" Adam asked. "She got drunk?" Mom said, angrily. "Obviously. A bunch of 13 year olds in a dodgy house of course" Adam said. "Mum?" I asked. "Yes sweetie?" She forced herself to say. "My nose hurts- I THINK SOMEONE STABBED ME." I said, feeling my nose ring. "Anddddd go to sleep!" Jonny said. I closed my eyes and nodded, falling back on the couch. "Used that trick all day."

We were in the kitchen, me following the boys around, unaware of everything, eyes half open. They were bringing the profiteroles into the outside freezer when they fought with dad and dropped them everywhere as there was a dead fox in there. Whilst they were arguing I was nodding off, leaning against Jonny until I was about to fall and adam caught me, holding my shoulders in place. Mom came in and shouted at everyone, me snoring.
They eventually had to hide the fox in the dining room behind one of the chairs. We were sitting down and the boys were teasing dad. "Dad? Doesn't mom look very foxy tonight?" Jonny asked him. There was silence until he nodded. "Very foxy...." he said. There was more silence until my face fell into my food. "Oh seriously?! Martin help her out or she will drown in the soup!" Jackie said. He. Shrugged and laughed and waited a second. "So no ones gonna help her out?" Jonny asked. Dad lifted my head up. "See she's fine." He dropped it back down again. "Umm dad I don't think she is. Is she breathing?" Adam asked. "What?!" Mom asked. Jonny got over to me and wiped the soup off my face. He snapped me 20 times. "Shitface. SHITFACE?" He asked. Everyone looked shocked. "ACHOO." Dad said. I woke up, gasping. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Huh?" I asked. Jonny moved the soup away from me and we finished dinner when Jim came to the window and saw the fox, dad had to make up an excuse and in the end settled that Jim was on drugs. Mom thought it would be a good idea to do her counselling on him. She tried that earlier. I think I remember her trying on all of us. "Ohh what about jem?" She said, begging. "Only if you can get her awake." Jonny said. "Yes only if you can keep her awake." Adam added. Something like that.

Once again I got dragged into a family mission. We were outside and dad tried to smash auntie vals car. Which it wasn't. I found this all very amusing. Val caught us and started having a go at him, his excuse was stupid like always "I thought there was a wasp." And so I fell asleep, leaning on Adam again. We ended up going to this persons house. We were borrowing a bike or something?? We were at the door and a Man in a wheelchair answered. For the first time all day I made a confused facial expression and looked up to Jonny and mouthed. "A bike?" Which didn't make sense but he laughed and put his arm around me so I closed my eyes again.

We were back home and dad had payed Val to keep her mouth shut. We arrived back inside "where's my surpriseeee" we heard mom say. "Shit!" Dad mouthed to her. "Umm coming darling!" He said. "Close your eyes." He added. She stood in the hallway giggling with her hands over her eyes. We all rushed into the kitchen, me being dragged around by Jonny, they eventually found a chocolate box and when we got back into the corridor we all looked down in horror to see wilson eating the fox. "Can I look now?" Mum said. We all looked up at her. "Not now." Dad said.


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