Episode 2: adams girlfriend

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I stared at my phone as I shut the car door. Jonny dragging me by my wrist and into the house. "Shhh." He said. "Mhm." I answered, still tapping away at my phone. He hid a plastic bag under the stairs and closed the cupboard, just as dad walked past with a bowl of ketchup. "OH! You shitting pillok! Scared the balls off me!" Dad said, covered in ketchup . Jonny laughed and we went into the kitchen where mom was "oh hi Jonny boo! Jem jemmm." She said giving us kisses, whilst I looked at my phone. "Get your head out of the bloody phone! They will be here soon!." She said. I sighed and. Put my phone in my jeans pocket. "Who's here soon?" I asked. "Adam and his girlfriend." Jonny said, grinning. "Oh yeahhh. This is gonna be fun." I said, tilting my head and frowning at dad. "And why may I ask are you covered in tomato blood?" "Your shitting idiot of a brother spilt it on me." He said, taking a spoon and eating the ketchup from his stomach, I gagged. "Uhh correction you spilt it on yourself. I just did the good deed of scaring the shit out of you." Jonny said as we fist bumped. The doorbell rang and we grinned at eachother. "Oh my god. They're here early. Right Martin she's not seeing you like that. Get outside." She said, pushing an annoyed dad out the side door. The doorbell rang again. "Comingggg!" She said, now at the door as me and Jonny ran over, fighting eachother too try and get there first. As soon as the door opened we stood still and smiled. Adams face fell when he saw us. "Alright pussface-" I started. "Shitface, pissface." Emma said. I frowned as they walked past and me and Jonny looked at eachother. "That's our joke." I mumbled as I followed them into the living room. Jonny sitting on top of Adam then me on top of Jonny. He pushed me off and I went back on my phone. He nudged me, ignored. He punched me this time. "Ow what the fu-" I started but he widened his eyes at me. "I think my phone just electrocuted me, HA." I lied, having a voice crack on the last word. "What?" Mom said, getting up. "Right that's it no phone until you go home." She said, snatching it out of my hand. "What- fine..I'll be right back." I said, getting up and sneaking over to the cupboard under the stairs, taking the bag out and bringing it up to Adams old room. I stuck all the posters of naked women all over his wall then went back downstairs. Sitting on top of Jonny. He pushed me off again and secretly slid a tenner into my hand, which I put in my pocket. "Lovely doing business with you." I mumbled. "Like always." He mumbled back. "What?" Emma said. "Oh we were just saying your going to have to see some baby photos of Adam!" I said. "Yes they're all adorable!" Jonny said. "Even the naked ones- too cute!" I said. "And his tiny penis!" Jonny added. "Still the same size today!" I finished as we fist bumped "uhh skill McGuill." I said in a funny voice and bowed. "Ha ha very funny" Adam said, un amused.

We were all sitting at the table, Emma in jonnys usual space so Jonny was opposite me, who was sitting next to dad. We were eating and talking about awkward things, well what ever dad would bring up in a conversation. Basically anything. Suddenly the doorbell rang and us three all jumped up. "I'll get it!" We said at the same time. "Oh sit down! Don't they know It's Friday night." Mum said walking over to the door. I put a potato in my mouth and mom came back in with a little girl. Oh not her. She's so annoying. She used to come over to our house all the time. "Everyone...this is katie. Her mom had an emergency so she's having dinner with us!" Mom said. I rolled my eyes very visibly. "I saw that." She said, crossing her arms. "Really? Can you see this too?" I asked, putting my middle finger up at her. "OKAYY, jemima do you mind moving next to Jonny so katie can have your seat?" Mom said, waving my phone around. "Of course mother. I'll be happy to sit in the garden if you would like." I said, dumping my plate down next to Jonny. I put salt in my own drink and Adam frowned at me. "That's your own glass- ohhh smart ass." I grinned. "Careful Jonny, the veggies are a bit dry and getting stuck in your throat, thank god we have water." I said. "Waittt a minute. You can't do the double bluff on me. Which means it's in my glass...or is it in your glass becuase your trying to triple fool me!" He said. I gave him a "really?" Look and he swapped our glasses, made a face and me, took a gulp and spat it back out. "You little shit." He said. "Ha ha 3-2 !" I said, high fiving Adam behind Jonnys chair as he hit me. I hit him back harder. "Umm Adam you remember katie? Used to baby sit her when she was younger." Mom said. "Oh hi katie." Adam awkwardly said. "Your very handsome, can I be your girlfriend?" She asked. Jonny and I smiled at eachother. "Umm no sorry this is my girlfriend."he said as Emma smiled awkwardly. "But she's ugly." I spat out my drink and disguised my laugh as a cough. "Oh my god are you alright." Jonny asked, turning away from every one to "comfort" me as we both silently laughed. I nodded and we brought ourselfs back together.

Dinner was a bit awkward now and suddenly Adam got a text. His eyes widened "everything alright?" Emma asked. "Yeah just...work." He said. "Umm shitface? Can I have a word?" He asked. I followed him into the kitchen. "Yeah what?" I asked. He showed me his phone, to which I squinted my eyes. "First of all ew why are you showing me someone's nudes and second of all you have a girlfriend-" I started. "No! That's her sister! I've never talked to her in my life!" Adam said. Looking at the phone. I wheezed. "Oh shit! Well what do you want me to do about it I've never sent nudes!?" I said. "You've sent nudes!?" Adam said, his eyes shooting up from his phone. "No-" I started but Jonny walked in. "What's going on?"
He asked. "Our little sister has sent nudes!" Adam said, pointing at me. "What? Right your never allowed to do that again you hear me?" He asked, coming over to hit me. "AHHH! I said I didn't!" Backing away from him. "Emma's sister just sent adam bikini piks." I said. "Nope the bikinis gone." Adam said. We all looked and Jonny covered my eyes and looked at adam and mouthed. "Can you send me that?" To which he earned a hit. "Everything alright?" Emma Asked, coming in. "Um yeah we're just taking about football." Adam said. "I thought you hated football?" Emma said. "Yeah we're talking about how shit it is." Jonny said. Adam nodded. "Ok well why are your hands over her eyes." She asked, pointing to me. "Someone was getting really violent on football." Adam said waving his phone. "Right." She said, unconvinced. "Your mom wants you back in." She said, walking out. I pushed jonnys hands off my face. "So what are you gonna do? Your gonna have to tell her." I said. "Hi babe here's some naked pictures of your sister, you can dump me now!" Jonny said, acting it out. Adam
Groaned. "Your right..." Mom called us and we went back into the dining room.
Katie kept trying to hold Adams hand and play on his phone. I laughed and Adam hit my ear "OW." I said, clutching my ear. Adam looked at me shocked. I let go and he hit my ear again. "OW STOP." I said. He just hit my arm which I had no reaction too. Jonny looked scared. He pulled my hair away from my ears. "No no no-"
Jonny said. It revealed two piercings in each of my ears. Jonny covered my ears again. "You got her ears pierced?" Mum said angrily. "No it was my idea he just payed for it." I said. "Twice?!! What next your cartallidge!!" Mom said. I shrugged. "Maybe?" I said. "Martin, have you seen your daughter?" Mum said, dad looked up clueless. "Yes hello daughter." Je said. "Hello father." I said.
The night went on and Jonny and I found it very amusing. That annoying kid found out about the nudes and made Adam pretend to be her girlfriend the whole time. Which REALLY pissed Emma off. Suddenly Emma was about to storm out becuase of katie and Adam slipped and hit his head. I jumped and fell into Jonny who gasped. Mom was helping him and me and Jonny were staring. Unaware of what to do. "I need my inhaler." Je said. "You didn't bring it." Jonny said. "There's one in my old room."' he said. "I'll get it." Emma said, running upstairs. I hit Jonny. He realised and we both ran upstairs to look at Emma's horrified face. "He....just..really....liked tits.?" I said. He took the Inhaler and awkwardly handed it to a confused Adam. He look at us and we made a face "oops." Sorta face: his phone pinged again. "Right what is this all about." She said, snatching it and looking. Adam looked horrified. "Right. Goodbye Adam." She said, walking out the door and slamming it, leaning us in silence. "Eh didn't like her anyways. Is there any left over crumble?" I asked.


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